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研究生(外文):Hung-Ying Ju
論文名稱(外文):Effects of the organization characteristic and new product development processes on performance of new product development — A study of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Lung Far
外文關鍵詞:new product development processorganization characteristicperformance of new product development
  • 被引用被引用:35
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1. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程之關係。
2. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。
3. 探討中科院的組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。
1. 新產品發展過程中,不管是組織鼓勵、主管支持或是充裕的資源皆有助於提高員工的創造力;組織鼓勵與主管支持與激勵員工內在的動機有較大的關連,但是充裕的資源對員工創造力的提升可能會帶來最直接的立即效果。
2. 由研究的個案資料中發現,中科院在新產品發展過程中的阻礙有兩項因素:(1)產品生命週期較長,故不需要不斷的創新或發展新的產品;(2)因為有特定市場及需求顧客,所以沒有去注重行銷計畫。
High-tech industry itself possesses high risks, combined with fast fluctuation, short product life cycles. High-tech enterprises thus have to own the flexibility to deal with such situation and enable to survival in the most competitive environment.
In the light of increasingly important Research & Development activities and more competitive new products on the market, industries in Taiwan have all require being committed to activities for developing new products. Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, an eminent institution developing national defensive weapons, deserves to be explored in its performances of new products development.
This research explores the effects of organization characteristic and new product development process on the performance of new product development, and takes large-sized weapon system of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology as the research object; the research is carried out in the way of the case study, conducting in-depth interviews in structure. The research uses four variables in the organization characteristic, such as encouragements for creativity, supervisor’s support, resources and time pressure; the new product development process contains five stages, which are product creativity, product concept, product prototype, final product and marketing plan; New product development performances to be explored in their influences include financial performance, market performance, window of opportunity as the framework of the research.
The purpose of the research focuses on the following three points:
1. It explores the relations between organization characteristic and new product development process.
2. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products,
3. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products in Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology
Important findings:
1. On the process of developing new products, either organizational encouragements or superiors’ supports or ample resources have been beneficial to the increase of employees’ creativity; organizational encouragements, superiors’ supports and employee stimulation have greater links with employees’ inner motive; however, ample resources may bring direct effect on employees’ creativity.
2. Case study reveals that there are two hindrance factors on the process of developing new products at Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology: (1) the product life cycle is longer, so it required less continuing innovation nor new product developments; (2) it has certain markets and fixed customers, so marketing strategies have not been particularly emphasized.
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------1
   第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------------1
   第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究範圍------------------------------------------------------5
第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------7
   第一節 組織特性------------------------------------------------------7
1-1 組織特性與創新之關係-------------------------------9
   第二節 新產品發展過程--------------------------------------------14
2-1 創新的定義---------------------------------------------15
2-2 創新的類型---------------------------------------------16
    2-3 新產品之定義與分類---------------------------------20
  2-4 新產品發展過程---------------------------------------25
第三節 新產品開發績效--------------------------------------------35
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------43
   第一節 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------45
   第二節 研究架構-----------------------------------------------------46
   第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------------47
   第四節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------------47
第五節 訪談問卷設計-----------------------------------------------47
第四章 個案研究--------------------------------------------------------------50
   第一節 研究對象-----------------------------------------------------50
   第二節 訪談內容彙整及分析--------------------------------------51
第五章 研究發現與命題-----------------------------------------------------59
第六章 修正研究架構與管理意涵-----------------------------------------62
   第一節 修正研究架構-----------------------------------------------62
   第二節 管理意涵-----------------------------------------------------62
第七章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------64
第一節 結論-----------------------------------------------------------64
第二節 研究建議-----------------------------------------------------65
附錄一 個案研究及其種類--------------------------------------------------70
第一節 個案研究及其特徵-----------------------------------------70
第二節 個案研究的種類--------------------------------------------70
第二節 個案研究的實施步驟--------------------------------------71
附錄二 訪談問卷--------------------------------------------------------------74
附錄三 問卷訪談之完整內容-----------------------------------------------80
圖 目 錄
圖1-4-1  研究流程圖---------------------------------------------------------5
圖2-1-1  組織創新能力及創新組成理論---------------------------------8
圖2-2-1  創新架構------------------------------------------------------------19
圖2-2-2  實用創新矩陣------------------------------------------------------20
圖2-3-1  新產品的種類------------------------------------------------------21
圖2-4-1  部門階段模式------------------------------------------------------28
圖2-4-2  新產品發展過程---------------------------------------------------31
圖3-2-1  本研究之觀念性架構圖------------------------------------------46
圖6-1-1 修改後觀念性架構圖---------------------------------------------63
表 目 錄
表2-2-1 創新能力的組織影響因素--------------------------------------7
表2-2-2 創新之分類--------------------------------------------------------16
表2-3-1 各學者對新產品發展類型之分類-----------------------------24
表2-3-2 各學者對新產品開發績效衡量的構面與指標--------------41
表3-5-1 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48
表3-5-2 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48
表4-1-1 受訪者背景資料表-----------------------------------------------50
表4-2-1 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/1.【支持創新文化】之統計-------------------------------------------------------51
表4-2-2 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/2.【組織獎酬】之統計-------------------------------------------------------------52
表4-2-3 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/3.【承擔風險的意願】之統計----------------------------------------------------52
表4-2-4 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(二)、主管支持/1.【支持的程度】之統計-------------------------------------------------------53
表4-2-5 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(三)、資源/1.【資源充足性】之統計----------------------------------------------------------------54
表4-2-6 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(四)、時間壓力/1.【工作時間】之統計------------------------------------------------------------54
表4-2-7 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(一)、產品創意之統計 ---------------------------------------------------------------------55
表4-2-8 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(二)、產品概念之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------55
表4-2-9 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(三)、產品雛型之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------56
表4-2-10 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(四)、最終產品之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57
表4-2-11 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(五)、行銷計畫之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57
表4-2-12 訪談問卷參、新產品開發績效之統計----------------------58
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