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研究生(外文):Min-Hwa Chen
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Optimization of Spiral Fan
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsiung Twu
外文關鍵詞:Spiral FanDesign and Analysis of Optimization
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In this thesis, we propose the design and analysis of optimization of spiral fan to reduce the loss by the fan’s pressure. As we known the efficiency and noise of a spiral fan are closely related to its pressure loss. To reach our goal, the Taguchi method is used to set up the standard values of parameter to overcome the problems in industrial windward fan design.
At first, the L36 algorithm of Taguchi method is adopted as our spiral design theory. By L36 algorithm, we choose nine parameters as the experimental control factors from all parameters of the spiral.This step is performed through many times of iteration of parameter selection .
Besides,based on the above step, we try to promote the presure increment of each blade selection of the spiral fan to get the maximum spiral volume flowing rate. The method we used in the design procedure is to adjust the spiral outlet absolute axial speed and spiral outlet absolute Taguchi speed repetitively by varying the control factors until the optimum solution is found.
Finally, the stability and sensitivity analysis of our design of system are studied and fed back to the previous steps to obtain a practical system with optimum design.
The contributions of our research are as follows:
(1) Build up the spiral performance database to provide the practical
Reference for designer to avoid the nonsense efforts by trail-and-error.
(2) Find out the control factors of optimal performance of spiral
design spiral to upgrade volume flowing rate by 10%.
It is believed that the results of our study in this thesis will be much
helpful to future research in the areas of the applications of spiral
Abstract ………………………………….……………………………... I
List of Figures ………………………………………………….....….. III
List of Tables …………………….………………………………........ IV

Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………….…….1
1.1 Research Motivations………………………………….……1
1.2 Reseach Contributions…..…………………….….………..3
1.3 Organization of This Thesis………………………………..6

Chapter 2 Background and Previous Works…………………….7
2.1 Basic Fan Theory……….…………………………………7
2.2 Basic Fan Design…………………………………………10
2.3 Specification of Spiral Fan Design………..……….……14

Chapter 3 Design and Analysis of Optimization of Spiral Fan..21
3.1 Research Procedures…………………..……………………21
3.1.1 Ideal Function………….…………………………..22
3.1.2 Experiment Plan……………………………………24
3.1.3 Codification and Test Data….…...…….……….…26
3.2 Design Procedures………………………………………35
3.2.1 Selecting The Control Factors by L36 Algorithm ...36
3.2.2 The Law of The Fan Designs to finding Optimum
3.2.3 Stability and Sensitivity Analysis for Contribution
of the Control Factors……………………..……43
3.3 Analysis and Experimental Results…………………….45
3.3.1 Setting The Performance Database of Spiral Fan…45
3.3.2 Promotion of The optimal Performance of Spiral Fan

Chapter 4 Conclusions and Further Research…………………51

List of Figures

Fig. 2.1: flow chart showed the spiral fan design procedure…….…...10
Fig. 2.2: Content of Taguchi Quality Engineering …………………….20
Fig. 3.1: Performance Curves of Spiral Fans …..………………….…...23
Fig. 3.2: Optimal Function of Spiral Fans ……………………...............23
Fig. 3.3: The fan ratio is devised corresponding sampling of 190:332....23
Fig. 3.4: Control Factors and Reception S/N ratios….….……………..34
Fig. 3.5: Control Factors and Reception Sensitivity ………………….34
Fig. 3.6: To use outlet absolute tangential speedC2u speed triangle to simplify outlet and inlet angles of blades…………………..37
Fig. 3.7: Comparison of fan’s performances before and after the value reduction was conducted in order to determine the effects of such reduction……………………………………………40
Fig. 3.8: Assessments and development of spiral fans IN computer
Fig. 3.9: Designers allows to make proper determinations and
Fig. 3.10: Pressure vs. wind quantity of curves……………..…………48
Fig. 3.11: Efficiency vs. wind quantity of curves………………………48
Fig.3.12: The optimize control factor pressure vs. wind quantity of curves………………………………..…….………..……...50
Fig.3.13: The optimized performance of spiral fan curves…………...50

List of Table

Table 3-1: Levels of error factors …….….……………………...……25
Table 3-2: Levels of Control Factors…………..……………………...26
Table 3-3: Codification of L18 Orthogonal Arrays and Test Results …27
Table 3-4: Control Factors and Corresponding S/N ratios …..……….31
Table 3-5: Control Factors and Corresponding Sensitivity….….……..32
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