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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Shu
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Antibacterial Activity and Skin Whitening Efficacy of Chinese Herb Extracts
指導教授(外文):Shang-Ming LinChing-Sung Weng
中文關鍵詞:CIE L*a*b*色彩系統抗菌萃取中藥美白分光光度儀
外文關鍵詞:skin whiteningspectrophotometerChinese herbantibacterial activityCIE L*a*b* colour systemextract
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中藥萃取物往往是數種成分的混合物,常會因產地、品種、萃取方式等不同而導致萃出之成分亦不同,且中藥與酪胺酸抑制作用之機制至今仍不明確,有待進一步研究。因此,本實驗選擇8種於文獻記載指出具美白作用之中草藥,經由水、甲醇、95 %乙醇、70 %乙醇等溶媒萃取後進行FT-IR、UV/VIS等成分分析;並探討中藥萃取液之安全性、抗菌活性和皮膚美白效果,及用於敷布材之水份釋放特性評估;而本實驗擬以CIE L*a*b*色彩系統之分光光度儀計進行中藥萃取液實際應用於人體皮膚之美白效果評估,將其分析結果定性及定量化,以作為日後進行中藥用於皮膚美白之研究依據與基礎。
實驗結果顯示,整體中藥萃取結果而言,萃取溶媒以70 %乙醇為最佳。而中藥萃取物之抗菌定性試驗結果顯示,在原藥材部份之白芍、白附子、蘆根對革蘭氏陰性菌(大腸桿菌、綠膿桿菌)及革蘭氏陽性菌(金黃色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌)均無抗菌效果,但其它中藥材均有其抗菌效果。而針對不同溶媒萃取之中藥萃取物之抗菌定量試驗結果顯示,在抗菌定性試驗上無抗菌效果之中藥材在經適當溶媒萃取後,反而可使大部份中藥萃取物具有抗菌效果。白芷之乙醇溶媒萃取液有極佳的抗菌效果。另外,水溶媒萃取液之抗菌效果均較其他溶媒差。各種中藥萃取液對白兔皮膚和眼睛刺激性試驗中顯示,僅有少數具有輕微刺激性。
70 %乙醇之中藥萃取液於人體皮膚美白試驗結果顯示,受測者在經8種中藥萃取液使用4星期後,其在整體和個別上之膚色L*均有不同程度增加,a*則下降,顯示8種中藥萃取液均具有皮膚美白之功效;8種中藥萃取液對皮膚變白之功效依大至小排列依序為白朮、白芷、當歸、桔梗、白芍、白附子、蘆根及川芎。含中藥不織布之水分釋放速率與膚色變白(ΔL*)之結果間具有相關性。另外,由FT-IR和UV/VIS圖可鑑定出含有抑制酪胺酸酶之相關官能基。
另外,含有中藥材萃取物(70 %乙醇)之不織布的抗菌結果顯示,白芷、白芍、白附子萃取物對於金黃色葡萄球菌均具有明顯之抗菌效果。而表皮葡萄球菌之試驗中,只有當歸不具有抗菌效果。
It is extremely complicated for the mechanisms of production of melanin. Previous research suggests that the tyrosinase is associated with the production of melanin. Therefore, the inhibition of tyrosinase activity will decrease the transformation to control the hyperpigmentation of skin. That is to say, the hyperpigmentation can be improved by inhibiting the oxidation of tyrosine. Current cosmetics that applied the whitening mechanisms are chemical compounds in the majority, and this study is based on the natural Chinese herb to investigate the whitening effect.
Chinese herb extracts are usually mixtures that contain many ingredients, and many factors, e.g., the place of production, variety and the type of extraction etc., will effect the composition of extract. It is indeterminate that the mechanisms that Chinese herb inhibit the tyrosine, thus the further researches still need to continue. In this study, eight Chinese herbs with whitening efficacy that recorded in the literatures are selected and extracted by the solvents (water, methanol, 95 % ethanol and 70% ethanol), and then the correlative structural analyses of the concentrated Chinese herb extracts are analyzed by the FTIR and UV spectrometers. The irritation responses, antibacterial activities, whitening efficacies and the nonwoven moisture release properties of Chinese herbs extracts are evaluated. On the investigation of whitening efficacy, we use a spectrophotometer with CIE L*a*b* colour system to investigate the whitening efficacy when apply the Chinese herb extracts to the human skin. These qualitative and quantitative analyses of suitable instruments can become the basis and foundation of researches related to Chinese herb applied to skin whitening cosmetics.
The whole extracted results of this study show that Chinese herbs extracted by 70 % ethanol solvent get higher yield than others. On the results of qualitative antibacterial assessments, Paeoniae Radix, Typhonii Rhizoma and Phragitis Rhixoma don’t indicate antibacterial activities against two gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis), but other Chinese herbs show higher antibacterial activities. On the results of quantitative antibacterial assessments of Chinese herb extracts, these Chinese herbs that don’t indicate antibacterial activities in qualitative assessments appear antibacterial activities after extracted by appropriate solvents instead. Among of them, the ethanol extracts of Angelicae Dahuricae Radix indicate optimal antibacterial activities against four bacteria. In particular, the antibacterial activities of aqueous extracts for all Chinese herbs cannot compare with other solvents ones. Almost eight Chinese herb extracts extracted by different solvents showed no skin and eye irritation response. Only minimum amount of extracts were found mild skin irritation according to Draize’s evaluation standard.
The results of skin whiteness test for 70 % ethanol extracts showed that, The L* of skin of 11 volunteers applied eight Chinese herb extracts indicates a increasing trend for four weeks, and the a* decreased. It showed that all eight Chinese herb extracts extracted by 70 % ethanol indicate skin whiteness efficacy with different level. The skin whiteness efficacy of eight Chinese herb extracts from strong to weak are Atractylodis Rhixoma, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, Angelicae Radix, Platycodi Radix, Paeoniae Radix, Typhonii Rhizoma, Phragitis Rhixoma, and Liustici Rhizoma. Moreover, we found the relativity between moisture release properties of nonwovens with Chinese herb extracts and the L* change of skin. In addition, the antibacterial results of nonwovens with Chinese herb extracts extracted by 70 % ethanol showed that, the extracts of Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, Paeoniae Radix, and Typhonii Rhizoma indicated obvious antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus. Besides, different Chinese herb extracts extracted by different solvents display various structures and maybe have relative function groups that inhibited tyrosinase activity from the FTIR and UV/VIS spectrograms.
For antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus epidermidis, only the nonwovens with Angelicae Radix extracts didn’t display the antibacterial activites.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
1-1 前言…………………………………………………………………1
1-2 研究背景與目的……………………………………………………2
1-3 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………5
1-3-1 中藥於皮膚美白之應用………………………………………6
1-3-2 中藥於抗菌之應用……………………………………………8
1-3-3 皮膚美白效果之評估…………………………………………9
第二章 理論基礎………………………………………………………12
2-1 中藥材之簡介………………………………………………………12
2-1-1 白芷……………………………………………………………12
2-1-2 白芍……………………………………………………………14
2-1-3 白朮……………………………………………………………15
2-1-4 白附子…………………………………………………………15
2-1-5 蘆根……………………………………………………………16
2-1-6 當歸……………………………………………………………17
2-1-7 川芎……………………………………………………………18
2-1-8 桔梗……………………………………………………………18
2-2 人體皮膚顏色及其評估……………………………………………20
2-2-1 皮膚的構造……………………………………………………20
2-2-2 皮膚的顏色……………………………………………………21
2-2-3 黑色素的生成…………………………………………………24
2-2-4 皮膚與黑色素…………………………………………………25
2-2-5 紫外光與防曬…………………………………………………25
2-2-6 皮膚顏色的評估………………………………………………27
2-2-6-1 色彩理論…………………………………………………27
2-2-6-2 膚色的定量評估…………………………………………30
2-3 美白的作用機制……………………………………………………33
2-4 中藥成分萃取之原理………………………………………………34
2-5 藥物透皮吸收的基本原理…………………………………………39
2-5-1 藥物通過皮膚的途徑…………………………………………40
2-5-2 影響藥物透皮吸收的因素……………………………………40
2-6 中藥的安全性………………………………………………………42
第三章 實驗設備與方法………………………………………………43
3-1 實驗設備…………………………………………………………43
3-1-1 實驗材料……………………………………………………43
3-1-2 實驗儀器……………………………………………………44
3-1-3 其它相關使用設備與設備…………………………………45
3-2 實驗方法…………………………………………………………46
3-2-1 中藥萃取液製備………………………………………………46
3-2-2 抗菌試驗………………………………………………………46
3-2-3 安全性試驗……………………………………………………50
3-2-4 不織布之精練…………………………………………………52
3-2-5 中藥萃取物之美白效果評估…………………………………52
3-2-6 中藥萃取物之水分釋放試驗…………………………………52
3-3 實驗流程…………………………………………………………53
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………55
4-1 不同萃取溶媒之中藥萃取率……………………………………55
4-2 抗菌試驗結果……………………………………………………58
4-3 中藥安全性試驗結果……………………………………………66
4-4 中藥萃取物對人體皮膚美白之影響分析………………………78
4-4-1 整體受測者膚色(CIE L*a*b*)分析………………………78
4-4-3 不同中藥材對整體受測者實驗前後膚色之變化分析……87
4-5 含中藥不織布之水份釋放結果…………………………………89
4-6 含中藥萃取物之不織布抗菌試驗結果…………………………93
4-8 中藥材萃取液之紫外/可見光譜………………………………100
第五章 結論……………………………………………………………102
第六章 未來展望………………………………………………………105


圖2-8 CIE L*a*b*色彩空間示意圖……………………………………29
圖2-9 L*和麥拉寧指數(M)間的變化關係………………………………32
圖2-10 a*和紅斑指數(E)間的變化關係………………………………32
圖2-11 美白的作用機制…………………………………………………33
圖2-12 索氏(Soxhlet)萃取器…………………………………………39
圖4-8 中藥材水溶媒萃取物之FT-IR光譜圖……………………………96
圖4-9 中藥材甲醇溶媒萃取物之FT-IR光譜圖…………………………97
圖4-10 中藥材95%乙醇溶媒萃取物之FT-IR光譜圖……………………98
圖4-11 中藥材70%乙醇溶媒萃取物之FT-IR光譜圖……………………99


表4-2中藥材以95 %乙醇溶媒及70 %乙醇溶媒之萃取率………………56
表4-5中藥材之95 %乙醇萃取液(ml)與萃取物重(mg)換算表…………57
表4-6中藥材之70% 乙醇萃取液(ml)與萃取物重(mg)換算表…………57
表4-10 中藥材以95 %乙醇溶媒萃取物之抗菌結果……………………65
表4-11 中藥材以70 %乙醇溶媒萃取物之抗菌結果……………………65
表4-12 皮膚反應的等級(Grading of skin reaction)………………68
表4-13 皮膚刺激強度評價………………………………………………68
表4-14 中藥材水溶媒萃取液之皮膚刺激性評分表……………………69
表4-15 中藥材甲醇溶媒萃取液之皮膚刺激性評分表…………………70
表4-18眼睛損傷的等級(Grades for ocular lesions)………………74
表4-19 中藥材以水及甲醇溶媒萃取液之眼黏膜刺激性觀察結果……75
表 4-20 中藥材以95 %及70 %乙醇溶媒萃取液之眼黏膜刺激性觀察結 果……………………………………………………………………………76
表 4-21 中藥材以水、甲醇、95 %乙醇及70 %乙醇萃取液之眼黏膜刺
表4-22 整體受測者膚色CIE L*a*b*分析(14人)………………………80
表4-23 整體受測者膚色CIE L*a*b*分析(11人)………………………82
表4-27 整體受測者實驗前後L*a*b*之變化百分比(14人)……………87
表4-28 整體受測者實驗前後L*a*b*之變化百分比(11人)……………87
表4-29 不同中藥材對受測者實驗前後膚色比較分析…………………88
表 4-30 含70 %乙醇中藥萃取物之T/R不織布的水分釋放與其人體
表4-31含70 %乙醇中藥萃取物之織物對金黃色葡萄球菌之抗菌結果……………………………………………………………………………94
表4-32含70 %乙醇中藥萃取物之織物對表皮葡萄球菌之抗菌結果……………………………………………………………………………94
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