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研究生(外文):Yi-ju Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Impacts of Firm Characteristics on Announcement Effects of Initial Global Equity Offerings
指導教授(外文):Hsu-Huei HuangHan-Sheng Lei
外文關鍵詞:GDRglobal equity offeringsgrowth opportunityinformation asymmetry
  • 被引用被引用:12
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As more and more domestic companies raise funds through global equity offerings, we examine the announcement effects of global depository receipts (GDRs) on corporate value. Our sample includes 75 event companies with initial global equity offering listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange during Jan. 1991 to Jun. 2003. The results show that announcement of GDRs is not accompanied with a significant effect on corporate value, but the announcement effects are related to information asymmetry, growth opportunity, firm size, prior stock return, and export ratio. We find that companies with higher information asymmetry, larger growth opportunity, smaller size, lower prior stock return, and higher export ratio would be associated with better announcement effects. In addition, companies with initial equity offerings usually have better long-term performance than their matching firms, and this long-term performance is related to prior firm characteristics as well.
中文摘要...................................... I
英文摘要...................................... II
誌謝辭....................................... III
表目錄......................................... V
第二章文獻回顧 .................................9
4.馬君梅、吳敏娟、柯柏成,「探討企業發行海外存託憑證之資訊內涵」,會計研究月刊,第195期,民國90年, 116-124頁。
7.黃旭輝,「公司成長機會對經理人持股、報償與董事監察人組成影響之研究」,國立政治大學企業管理研究所未出版博士論文,民國86 年7 月。
9.黎珈瑋,「我國資訊電子業發行海外有價證券之公司特性與決策研究— 以海外存託憑證為例」,國立東華大學國際企業研究所未出版碩士論文,民國91年。
管理與資訊學報,第2期,民國86 年4 月, 第133-148 頁。

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