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研究生(外文):Baljinnyam Tumendelger
論文名稱(外文):The E-learning system developing project for Computer Science and Management School of Mongolian University of Science and Technology
指導教授(外文):Yu-lung Lo
外文關鍵詞:online quize-learningdistance educationweb-based learning system
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遠距教學的理想已經存在許多年。由於通訊與資訊技術的迅速演進,新形態的教育已不再受到時間與空間的限制。任何人、任何時間、任何地點,皆可以接受到教育的傳達。目前,遠距教學可以利用儲存媒體(如CD-ROM)或即時線上來進行。 但由於網際網路技術的高度發展與可及度的普及,使得線上遠距教學的學習模式有著爆發性的成長。現今,美國國家教育學會,有十分之一的高等教育會員,提供了線上學習的課程。而這些課程,並非集中在少數幾個特定的領域。因此,線上學習的課程是與傳統教學的課程,相似的散佈於世上的各個學習領域。
The idea of distance education has existed for many years. With advance in telecommunications and computer technology, new modalities have arisen to enhance the concept of offering an education to anyone, anywhere at anytime. Nowadays, distance education is available on CD-ROM or online. When Internet technologies became available, the advent of Internet technologies resulted in an explosive growth of distance learning courses.
Currently, one of the 10 higher education members of National Education Association of USA offers an e-learning course. E-learning courses are not concentrated in a few academic fields. E-learning and traditional courses are similarly distributed across fields in the world.
But Mongolia has little tradition of distance education. Concepts such as e-learning, multi-media, self-assessment questions, learner-centered education and independent learner were all new until recently.
From 1991 Mongolian first distance education project was implemented. However, the project focused on a few general courses of high school level. There is without any e-learning system implemented in higher education in Mongolian.
In the recent years, demand of Computer Science and Management School (CSMS) of Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) is increasing, classrooms are insufficient, and instructors’ loadings are exceeding. These problems made it difficult to add additional students in the courses offered. The school management was considering the best solution for these problems is to implement an e-learning system. Moreover, e-learning can bring competitive advantages.
The aim of this report is to analyze the background and resource in CSMS of MUST then design an e-learning system by using Internet technology and provide the system prototype. The proposed system will be the first e-learning system in colleges and higher educations of Mongolian.
Table of contents
摘要………………………………………………………………………….…. i
Abstract …………….……………………………………………………….... iii
Table of contents …....……………………………………………………….. v
List of Figures .…...………………………………………………….………. vii
List of Tables .....……………………………………………………………. viii
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................................................……... 1
Chapter 2 Theoretical background .......................................................……... 4
2.1 The need for Distance Learning.................................................……... 4
2.2 Distance Learning Technologies ................................................…….. 8
2.3 What is E-learning?..................................................................…….... 14
2.3.1 Literature review on e-learning.……..........................................… 15
2.3.2 Definitions of e-learning...............………...................................... 22
2.3.3 Differences between Traditional learning and E-learning.…......... 27
2.3.4 E-learning SWOT analysis ..................................................…....... 28
2.4 Characteristics of E-learning ...........................................…….....…. 30
2.4.1 E-learning applications and infrastructure..................................… 37
Chapter 3 Study on E-learning system .......................................................... 39
3.1 E-learning in USA ...........................................................................… 39
3.2 E-learning in Mongolia ...................................................................… 42
3.3 The web-based e-learning systems in USA ...................................…. 44
Chapter 4 Designing E-learning system in CSMS of MUST ....................... 47
4.1 Brief introduction ................................................................................ 47
4.2 Preliminary Investigation ................................................................... 50
4.3 System analysis .................................................................................... 55
4.3.1 Data flow diagrams ........................................................................ 57
4.3.2 Data flows ....................................................................................... 62
4.4 System design ....................................................................................... 65
4.4.1 Output Design ................................................................................. 65
4.4.2 Input Design.................................................................................... 67
4.4.3 File and Database Design................................................................ 70
4.4.4 Implementation Requirements........................................................ 75
4.5 System Prototype.................................................................................. 77
4.5.1 Systems development environment ................................................ 80
Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 83
References ..........................................................….......................................... 87
Appendix .......................................................................................................... 95
Vita .................................................................................................................. 100

List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Distance learning terms …………………………………………..22
Figure 4-1 Proposed organization chart of CSMS………………..…………..54
Figure 4-2 Context diagram…………………………………………………..57
Figure 4-3 DFD-0 …………………………………………………………….58
Figure 4-4 Registration system ……………………………………………….59
Figure 4-5 Learning management system …………………………………….60
Figure 4-6 Online quiz system ………………………………………………..61
Figure 4-7 Class grade report …………..…………………………………….65
Figure 4-8 Transcript …………………………………………………………66
Figure 4-9 Login screen ………………………………………………………67
Figure 4-10 Registration form ………………….…………………………….67
Figure 4-11 Add course …………………..…………………………………..68
Figure 4-12 Select course …………………………………………………….68
Figure 4-13 Input question ……………..…………………………………….69
Figure 4-14 Add quiz ……………………..………………………………….69
Figure 4-15 Database scheme ………….…………………………………….74
Figure 4-16 System architecture………………..…………………………….76
Figure 4-17 The structure of main site …………………………………….…79

List of Tables
Table 2.1. Expected Benefits of Distance Learning………………..……………5
Table 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning Technologies .10
Table 2.3 Distance Learning Technologies and Key Requirements…………...13
Table 2.4 Traditional learning and e-learning …………………………………27
Table 3.1 Result of the study…………………………………………………..45
Table 4.1 Numbers of students, enrollees, and applicants of CSMS…………..48
Table 4.2 Classroom capacity………………………………………………….48
Table 4.3 Instructors’ average loading (per year)……………………………...48
Table 4.4 Number of competitors (by department)……………………………49
Table 4.5 Survey result…………………………………………………………50
Table 4.6 File and database design……………………………………………..70
Table 4.7 Types of the training…………………………………………………75
Table 4.8 The stages of implementation of the proposed system………………75
Table 4.9 The structure of general web………………………………………...77
Table 4.10 System development environment…………………………………80
Table 4.11 Time and cost estimates……………………………………………81
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