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論文名稱(外文):The organizational performance study for maintenance factories of armed forced promoting ISO 9001:an example of a naval facility
中文關鍵詞:ISO 9000品質管理系統PZB模式Kano模式
外文關鍵詞:ISO 9000 quality management systemPZB modelKano model
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ISO 9000系列標準驗證已是世界潮流,亦是產品進入歐體市場的必要條件。截至2000年為止,全球約150個國家採用ISO 9000系列作為驗證的應用標準;超過460,000個企業體或組織,通過了第三者驗證機構的驗證。國防部於民國81年通令中科院、聯勤各生產工廠及各軍種之生產(修護)單位開始推動ISO 9000系列的驗證,期藉由ISO 9000品質管理系統的導入與推展,強化生產修護體系、提昇品質,使各式武器裝備之硬體設施藉由品質管理作為,發揮應有之效能。
關鍵字:ISO 9000品質管理系統、PZB模式、Kano模式
ISO 9000 series standard have already been a tendency of world, as well is the product of the essential condition to enter the market of Euro. Up to 2000, more than 150 nations adopt the ISO 9000 conduct and actions of series the application that identify is standard; Exceed 460,000 of business enterprises or buildups, and pass the third party to identify the identification of the organization. In 1992, Ministry of National Defense ordered CSIST, CLC to start pushing the ISO 9000 into and promote, and enhance the system of production repair and maintenance, and promote the quality, and make the facilities of hardware of the every form material of weapon is by the quality manage to be used as, and the developping should have its effect.
This research is regarding certain factory of repair and maintenance of navy as the research individual cases, be used as the idea the research the structure with the " PZB modle of service quality perception margin", and refer to the quality management eight principles and BSC measure the index sign, and construct the suitable form of this research, and visit the management and employee of the individual cases.
Analyze the quality to measure with the factor an and main factor, and method that refer to the " Kano 2D of qualities modle ", the customer of is to the latent viewpoint that the quality want face, and continuously be used as the quality the research of reference improving to pan out the manifestation with the " the customer be satisfied with the coefficient analysis":
1. the right professional of customer maintain the of pay attention to far higher than attitude of repair and maintenance personnel and active of type service .
2. the stratum of management and employee of the individual cases of research is right in writing of procedure of pay attention to the degree higher, the whole take part in a time it.
3. through the important degree- approval of customer analysis comparison, big and part of qualities want? quality of repair and maintenance service that show research individual cases still contain ameliorative space that promote.
4. the quality that repair and maintenance service want an item" quality of charm" that at most did not appear with the " certainly quality" to have the result of encourage to approval of customer.
Key Words : ISO 9000 quality management system, PZB model, Kano model
授權書                       iii
中文摘要                      iv
英文摘要                      v
誌謝                        vii
目錄                        viii
圖目錄                       x
表目錄                       xi
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機              1
1.2 研究目的                 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制              4
1.4 研究流程                 5
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 品質概念                 7
2.2 ISO 9000:2000系列簡介          33
2.3 全面品質管理               56
2.4 組織績效                 65
第三章 研究方法
3.1 研究架構                 77
3.2 研究假設                 79
3.3 變數操作性定義              79
3.4 問卷設計                 80
3.5 問卷對象與樣本              84
3.6 資料分析                 86
第四章 實證研究與分析
4.1 問卷調查回收狀況             90
4.2 因素分析與信度效度分析          90
4.3 修護服務之重要度與滿意度分析       96
4.4 內部作業流程之重要度與執行度分析     99
4.5 不同屬性對重要度、執行度之差異分析   102
4.6 Kano二維品質模式分析          105
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 研究結論                 113
5.2 建議                   115
一、中文部份                     119
二、英文部份                     122
附錄一 研究問卷(顧客)                125
附錄二 研究問卷(管理階層)              129
附錄三 研究問卷(員工)                133
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