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論文名稱(外文):The Relationship Between Entry Modes and Growth Strategies in Mainland China for Taiwanese Companies-The Case Study on Natural Beauty Franchise Chain
外文關鍵詞:entry moderesource-based theoryinternationalizationgrowth strategy
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本研究致力於廠商國際化過程中所採行進入策略之研究,試圖將過去先進國家學者之理論模式,以個案方式進而探討適用於台灣廠商之可行性。所選取個案為是以Vandermerew &Chadwick(1992)之分類下,屬於服務無形性高及與顧客互動高(本研究稱為型態四)的自然美國際事業連鎖加盟。先檢視自然美在母國核心能耐與廠商特性,再研究其對成長策略與進入模式之影響。另外,本研究認為進入模式是一種機構性安排(institutional arrangement),所以隨著成長時期之不同將會有不同之變化。所以,針對自然美本研究分為三個階段探討,分別為:「1992年初赴大陸投資」、「2000年成立合資公司」和「2003年自然美在香港掛牌」之進入模式,將這些進入模式與相關理論作探討以得到最適方式。
The focus of this research is on the entry strategies in firms’ internationalized course by the method of case study. Is the theory proposed by scholars in advanced country suitable for the firms in Taiwan? By studying the case of Natural Beauty chain-store system, which belongs to high service invisibility and customer interaction under the classification of Vandermerew & Chadwick (1992), this research are trying to figure out the answer. The core competence and characteristics of Natural Beauty were first inspected, and then study the growth strategies and influence of entry mode. In addition, this research shows that entry mode, which is a kind of institutional arrangement, will differ in each growth-stage of firms. So, the entry modes discussion of Natural Beauty was divided into three stages, including the following:
1. Go to the mainland to make the investment at the beginning of 1992.
2. Established the joint-venture company in 2000.
3. Listed in Hong Kong in 2003.
These modes will be discussed under the foundations of related theories to find a suitable way for firms in each kind of situation.
According to the case study, this research concluded that core competence and characteristics of firms could make the influence to firms’ growth strategies and entry modes by the following ways:
1. Branding by itself.
2. Expanding chain store fast.
3. Highly integration.
4. Internationalization experience.
5. Organizational memory and learning.
Besides, four propositions can be made after the study mentioned above:
Proposition one: As firms in home country’s core competence can apply the national market environments entered to, the firms will take higher control on their entry mode.
Proposition two: When internationalized and experienced, but is not familiar with the national market,tends to adopt external growth strategies.
Proposition three:When asoptting external growth strategies,the association of dealers will come to the possession of new core competency .
Proposition four: When adoptting strengthened external strategies of growing up in the manufacturer, the manufacturer will take and highly control access mode.
Proposition four:When external growth strategies are adopttde,the charateristice of alliance chain will change.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景及動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究流程
1.4 研究限制
第二章 文獻探討
2.4 成長策略
2.4.1 成長策略之定義
2.4.2 成長模式
第三章 研究設計與方法
3.1 研究架構
3.2 研究方法
3.3 變數定義與衡量
3.4 研究設計
3.4.1 研究步驟
3.5 研究對象
3.6 研究編碼
第四章 個案分析
4.4.1 1992年初赴大陸投資
4.4.2 2000年成立合資分公司
4.4.3 2003年自然美在香港掛牌
4.6.1 1992年初赴大陸投資
4.6.2 2000年成立合資分公司
4.6.3 2003年自然美在香港掛牌
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 實證結論與分析
5.2 建議
5.2.1 對學術界之建議
5.2.2 對實務界之建議
5.3 未來研究建議
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