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研究生(外文):ZhengXue Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Service Interoperability for OSGi and Bluetooth
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本研究主要是為了解決OSGi(Open Service Gateway initiative)和Bluetooth之間服務互通的問題。網路的發達帶動許多應用裝置和不同的通訊協定誕生,然而這些裝置之間因為服務協定的不同,使得裝置間互通困難且服務無法互享。OSGi和Bluetooth之間由於協定的不同和服務特性的差異,造成在服務資訊互通上的困難。若能使Bluetooth和OSGi服務互通,則OSGi的固定式服務和Bluetooth的移動式服務將能緊密的結合在一起,使服務資源能充分分享,達到網路資源利用的最大效益。
Jini是一種分散式服務架構的軟體規格,和OSGi與Bluetooth之間有許多相似處,很適合作為OSGi和Bluetooth之間橋接的角色。因此,本研究提出利用Jini為仲介之模式,設計並雛型實作OSGI-Jini閘道器,來轉換OSGi和Jini間的服務規格。同時,OSGi-Jini閘道器結合Jini-Bluetooth閘道器[6],以解決OSGi和Bluetooth之間的服務互通的問題。最後,本研究以Jini MP3 player和OSGi英文字典之服務為例,透過OSGi-Jini閘道器使其之間的服務資訊互通,且能使用彼此所提供的服務,以證實本研究架構之可能性和實務性。
With the flourishing of the Internet, many network-capable devices have been created with different communication protocols hindering the interoperability of them. In addition, the disparity of their service protocols also makes it difficult to exchange and share services among them. Fortunately, OSGi and Jini are proposed as the open software architectures that enable the delivery and management of multiple applications and services to all types of networked devices. Therefore, this thesis proposes an OSGi-Jini gateway model to solve the problem of service interoperability between OSGi and Bluetooth devices using the Jini as the middleware. This way, OSGi fixed services and Bluetooth mobile services are interchangeable and the utilization of network resources is maximized.
The proposed OSGi-Jini gateway is composed of OGSi server, Jini server, OSGi translator, and Jini translator to manage the device connection and service translation between OSGi requests and Jini requests. Furthermore, a Jini-Bluetooth gateway is employed in addition to an OSGi-Jini gateway to solve the problem of service interoperability among OSGi and Bluetooth devices. Finally, a prototype system of the proposed OSGi-Jini gateway is built as a testbed for the interoperability of a Jini-based MP3 player application and an OSGI-based English dictionary application. The result shows the proposed OSGi-Jini is both feasible and satisfactory.
第一章 緒論................................................1
1.1 研究背景............................................1
1.2 研究動機............................................3
1.3 研究目的............................................7
1.4 研究範圍與限制......................................7
1.5 研究方法與流程......................................7
第二章 文獻探討...........................................10
2.1 OSGi(Open Service Gateway initiative)............11
2.1.1 OSGi架構.....................................12
2.1.2 Framework....................................16
2.1.3 Bundle.......................................17
2.1.4 Service......................................19
2.1.5 OSGi相關之開發工具...........................20
2.2 Bluetooth..........................................21
2.2.1 Bluetooth網路型態............................22
2.2.2 Bluetooth通訊協定............................26
2.3 Jini...............................................32
2.3.1 Jini架構.....................................33
2.3.2 Discovery、Join和Lookup Protocol.............35
2.4 OSGi、Jini與Bluetooth互連之相關研究................39
2.4.1 OSGi和Bluetooth互通之相關研究................39
2.4.2 Jini和Bluetooth互通之相關研究................40
2.4.3 OSGi和Jini互通之相關研究.....................40
2.5 總結...............................................41
第三章 OSGi和Bluetooth服務互通之設計......................43
3.1 OSGi和Bluetooth互通之架構分析......................43
3.2 Jini-Bluetooth閘道器...............................44
3.3 OSGi-Jini閘道器....................................45
3.3.1 OSGi-Jini閘道器需求分析與設計................46
3.3.2 OSGi-Jini閘道器使用案例(Use Case)..........47
3.4 總結...............................................56
第四章 OSGi-Jini閘道器系統實作............................59
4.1 OSGi-Jini閘道器核心架構............................59
4.2 OSGi-Jini閘道器類別圖(Class Diagram).............63
4.3 OSGi轉換為Jini服務格式之運作流程...................66
4.4 Jini轉換為OSGi服務格式之運作流程...................69
4.5 OSGi與Jini之服務格式...............................73
4.5.1 Jini服務格式.................................73
4.5.2 OSGi服務格式.................................76
4.5.3 OSGi與Jini服務格式之轉換.....................78
4.6 總結...............................................82
第五章 OSGi-Jini閘道器系統展示............................83
5.1 系統雛型測試範例簡介...............................83
5.2 啟動OSGi-Jini閘道器................................84
5.3 OSGi client bundle使用Jini之服務...................92
5.4 Jini client端使用OSGi之服務........................95
5.5 OSGi經由Jini轉換為Bluetooth........................98
5.6 總結..............................................100
第六章 結論..............................................101
6.1 具體貢獻..........................................101
6.2 後續研究..........................................102
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