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研究生(外文):I-Shan Chen
論文名稱(外文):New Generation Wideband Smart Antenna System for Mobile Communication
指導教授(外文):Dau-Chyrh Chang
外文關鍵詞:SAS (Smart Antenna System)Tentacle Bowtie AntennaMBA (Multiple Beam Antenna)Multi-pathButler MatrixUniform Power DividerSwitched-Beam Antenna ArrayBFN (Beam Forming Network)
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? 此智慧型天線系統獲得的量測天線場型與資料結果都與事先所計算、模擬的相吻合;吾實際驗證此智慧型天線系統,吾同時也精心建立與連結可控制的LabVIEW電腦軟體介面來調變運作行動通訊系統,並量測此智慧型天線系統的通訊品質。也就是運用了專業智慧型天線系統測試平台實測於GSM與WCDMA行動通訊中,且實測此智慧型天線系統使用中的EVM值。
? 此智慧洶挼u系統實際的被研發出來,用於GSM與WCDMA行動通訊基地台,且具有寬頻、線性垂直極化、傾斜波束、窄波束場型及八個波束方向掃描功能。

In this paper, we study the phased array theory and the phased array synthesis methods to design a multibeam SAS (smart antenna system) composed of a broadside collinear tentacle bowtie array, horizontal BFN (Beam Forming Network) and vertical BFN that is suitable for fourth generation wideband SAS in mobile communication base stations. The antenna produces a multibeam in the azimuth to reduce the co-channel interference. In the elevation plane the antenna produces narrower beam and downtilt in order to achieve good coverage and higher gain. In order to verify the function of the SAS, three kinds of measurement systems, indoor frequency domain measurement system, outdoor impulse time domain measurement system, and professional SAS test bed are utilized to measure the SAS. The patterns and data of SAS measured results are quite agreed with that of simulation and previous calculation. We actually verify the SAS of GSM and WCDMA mobile communication, which is experimented with test bed to measure the EVM (error vector magnitude) of SAS. We also study the test bed system, elaborate and connect a controllable LabVIEW interface of computer to modulate the operation of the mobile communication and measure quality of SAS performance., A wideband, linear polarization, electrical down tilted, pencil beam elevation pattern, and eight beam directions SAS are developed for the BTS (base transceiver system) applications in GSM and WCDMA. The results as measured by the performance of SAS are found to be consistent with that from simulation studies.

A letter of authority....................iii
English Abstract.......................iv
Table of Contents......................vii
List of Figures........................x
List of Tables........................xx
Chapter 1 Introduction.........................1
Chapter 2 SAS Method and Design of Operation
2.1 Uniformly Excited Linear Arrays.........3
2.1.1 Patterns...................3
2.1.2 Beamwidth..................6
2.1.3 Sidelobes..................7
2.1.4 Grating Lobes................8
2.2 The Systematic Design of the Butler Matrix of
2.2.1 Design Procedure of Horizontal RF BFN....10
2.2.2 Design Procedure of Vertical RF BFN.....21
2.2.3 Beam-Switch System.............27
2.3 Wideband Scanning Array of SAS.........29
2.3.1 One Tentacle Bowtie (TBT) radiators.....35
2.3.2 1 by 3 Tentacle Bowtie (TBT) Radiators of
Array Antenna................39
2.3.3 1 by 8 Tentacle Bowtie (TBT) Radiators
of Array Antenna..............47
2.3.4 8 by 8 Tentacle Bowtie (TBT) Radiators of
2.4 The Scan Impedance, Mutual Impedance and Pattern
in spectral Domain...............76
Chapter 3 Theory of SAS Important Problem
3.1 Blind Angles..................82
3.2 Optimal Spacing and Grating Lobes.......83
3.3 Spatial Domain Approaches to Mutual Coupling..86
Chapter 4 SAS Integrated and Measured in Outdoor Time and
Indoor Frequency Domain System
4.1 Implementation of 8 by 8 Switched-Beam Array..90
4.2 Compare of Simulation, Near Field and Far Field
Experimental Results ..............96
4.2.1 Measured by Outdoor Far Field Impulse Time
Domain System...............101
4.2.2 Array Diagnostics.............107
Chapter 5 Deeply Discuss the Phase and Impedance of SAS...110
5.1 Measured Impedance, propagation phase and Pattern
of Individual 1 by 8 Phased Array from subarray 1
to subarray 8 of SAS..............111
5.1.1 Scan Impedance...............112
5.1.2 Impedance Matrix Solution.........115
5.1.3 Pattern Formulations............116
5.2 Closed-Form Expression for the Image- Impedance
Chapter 6 Exact Derivation of Gain and Main-Beam Variation when
the Frequency Shift
6.1 Efficiency and BW of variation beam in SAS...122
6.2 Evaluation of Directivity for SAS.......126
6.3 Gain Compensate at Large Angle and Edge
6.4 Quadratic phase error in Antenna Measurements.130
Chapter 7 Application and Verification in GSM and WCDMA
7.1 Experiment Description.............131
7.2 Electrical Specification of SAS........135
Chapter 8 Conclusions....................137
Published Papers......................142
Appendix A.........................143
Appendix B.........................147
Appendix C.........................152

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[20] Oliner, A. A. and Malech, R. G., “Mutual Coupling in Infinite Scanning Arrays,” in Microwave Scanning Antennas, Vol. Ⅱ, R. C. Hansen, Ed., Academic Press, 1966 [Peninsula Publishing, 1985]. ---Equ. (
[21] Diamond, B. L., “A Generalized Approach to the Analysis of Infinite Planar Array Antennas,” Proc. IEEE, Vol. 56, Nov. 1968, pp. 1837-1850. ---Equ. ( Equ. (
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