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研究生(外文):K. T. Chou
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Pressure Measurement System for Pressure Garment
指導教授(外文):T. L. Teng
外文關鍵詞:BurnsPressure GarmentPressure Measurement System
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「燒傷」在醫療上是屬於重大意外傷害事件,燒傷病患的最大後遺症為疤痕的增生與關節的攣縮,壓力治療被認為是安全有效的方法,且壓力須達到25 mmHg才能達到醫療效果。本研究目的是針對在燒燙傷壓力治療中的彈性護套,研製一套壓力量測系統,主要為量測彈性護套對人體不同部位之壓力,進而探討彈性護套均壓性之表現,並且提供量化的臨床資料。

“Burns”are considered as a serious trauma in medical treatment. The main effects of the burning patients are hypertrophic scars and contracture of the joints. The therapy of pressure is deemed a safe and effective method for burn injuries, however, the medical efficacy can only be reached in the condition of pressure at least 25mmHg. The purpose of this study is focusing on designing a pressure measurable system for the pressure garment that is widely used for the treatment of burn. With the aim of providing quantitative clinical data, this system collects and analyses the performances of pressure garment, which get from different human body parts.
The pressure measurable system divides into three parts: (1) pressure measurement component, (2) microprocessor system, and (3) signal output. To evaluate the applicable information that acquire from the actual clinical practice by using this system has compared with the pressure measurement system produced by AMI Company. The results reveal a minute performing difference between these two systems. It also proves the pressure measurable system that is used in this study is appropriate for measuring the interface pressure between the pressure garment and the skin. The clinical experiment will discuss and analyze of upper and lower limbs that are the parts in human’s body frequency to get burned. From the clinical experiment, the surface curvature of skin for human is irregularly distributed. However, the foam or silicon can be employed to create the pressure more even and proper for a large variation in surface curvature of human body.
In this study, the pressure measurable system not only can be applied to measuring pressure of the pressure garment for the burning patients, it but also can be used in the elastic compression stockings for the varicose veins of the lower limbs, the tunics for postnatal uterus’ contraction and post-surgery restrained hematoma.

第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 5
1.3 文獻回顧 6
1.3.1 壓力治療 6
1.3.2 壓力量測與定量評估 8
1.4 本文目標 11
1.5 論文架構 12
第二章 壓力量測系統之設計
2.1 壓力量測系統之設計架構 16
2.2 壓力感測元件 17
2.2.1 氣囊型壓力感測器 18
2.2.2 PGM-02KG壓力換能器 18
2.3 儀器放大器 23
2.4 類比/數位轉換器 24
2.5 微處理控制器 25
2.6 顯示裝置 27
2.7 電源電路設計 28
第三章 壓力量測系統之校正
3.1 校正設備 45
3.2 微處理系統之校正 46
3.3 壓力量測系統之校正 47
第四章 臨床實驗量測與分析
4.1 臨床實驗量測 59
4.2 臨床實驗分析 60
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 80
參考文獻 82

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