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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Effect of Personality Attributes and Taiwan Financial Holding Companys’ Performance on Stock Investors’ Investment Pattern and Investment Performance
外文關鍵詞:Investor’s AttributesPerformance of Financial Hoding CompanysInvestment PatternInvestment Performance
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This study based on questionnaires which focuses on the individual investor’s attributes including risk taking, opinion leadership and the performance of Financial Hoding Company’s performance , whether affect on the investor’s investing behavior and performance. In the meanwhile, this study will also confirm whether Fishbein’s reasoned action theory holds in the investing behavior on the stock of Finance Hoding Company.
The statistic methods used in this study include frequency distribution, factor analysis, chi-square test, one-way anova test and LISREL. Through our study, we found :
1.The results above make the Fishbein theory hold in the investing behavior on the stock of Finance Hoding Company.
2.Investors with different population characteristics whose investment pattern and investment performance are significant difference.
3.Investors with risk taking tendency, opinion leadership tendency whose investment patterns are significant difference.
4.Investors with regard the performance of Finance Hoding Company tendency, opinion leadership tendency will get better return then those who do not have such attributes. The investors with risk taking tendency have not significant difference.
5.The performance of Finance Hoding Company are attach importance to investment are EPS、the stock price、celebrity of company.
授權頁 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論........................1
1.1 研究背景及動機........................1
1.2 研究目的........................2
第二章 相關理論及文獻探討........................3
2.1 金融控股公司之定義與其成立後之優缺點............3
2.2 經營績效及其相關文獻........................8
2.2.1 經營績效的概念........................8
2.2.2 經營績效衡量之構面........................ 8
2.2.3 國內金控業績效評估相關文獻........................10
2.3 投資行為理論及文獻探討........................15
2.3.1 投資行為之意義........................15
2.3.2 股票型投資行為........................16
2.3.3 人格特質及對投資行為影響........................23
2.3.4 理性行為理論........................27
2.3.5 Fishbein行動理論應用之文獻回顧.................30
第三章 研究方法........................33
3.1 研究架構........................33
3.2 操作型定義........................36
3.3 研究假設........................39
3.4 研究範圍........................41
3.5 研究限制........................41
3.6 研究工具........................42
3.7 資料蒐集........................47
3.8 資料分析方法........................47
第四章 實證分析........................50
4.1 金控股投資人投資型態分析........................50
4.1.1 樣本結構及投資型態 ...........50
4.1.2 金控股投資人人格特質分析.............57
4.1.3 因素及信度分析..............62
4.1.4 投資人人格特質檢定 .............65
4.2 金控股之投資型態及投資績效..........70
4.3 投資人對金控公司經營績效重視程度之分析.........80
4.4 金控股投資者行為分析............101
4.4.1 投資人對金控類股的投資獲利目標及對參考群體投資建議分析 ...............101
4.4.2 Fishbein理性行為模式驗證.........113
4.5 結果分析.............119
第五章 結論及建議 ...........124
5.1 研究結論..............124
5.2 建議...............128
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