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研究生(外文):Mei-Hua Shih
論文名稱(外文):An Examination of Antecedents and Consequences of Trustin Pharmaceutical Industry through the Perspective ofRelationship Marketing ─Using Switching Barriers as Moderators
指導教授(外文):Feng-Jou ChenShyh-Rong Fang
外文關鍵詞:switching barrierrelationship continuitytrust
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Due to the deduction on the National Health Insurance (NHI) drug pricing, foreign pharmaceutical firms and the pharmaceutical manufactures are fall out of competencies in research and development and marketing, which lead to high competition in the local medical market, and which caused pharmaceutical manufactures in the local industry dealing with a greater challenge. The government and pharmaceutical manufactures had adopted several policies to enhance the core competition of local pharmaceutical firms. For instance, Chinese Medicine Physicians promotes the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for further modification in manufacturing technologies, the quality of medicine, and enhance the international competitiveness.
However, providing high quality drugs in a reasonable price does not ensure the relationship with institutional buyers in terms of buyer and seller relationship, specially, there are too many competitor exists in the pharmaceutical market. Therefore, the study of building and maintaining relationship between channel members and pharmaceutical firms in the view of relationship marketing is an important issue to be discussed. The purpose of the study is to apply the concept of trust in the pharmaceutical industry, We explore the antecedents of trust from the levels of organization and people, and the impact of trust on relationship continuity. Finally, we explore the moderating effects on relationship between trust and relationship continuity.
Referring to the empirical study, this paper plans to design questionnaires and send to the institutional buyers. We mailed 386 copies of questionnaires, 103 effective samples were received, and the effective rate of retrieve is 27%. Then we analyze the data by factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis and LISREL. We find these results as follow:
1.The characteristic of pharmaceutical manufacture has a significant positive effect on the institutional buyer trust in pharmaceutical manufacture. When the pharmaceutical manufactures exhibit more communication behaviors, competence and conflict resolution techniques for their institutional buyers, then the institutional buyers will also exhibit higher level of trust in that pharmaceutical manufactures.
2.The characteristic of sales representative has a significant positive effect on the institutional buyer trust in sales representative. When the sales representative exhibit more expertise, ethical views and similarities for their institutional buyers, then the institutional buyers will also exhibit higher level of trust in their sales representative.
3.The institutional buyer’s trust in the pharmaceutical manufacture has a significant positive effect on the institutional buyer trust in the sales representative. When institutional buyer exhibits more trust for their pharmaceutical manufacture, then the institutional buyers will also exhibit higher level of trust in their sales representative. The institutional buyer trust in the sales representative has a significant positive effect on the institutional buyer trust in the pharmaceutical manufacture. When institutional buyer exhibits more trust for their sales representative, then the institutional buyers will also exhibit higher level of trust in their pharmaceutical manufacture.
4.The institutional buyer trust in the pharmaceutical manufacture has a significant positive effect on relationship continuity. When institutional buyer exhibits more trust for their pharmaceutical manufacture would lead to higher levels of relationship continuity. The institutional buyer trust in the sales representative has a significant positive effect on relation continuity. When institutional buyer exhibits more trust for their sales representative would lead to higher levels of relationship continuity.
5.The relationship between the institutional buyer trust in the pharmaceutical manufacture and relationship continuity would be moderated partly by switching barrier, and the relationship between the institutional buyer trust in the sales representative and relationship continuity would not be moderated by switching barrier.
Finally, according to the conceptual framework and research findings, the study provides some meanings and suggestions in theories, practices and future research.
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