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研究生(外文):Wen-Fa Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Index Compression for GIF Images
指導教授(外文):Zone-Chang Jim
外文關鍵詞:JPEG-LSGIFData Compression
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In recent years the network is rapidly grown, and images are extensively transmittal through the internet. To reduce transmission time and storage space, these image data are compressed. Data compression has been used for many applications like Medical、Cellular phone、Data transmission、Multimedia、The internet and so on, So data compression technology is the most important topic to research.

Data compression can be divided into two broad classes : lossless compression and lossy compression . Lossless compression gives involves no loss of information. Lossy compression gives some loss of information. Data compressed using lossy techniques generally cannot be recovered or reconstructed exactly.

In this paper, we will investigate lossless compression techniques to compress the color images of GIF files. First we quantize a full color images into the one of 256 colors, then varies kinds of compression techniques of index matrix sort, combination different algorithms, like LZW, CALIC, JPEG2000, JPEG-LS to compare with compressed effect.
第一章 前言 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 資料壓縮種類4
2.1無失真壓縮法 4
2.1.1 謝那-費農編碼(Shannon-Fano coding) 5
2.1.2 霍夫曼編碼(Huffman coding) 5
2.1.3 算術編碼(Arithmetic coding) 6
2.1.4 藍波- 立夫- 衛曲編碼(LZW coding) 6
2.2失真壓縮法 8
2.2.1 預測編碼(Prediction coding) 8
2.2.2 誤差訊號編碼(DPCM) 9
2.2.3 轉換編碼(Transform coding) 9
2.2.4 小波編碼(Wavelet coding) 10
2.3 常見影像壓縮格式 10
2.3.1 PCX 10
2.3.2 TGA 11
2.3.3 TIFF 12
2.3.4 GIF 12
2.3.5 JPEG 13
2.3.6 向量化(VQ) 14
2.3.7 JPEG2000 15
2.3.8 JPEG-LS 16
2.3.9 CALIC 17
2.3.10可攜式網路圖形(PNG) 18
第三章 實驗 20
3.1 索引化資訊 20
3.2 Y值排序 22
3.3 差值編碼 24
3.4 實驗結果 25
3.4.1 不同屬性圖檔的測試 25
3.4.2 對Y值未經排序的GIF圖檔做壓縮比較 26
第四章 結論 30
參考文獻 32

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