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研究生(外文):Chih-Hiao Su
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Implementation of Wireless Headset with Bluetooth Technique
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近幾年來短距離無線通訊之蓬勃發展,便宜、低耗電、小尺寸之要求已經成為通訊產品必備之條件。其中又以藍芽技術為連接通信、資訊、消費性電子產品,使能在近距離中相互傳送語音與數位信號,並發展多樣化應用為目的。所以,無線藍芽耳機也就可望在手機之基本配備中佔有一席之地。為了達到小尺寸、低耗電及高輸出音質的訴求。因此我們就嘗試以FR4為板材著手,設計組製了由四層板小尺寸之構造且符合藍芽規範的射頻模組,模組內部包含了天線、射頻前端電路、Flash memory、射頻收發機等。並且搭配同樣為四層板架構的低耗電充電電路及整流電路,再加上自行設計的高感度揚聲器與麥克風等三部份組成一藍芽無線耳機。最後完成其特性具有52×20×7mm的小尺寸面積、Work mode:45mA,Standby mode:2mA的低耗電量,以及110.8dB/1KHz的高感度音質輸出且符合藍芽射頻規範1.1版本的無線耳機。
Recently the short distance of wireless communication industries grow up very fast, cheaper, low consumption, small size to request that is almost to be a basic life necessary for personal communication. The Bluetooth Technique to communication, information transfer and consume electronic products, for short distance transmit voice and digital signal, and extended to various proposal. By all means, the wireless Bluetooth headset will be the most basic component for mobile phone. In the cause of the condition that to reaching small size, low power consumption and high audio quality output. So we try to design and implement a small dimension radio frequency module of structure on 4 layer FR4 that conform to Bluetooth Specification. The module include an antenna, radio frequency front end circuit, flash memory, RF transceiver. And to collocate the same structure of low consumption charge circuit and switching regulator circuit, and a high sensitivity speaker and microphone to compose a wireless Bluetooth headset. Final we complete the characteristic provided with Small size(52×20×7mm), Low power consumption(Work mode:45mA, Standby mode:2mA), and High sensitivity audio quality output(110.8dB/1KHz). The cause by combination Bluetooth Module, Charger and Switching Reulator Circuit and High Sensitivity Speaker & Microphone. It is conform to radio frequency standard headset of Bluetooth V1.1.
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------1
1-1 藍芽簡介----------------------------------------------1
1-2 藍芽耳機架構-----------------------------------------10
1-3 全文概要---------------------------------------------11
第二章 藍芽模組設計與實現---------------------------------13
2-1 藍芽模組之概論---------------------------------------13
2-2 射頻收發器-------------------------------------------14
2-3 射頻前端電路-----------------------------------------16
2-3-1 BALUN----------------------------------------------16
2-3-2 射頻濾波器-----------------------------------------19
2-3-3 Antenna--------------------------------------------21
2-3-4 石英震盪器-----------------------------------------23
2-3-5 Flash Memory---------------------------------------24
2-3-6 DC to DC Converter---------------------------------25
2-3-7 藍芽模組電路---------------------------------------27
2-4 藍芽模組之設計方法------------------------------------29
2-5 藍芽模組之測試方法------------------------------------35
第三章Charger Circuit & Voltage Switching Regulator Circuit-46
3-1 充電整流模組之設計與測試法----------------------------46
3-1-1 Charge Management----------------------------------47
3-1-2 DC to DC Converter Circuit-------------------------49
3-2 充電整流模組之整合------------------------------------52
第四章 High Sensitivity Speaker & Microphone Design--------59
4-1 認識聲音----------------------------------------------59
4-2 Speaker簡介------------------------------------------63
4-2-1 Speaker種類用途-----------------------------------63
4-2-2 Speaker Specification------------------------------64
4-2-3 Speaker 設計方法-----------------------------------65
4-2-3-1 振動板(Diaphragm)設計---------------------------67
4-2-3-2 音圈(Voice Coil)設計----------------------------69
4-2-3-3 磁鐵(Magnetic)設計------------------------------70
4-2-3-4 軟磁材料(Soft Magnetic Material)設計------------73
4-2-3-5 聲阻材料(Acoustic Damper Material) & 防塵材料(Dust Protected Material)設計------------------------74
4-2-3-6 電氣特性測試與成品組裝--------------------------76
4-3 Microphone簡介---------------------------------------80
4-3-1 Microphone種類用途--------------------------------80
4-3-2 Microphone Specification---------------------------81
4-3-3 Microphone設計方法--------------------------------83
4-3-4 電氣特性與成品組裝---------------------------------88
4-3-5 Speaker & Microphone 整合---------------------------90
第五章 耳機成品整合測試與結論-----------------------------92
5-1 成品耳機測試------------------------------------------92
5-2 結論--------------------------------------------------94



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