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研究生(外文):Pei-Chi Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Impact Factors Study on the Speciation of Heavy Metals in the Polluted Soils
指導教授(外文):Shan-Shin Ton
中文關鍵詞:相關性分析變異數分析重金屬全量分析法0.1 N HCl 萃取法重金屬污染迴歸分析多重化學藥劑連續萃取法
外文關鍵詞:heavy metal pollutionanalysis of variancesequential chemical extractionstotal heavy metal concentration0.1 N HCl extractioncorrelation analysisregression analysis
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土壤具有吸附能力、化學氧化還原作用、土壤微生物分解作用等自淨能力,可以緩衝污染物所造成的危害,降低污染物進入自然生態循環系統的風險,一旦土壤超過自淨作用的負荷即成為土壤污染。隨著工商業的發展與人類生活習慣的改變,都使得土壤重金屬污染之情形更加嚴重,面對日益嚴重的土壤污染問題,世界各國均進行多項土壤調查及污染管制工作,以維護珍貴之土地資源。我國為落實土壤污染防治工作,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)於民國八十九年公佈「土壤及地下水污染整治法」,九十年公佈「土壤污染監測基準」及「土壤污染管制標準」,而行政院環保署環境檢驗所(以下簡稱環檢所)由於新標準之頒布進而於民國九十一年公告,土壤中重金屬檢測方法以王水消化法(NIEA S321.62C)取代原有的0.1N HCl萃取法(NIEA S320.60T),做為土壤污染調查及污染程度判定之標準。
為了解土壤中重金屬全量濃度、0.1 N HCl 萃取濃度與各型態重金屬污染物之化合物型態分佈之影響因子,本研究以新竹市香山區受重金屬污染之農地土壤樣品為研究對象,進行土壤基本性質分析(土壤質地、陽離子交換容量)、0.1 N HCl 萃取、重金屬全量濃度分析及多重化學藥劑連續萃取(sequential chemical extractions, SCE)等實驗分析工作,並以相關分析(correlation analysis)、變異數分析(analysis of variance, ANOVA)及迴歸分析(regression analysis)等統計方法探討土壤中重金屬污染物化合物型態分佈之影響因子。
根據土壤重金屬全量濃度之研究結果發現,酸性消化與王水消化法所獲得之重金屬全量濃度在香雅、樹下以及忠孝三個地段有著不同之比例關係。酸性消化濃度對王水消化濃度之平均百分比,重金屬Pb的回收率最佳,香雅、樹下以及忠孝三個地段分別為100 %、95 %、105 %;其次為Ni、Cu,三個地段之百分比皆在80 %~ 90 %之間;而Cr、Zn較差,三個地段之百分比約在70 %~ 80 %之間,三個地段中以忠孝區段的回收率百分比最佳,可能原因應該是忠孝段的砂粒含量較少土壤樣品進行反應時與接觸萃取液之表面積較高的緣故。酸性消化濃度對0.1 N HCl 萃取濃度之平均百分比,重金屬Cu的回收率最佳,香雅、樹下以及忠孝三個地段分別為56 %、54 %、49 %;其次為Ni、Pb、Zn,三個地段之百分比約在20 %~ 40 %之間;而Cr較差,三個地段之百分比皆低於10 %,由酸性消化濃度對0.1 N HCl 萃取濃度之平均百分比可知,0.1N HCl 萃取量並不適合用來判定土壤之危害程度。
多重化學藥劑連續萃取法與土壤環境因子之相關分析結果顯示,pH值與土壤水份含量除了鐵-錳氧化物型態外,對於土壤重金屬污染物化合物型態之影響力並不大,陽離子交換容量(Cation Exchange Capacity, CEC)除了水溶解性型態中的Cu、Zn、Ni外,其餘的重金屬污染物化合物型態之影響力不高,砂質含量中只有污染物化合物型態中的Pb相關性較高;酸性消化濃度、生物可利用型態(水溶性、可交換性及碳酸鹽聯結三種型態)以及非殘餘態對於其他各個重金屬的含量相關性,除了重金屬Cr與有機物聯結型態中的Pb以外,皆達99 % 以上。
因此,為了解土壤性質對於各種重金屬污染物之化合物型態分佈之影響,本研究對新竹地區之土壤建立酸性消化與王水消化、0.1N HCl萃取濃度與多重化學藥劑連續萃取濃度之迴歸關係式,以具體量化各重金屬濃度在彼此間之關係,並根據各型態重金屬含量與環境因子之相關性分析可對土壤重金屬污染物化合物型態分佈之影響因子進行推估,以做為土壤污染場址之調查或整治作業之參考。
There are more and more chemical matters enter into soil in abnormal ways because of the development of the economy and the changing of human behaviors. Many countries start to emphasize on the investigation and prevention of soil pollution when acute problem of soil pollution is increasing. In order to protect precious soil resources, the Environmental Protection Administration of R.O.C. promulgated “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” and a series of related regulations in 2000. The Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) set Aqua Regia digestion (NIEA S321.62C) as the methods for the inspection and examination of soil pollutants instead of 0.1 N HCl extraction in 2002.
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact factors study on the speciation of heavy metals in the polluted soils. The study area of this research is located on Xianshan area in Hsinchu, which is a farmland contaminated by heavy metals. Soil textures, cation exchange capacity, 0.1 N HCl extraction, acid digestion and sequential chemical extractions (SCE) were analyzed. The impact factors study on the speciation of heavy metals were performed by using correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis.
According to the total concentrations of heavy metals in the soils, there are different proportions of acid digestion concentrations to aqua regia digestion concentrations on Xiangya, Shuxia and Chongxioa areas. Among the three areas, the highest recovery is Chongxioa. The highest recovery is Lead and the lowest recovery is Chromium and Zinc for heavy metals. The variation of recovery in three areas are ranging from 70%~ 105%. The results show that different recovery are attributed to different heavy metal and soil textures. In the case of acid digestion concentration to 0.1 N HCl extraction, Copper has the highest recovery and Chromium has the lowest. Which is between less than 10% to 56%. As the 0.1 N HCl extraction is changed by different heavy metal and soil textures, it is improper to use 0.1N HCl extraction for the assessment of contaminated site.
The correlation between the sequential chemical extractions (SCE) and the impact factors shows that pH value and soil moisture only affects the speciation of Fe-Mn oxide bound. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) affects the Copper, Zinc and Nickel of the water-souble speciation. For the soil texture of the sand, only Lead shows significant correlation. Except for Chromium and Lead of the organically bound, other heavy metal species have significant correlation with acid digestion concentrations, the bioavailability content (sum of water-souble, exchangeable and carbonate-bound) and the non-residual.
Conclusively, this research establishes the correlation between the acid digestion to aqua regia digestion, and the correlation between 0.1 N HCl extraction to the sequential chemical extractions (SCE). The results can provide the quantified relationship of the concentration of heavy metal. Base on the correlation between the speciation of heavy metals and the impact factors in the environment, regression equations can then be used to estimate these impact factors on the speciation of heavy metals in the polluted soils. And these results can be used as a reference for the investigation and corrective action of contaminated sites.
中文摘要………………………………………………………………… i

英文摘要………………………………………………………………… v

目錄……………………………………………………………………… v

表目錄…………………………………………………………………… v

圖目錄…………………………………………………………………… v

第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………… 1
1-1 緣起……………………………………………………………… 1
1-2 研究動機及目的………………………………………………… 2
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………… 4
 2-1 土壤重金屬污染之調查研究…………………………………… 4
2-1-1 土壤的物理性質……………………………………………… 4
  2-1-2 台灣地區土壤重金屬污染來源……………………………… 4
  2-1-3 台灣地區土壤污染調查回顧………………………………… 7
  2-1-4 重金屬在土壤中之環境背景值……………………………… 10
  2-1-5 土壤樣品之環境背景概述…………………………………… 13
  2-1-6 土壤樣品之引用灌溉水體資料……………………………… 14
2-2 土壤重金屬型態分佈之研究…………………………………… 16
2-2-1 土壤中重金屬存在之型態…………………………………… 16
2-2-2 土壤中重金屬分析方法……………………………………… 17
 2-3 土壤重金屬對環境的影響……………………………………… 26
  2-3-1 重金屬之毒理性……………………………………………… 26
 2-3-2重金屬對植物及人體之危害………………………………… 30
第三章 研究設備與方法……………………………………………… 31
3-1污染場址概述及樣品採集………………………………………… 33
3-1-1 污染場址概述………………………………………………… 33
3-1-2 樣品採集及運用……………………………………………… 37
3-2 實驗設備與分析方法…………………………………………… 39
 3-2-1 實驗設備……………………………………………………… 39
3-2-2 分析方法……………………………………………………… 42
3-3 統計分析方法…………………………………………………… 46
 3-3-1 基本統計分析……………………………………………… 46
 3-3-2 變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA)……………… 46
 3-3-3 迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)………………………… 50
 3-4 土壤中重金屬分析之品質保證與品質管制…………………… 52
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………………… 57
 4-1 土壤重金屬含量分析…………………………………………… 57
  4-1-1 土壤基本性質分析………………………………………… 57
  4-1-2 土壤中重金屬含量酸性消化分析法……………………… 59
  4-1-3 土壤中重金屬含量王水消化分析法……………………… 61
  4-1-4 土壤中重金屬含量0.1N HCl萃取分析法………………… 63
 4-2 土壤中不同型態之重金屬分佈………………………………… 65
  4-2-1 不同重金屬型態分佈與全量萃取濃度關係……………… 65
  4-2-2 不同重金屬型態分佈與0.1N HCl萃取濃度關係………… 73
4-3 土壤中重金屬分析之品質保證與品質管制
(Quality Assurance/Quality Control,QA/QC)………………… 78
4-4 酸性消化法與多重化學藥劑連續萃取之比較………………… 81
  4-4-1 酸性消化與王水消化分析結果之比較…………………… 81
  4-4-2 酸性消化與王水消化分析結果之統計分析……………… 82
  4-4-3 酸性消化與0.1N HCl 萃取分析結果之比較……………… 84
  4-4-4 酸性消化與 0.1N HCl 萃取分析結果之統計分析……… 85
  4-4-5 多重化學藥劑連續萃取法與酸性消化分析結果之統計分析 87
  4-4-6 各型態重金屬含量與多重化學藥劑連續萃取法之關係…… 89
4-5 各型態重金屬含量與環境因子之相關性……………………… 93
  4-5-1 各型態重金屬含量與土壤pH值之統計分析…………… 93
  4-5-2 各型態重金屬含量與環境因子之相關性分析…………… 95
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………… 102
5-1 結論……………………………………………………………… 102
5-2 建議……………………………………………………………… 104
參考文獻………………………………………………………………… 105
附錄一 土壤分析方法………………………………………………… 111
附錄二 土壤各項分析品質管制圖表………………………………… 120
附錄三 土壤基本性質分析結果……………………………………… 132
附錄四 土壤重金屬含量分析結果…………………………………… 141
附錄五 消化濃度迴歸分析圖………………………………………… 186
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