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論文名稱(外文):The Relation Between Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship and Quality of Service A Case Study: Taiwan Power Company
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摘 要
面對消費者主義意識的抬頭,企業必須檢視他們與消費者的互動關係,而電業是「顧客導向」的行業,「服務品質」的加強,更是提升企業競爭力的原動力,值此時代環境背景下,本文以創新的思考模式,從「人」的改造模式來提昇服務品質,嘗試以「公民行為」之觀點,探討台電公司在企業再造中如何提升服務品質,改善長此以往政府形象被喻為如衛達夫斯基(A. Wildavsky)所謂的「做得更好,感覺卻更糟糕」(doing better and feeling worse),而使政府成為「不可治理性」的負面效果。
  傳統服務業面對面的服務模式,應該由被動的服務改為主動的「公民行為」,改變過往政策推行模式,只有「組織導向」、「政策導向」而無「顧客導向」的封閉思想,或偏向制度的重新定位及作業流程的改變,對於組織內服務提供者於職掌外提供額外服務之公民行為,著墨甚少,故本文參酌(Cran,1994)、Van Dyne(1995)、(Bettencourt , Gwinner & Meuter 2001)等人之研究,作為研究之理論基礎。
再以「服務導向公民行為與服務品質關聯性之探討」為題,從「顧客導向」觀點探討,培養服務人員之「公民行為」乃至於創造「顧客滿意」及「顧客價值」等顧客導向行為,是以服務導向公民行為對應服務品質之關聯性為研究之架構,並以PZB(Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry)三學者在1988年精緻化之五項服務品質構面及參考SERVQUAL量表22個衡量項目,以台電公司所屬各服務中心第一線服務人員做實證探討,驗證二者之相關性。
研究方法則選用SPSS for windows 10.0、STATISTICA 6.0分別做敘述性統計、因素分析、典型相關分析、多變量分析等量化統計分析,並將結果摘要彙整。
關鍵辭:不可治理性 服務導向組織公民行為 顧客價值
Due to the expectation from people to the government and the competition from the liberalization of power industry, service industry has become the main stream of the industry structure in Taiwan. As the progress of the society, public utility has moved into an era of service-oriented technology. In order to improve customer satisfaction and maintain customer loyalty, Taiwan Power Company has to provide customer-oriented services in addition to excellent product quality.
As the rise of consumer consciousness, enterprises have to re-inspect their relationship with consumers. Power industry is a customer-oriented industry so that the improvement of the quality of service is absolutely the motivation of enhancing competitiveness. In this background, this article implemented a new approach of people reform and citizen behavior to disclose how Taiwan Power Company improved services through reorganization, and how it changed the image of government business, which was like what A. Wildavsky said “doing better and feeling worse” and resulted in a negative impression of an governable government.
The passive face-to-face way to provide services in traditional service industry should be replaced by active citizen behavior in order to change the way of policy implementation in the past, which was full of organization-oriented, policy-oriented and non-customer-oriented closed thinking and emphasized on system reposition and process improvement. They rarely focused on the citizen behavior of providing additional services beyond job functions. As a result, this article takes the researches from Cran, (1994), Van Dyne (1995) and Bettencourt, Gwinner & Meuter (2001) as reference to be the theoretical research foundation.
Then we highlighted on “the relation between the Service-Oriented Organizational citizenship behaviorsr and the quality of service”. From the customer-oriented view, we would like to study the issue of fostering the citizen behavior of service personnel and further creating customer-oriented behaviors such as customer satisfaction and customer value. As such, the research framework of this article is based on the relation between the Service-Oriented Organizational citizenship behaviors and the quality of service. In addition, this article also adopted 5 Dimensions Model created by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry in 1988 and referred to the 22 items in SERVOUAL as well as including a case study of the front line people in service centers of Taiwan Power Company to verify the relation between the Service-Oriented Organizational citizenship behaviors and the quality of service.
SPSS for windows 10.0 and STATISTICA 6.0 are adopted as the approach to do descriptive statistics, factor analysis, type-related analysis, multi-quantification analysis and equal-quantification analysis and the result is summarized.
The result disclosed that there’s a significant relation between variable X such as service transmission, participation and authority and variable Y such as caring, production target, tangibility, reaction and timing. It also approved that the Service-Oriented Organizational citizenship behaviors and the quality of service are necessary to be developed in Taiwan Power Company. Comparing the result with the current operations of Taiwan Power Company and taking it as a reference for a researcher to proceed in service industry in the future are the contribution made by this article in academics and real practice.
Key words: ungovernable, Service-Oriented Organizational citizenship behaviors, customer value
Note: Service-Oriented Organizational citizenship behaviors: a spontaneous behavior beyond an employee’s role, a behavior of performing jobs beyond job functions; in other words, actively is assisting customers beyond the job requirements.
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍及對象 5
第四節 研究步驟 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 組織公民行為之意涵 7
第二節 服務導向公民行為之意涵 15
第三節 服務導向組織公民行為在經濟上的意涵 19
第四節 授權 21
第五節 服務品質 25
第三章 產業及台電特性分析 31
第一節 台電公司使命、願景、經營理念 31
第二節 台電公司經營概況 33
第三節 電業特性分析 34
第四節 產業結構分析 35
第五節 SWOT分析 37
第四章 研究設計 41
第一節 研究架構 41
第二節 研究假設 42
第三節 變項之操作性定義與衡量 44
第四節 研究樣本及資料蒐集方法 46
第五節 資料分析方法 47
第五章 實證結果分析 48
第一節 樣本資料分析 48
第二節 敘述性統計分析 52
第三節 信度分析 54
第四節 典型相關分析 60
第五節 本研究與先前論文結果之比較 66
第六章 結論與建議 69
第一節 研究發現與管理上之意涵 69
第二節 實證研究之結論與貢獻 73
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 75
第四節 結語 76
圖 1-4-1 研究流程 6
圖 2-3-1 服務的供給與需求 19
圖 3-2-2 整體性競爭策略 20
圖 4-5-1 服務品質概念模式 27
圖 4-1-1 研究架構 41
表 2-1-1 組織公民行為國內學者相關之研究 10
表 2-1-2 組織公民行為國外學者相關之研究 11
表 2-1-3 利他、盡職相關之研究 12
表 2-2-1 服務導向公民行為國內外學者相關之研究 17
表 2-4-1 授權之定義 22
表 2-4-2 授權之構面 23
表 2-5-1 服務品質構面及意義 29
表 2-5-2 衡量構面及組成項目 30
表 5-1-1 問卷發放及回收比例 49
表 5-1-2 員工樣本基本資料 50
表 5-1-3 顧客樣本基本資料 51
表 5-2-1 服務導向組織公民行為各變數之平均數及標準差 52
表 5-2-2 服務品質各變數之平均數及標準差 53
表 5-3-1 KMO與Bartlett檢定 54
表 5-3-2 服務導向組織公民行為因素分析摘要表 55
表 5-3-3 KMO與Bartlett檢定 56
表 5-3-4 服務品質因素分析摘要表 57
表 5-4-1 典型相關分析摘要表 60
表 5-4-2 卡方檢定摘要表 61
表 5-4-3 左邊典型相關分析摘要表 61
表 5-4-4 右邊典型相關分析摘要表 62
表 5-4-5 典型相關分析結果摘要表 63
表 5-5-1 論文結果比較 67
表 6-1-1 Duncan 檢定結果分析 71
參 考 文 獻
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