I. Libros y artículos en inglés/español:
1. A. E. Haarer, Coffee growing, New York, Oxford University Press, 1963
2. Acero Duarte y Luis Enrique, Arboles de la zona cafetera colombiana, Fondo Cultural Cafetero, Bogotá, 1985
3. Alec Ernest Haarer, Modern coffee production, Leonard Hill, London, 1958
4. Alexander Payne and James Zematis, The coffee table coffee table book, London, Black Dog, 2003
5. Ann Lander, Wake up and smell the coffee! advice, wisdom, and uncommon good sense, Villard, New York, 1996
6. Anthony Winson, Coffee and democracy in modern Costa Rica, Macmillan, Hampshire, 1989
7. April Sinclair, Coffee will make your black, Hyperion, New York, 1994
8. Brian MacMahon, Coffee and health, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, 1984
9. Calvert Catherine, Coffee the essential guide to the essential bean, Hearst Books, New York, 1994
10. Convenio UNA, Crisis y perspectivas del café latinoamericano, San José, 1994
11. Corby Kummer, The Joy of coffee, China Times Publishing Company, 1995
12. David Cappello, The market for coffee and tea, Kalorama Information, New York, 1999
13. George Vivian, Coffee and tea, H. K. Lewis, London, 1883
14. Gregory Dicum and Nina Luttinger, The coffee book: Anatomy of an industry from the crop to the last drop, New press, New York, 1999
15. Hans Hedlund, Coffee, co-operatives, and culture : an anthropological study of a coffee co-operative in Kenya, Nairobi, Oxford University Press, 1992
16. Howard Schultz, Pour your heart into it: how Starbucks built a company one cup at a time, NY Hyperion, New York, 1997
17. International Institute of Agriculture, The world’s coffee, Villa Borghese, Rome, 1947
18. Ivon Flament, Coffee flavor chemistry, New York, Wiley, 2002
19. J. de Graaff, The economics of coffee, Pudoc, Wageningen, 1986
20. Jeffrey M. Paige, Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America, Harvard University Press, 1999
21. John A. Lent, Asian popular culture, Boulder, West View Press, 1995
22. Jon Thorn, The Coffee Companion, Running Press, Philadelphia, 1995
23. Julio J. Cambranes, Café y campesinos. Los orígenes de la economía de plantación moderna en Guatemala, 1853-1897, Madrid, 1996
24. K. C. Willson, Coffee Cocoa and Tea, CABI Publishing, New York, 1999
25. Leslie A. Yerkes, Charles Decker, Charles L. Decker y Leslie Yerkes, Una taza de café, Empresa Activa, Barcelona, 2004
26. María Cristina Renard, La comercialización internacional del café, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México, 1993
27. Mark Pendergrast, Uncommon Grounds─The History of Coffee and How IT Transformed Our World, Basic Books, New York, 2000
28. Mary Banks, The world encyclopedia of coffee, Lorenz, London, 2002
29. Mary Boardman Sheldon, Coffee and a love affair: an American girl’s romance on coffee plantation, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 1908
30. Mauricio A. Font, Coffee, contention and change in the making of modern Brazil, Cambridge, B. Blackwell, 1990
31. Melissa Clark, The coffee book, Berkley Books, New York, 1994
32. Michael Sivetz and H. Elliott Foote, Coffee processing technology, Westport, AVI, 1963
33. Peter J. Buzzanell, Coffee production and trade in Latin America, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, 1979
34. R.J. Clarke and R. Macrae, Coffee, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, New York, 1985
35. Raúl Aguilar Rodas, Lo mejor del mundo─el café de Colombia, Interprint, Bogotá, 1988
36. Regina Wagner, The History of Coffee in Guatemala, Villegas Editores, Columbia, 2001
37. Robert G. Williams, State and social evolution: Coffee and the Rise of National Governments in Central America, University of North Carolina Press, 1994
38. Robert H. Bates, Open-economy politics : the political economy of the world coffee trade, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press, 1999
39. Robert Hewitt, jr, Coffee: its history, cultivation, and uses, D. Appleton and company, New York, 1872
40. Robert J. Thomas, New product success stories : lessons from leading innovators, John Wiley, New York, 1995
41. Salvador Arias Peñate, Los subsistemas de agroexportación de El Salvador: el café , el algodón y el azúcar, UCA Editores, San Salvador, 1988
42. Sutti Ortiz, Harvesting coffee, bargaining wages rural labor markets in Colombia, 1975-1990, University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1999
43. Thomas Matzen, Start & run a coffee bar, Self-counsel Press, North Vancouver, 2001
44. Tom Lang, Coffee: a story, Boudelang Press, Portland, 1995
45. Vernon Dale Wickizer, Coffee tea and cocoa, an economical and political analysis, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1951
46. William Gervase Clarence-Smith y Steven Topik, The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500-1989, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003
47. William Roseberry, Coffee, Society and Power in Latin America, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995
II. Libros y artículos en chino:
1. 陳俊成, 各國咖啡豆之特質, 食品資訊, Vol.169, 20002. 李明軒, 臺灣咖啡文化的見證者--力代咖啡, 食品資訊, Vol.176, 2000
3. 宋東, 誰攪亂了咖啡市場, 天下雜誌, Vol. 291, 20044. 顏鎮榮, 論述臺灣咖啡館的演進與個案分析研究, 嶺東學報, Vol. 14, 20035. 蔡子瑋, 咖啡市場面面觀, 中華食品工業, Vol. 34, 1999
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8. 李文富,´九九年連鎖咖啡店佈陣調查, 流通快訊, Vol. 227, 1999
9. 林瑞豐, 茶飲料市場區隔及產品定位之研究─以屏科大學生生活型態為例, 農業經營管理, Vol. 4, 1998
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11. 柯木興, 咖啡物語:咖啡學入門, 中原文化, 台北市, 1998
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14. 許心怡, 遇見一杯好咖啡,太雅, 台北市, 1999
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II. Recursos en internet:
1. ¿Cómo influencia Starbucks a la cultura de café en Taiwán?
2. Asociación Nacional de café de Guatemala
3. Blue Monutain Coffee
4. Cafetería “Barista”
5. Cafetería “Dante”
6. Cafetería “Doutor”
7. Cafetería “IS Coffee”
8. Cafetería “Kohikan”
9. Cafetería “Manabe”
10. Cafetería “Starbucks”
11. Comunidad Alfil
12. Consejo de Agricultura de Taiwán
13. Consejo de exportadores de café de Brasil
14. Consejo Salvadoreño del Café
15. Do Sun Taiwan Coffee
16. Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia
17. Historia de café en Taiwán
18. Historia de café en Taiwán
19. Instituto de café de Costa Rica
20. Instituto Hondureño del Café
21. International Coffee Organization
22. Junta de Industria de Café, Jamaica
23. Mundo del café
24. Museo de Té Ping Lin
25. Periódico inglés “Taipei Times”
26. Primera cafetería en Taiwán: Bolero
27. Primera cafetería en Taiwán: Bolero
28. Specialty Coffee Association of America
29. Taiwan Coffee Association
30. Taiwan Coffee
31. Taiwan Tea
32. Tea Research and Extension Station
33. Zona de antiguas cafeterías en Taiwán