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研究生(外文):Frank Yong-Shu Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Core Meaning of the Taiwanese La3
指導教授(外文):Linda Hsiao-Mei Liu
外文關鍵詞:TaiwaneseSouthern-MinParticlesCore MeaningAdverbs of Degrees
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在本文中,啦的核心語意,先被放在情態(modality)的角度上來探討。其次,從可能的搭配(collocations)中所顯示出的具體語值(values),可以用來當作是測定啦語意的切確根據,亦即是Klein 所區分的8類等級修飾語(adverbs of degree)。再其次,Horn (1989)的相對語義矩形被用來釐清各等級所代表的相對位置和關係。據此,啦的語義範圍在第3章(正面)和第4章(否定詞)被交叉測試。而對於王(2001)和謝(2001)對啦的核心語義所提出的定義,本文亦根據問卷及正反面語義變化的結果加以驗證。最後,藉由李(1999)的言談分析語用模式,啦的核心語義被放在語用的層次加以探討,以觀察它如何與情境一起互動,而發展出不同的語用功能, 亦即語言行為。
準此,本文除了發現謝(2001)對啦所下的定義基本上是正確的之外,也提供了一個可當下立斷的客觀準則來判斷啦的核心語義。亦即啦是個表示說話者相對自我肯定的標記,但是這份肯定所指涉的命題內涵真值,則不一定是顯然[是真或是假]的(73 )。

It has been pointed out in the literature that Taiwanese particle la3 has multiple meanings and functions. But those studies cannot provide clear-cut criterion to judge the validity of la3's core meaning and thus become problematic. It is because they do the research either by the way of listing or “guesswork” (Schourup 1985, 7).
In this paper, the core meaning of la3 is first confirmed in the modality perspective in Chapter 2. Second, Klein’s classification of 8 groups of AOD is used to indicate the concrete values derived from la3’s possible collocations. Third, by the use of Horn’s (1989) extended square of oppositions, it clarifies the relative relationships (positions and values) of each degree. Based on these criteria, la3’s ranges of denotation are testifies in Chapter 3 (the positives) and Chapter 4 (the negatives). As to Wang’s (2001) and Hsieh’s (2001) proposals toward la3’s core meaning, they are also testified based on the results of questionnaires and the evidences got from the positives and the negatives.
Finally, la3’s core meaning is demonstrated on the pragmatic level with Li’s (1999) model of discourse analysis to see how its core meaning is explored to interact with its collocation and thus perform different discourse functions i.e. speech acts.
Based on the above discussions, two aspects of la3’s core meaning are confirmed. First, Hsieh’s definition of la3 as a marker of self-certainty is basically correct. That is, it is a marker of self-certainty that shows a speaker’s epistemic attitude toward a proposition whose truthfulness is not necessarily evident [in the positives or in the negatives] (2001, 73). Second, by pointing out the specific ranges of la3’s meaning from its possible collocations and confirming them in the positives and in the negatives, this paper proves a clear-cut criterion in identifying la3’s core meaning.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii Chinese Abstract iv
Comparisons of the Major Spelling Systems Used in this Paper v
Table of Contents vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1. Motivation and Purpose 1
1.2 Literature Review 1
1.2.1 Previous Studies on the Meanings or the Functions of
the Taiwanese Particle La3 1
1.2.2 Methods Used in the Study of the Taiwanese Particle La3 6
1.2.3 The Terms Used to Name Taiwanese Particle La3 in the
Literature 14
1.3 The Language Data 19
1.4. The Organization of the Thesis 19
Chapter 2 The Modality Perspective 21
2.0 Introduction 21
2.1 The Properties of the Taiwanese Particle La3 in the
Semantic Field of Modality 21
2.2. Klein’s Eight Groups of Adverbs of Degree 25
2.2.1 The Absolute Degree (I) 27
2.2.2 The Approximative Degree (II) 28
2.2.3 The Extremely High Degree (III) 29
2.2.4 The High Degree (IV) 29
2.2.5 The Moderate Degree (V) 29
2.2.6 The Minimal Degree (VI) 30
2.2.7 The Quasinegative Degree (VII) 31
2.2.8 The Negative Degree (VIII) 31
2.3 Horn’s Extended Square of Opposition for Adverbs of Degree 32
2.4 Conclusion 36
Chapter 3 The Core Meaning of La3 38
3.0 Introduction 38
3.1 The Possible Collocations of La3 38
3.2 The Core Meaning of the Taiwanese Particle La3 48
3.3 Conclusion 50
Chapter 4 La3 and Negation 51
4.0 Introduction 51
4.1 The Effects of Negation and Double Negations 51
4.1.1 The Effects of Negation and Double Negations on Klein’s
Eight Degrees 51
4.1.2 The Effects of Negation and Double Negations Reflected
on Leech’s Rules of Inversion 59
4.2 The Testification of La3’s Core Meaning on Negation and
Double Negations 62
4.2.1 The Testification of La3’s Core Meaning on Negation 63 The Evidences Got from the Second Questionnaire 63 the Evidences Got from Klein’s Two Degrees that
can be Negated 64 the Evidences Got from Leech’s Rules of Inversion 66
4.2.2 The Testification of La3’s Core Meaning in Double Negations 67
4.3 Conclusion 69
Chapter 5 The Application of La3’s Core Meaning in the
Conversational Distributions 72
5.0 Introduction 72
5.1 The Operation of the Discourse Analysis Approach in Li’s
Model 72
5.2 The Application of La3’s Core Meaning in Different
Conversational Distributions 75
5.2.1 In the Reporting Distribution 76
5.2.2 In the Question-answering Distribution 77
5.2.3 In the Agreement/ refutation Distribution 78
5.2.4 In the Assessment Distribution 79
5.2.5 In the Exclamation Distribution 80
5.2.6 In the Suggestion Distribution 81
5.2.7 In the Listing Distribution 81
5.3 Conclusion 82
Chapter 6 Conclusion 85
6.1 Summary of this Paper 85
6.2 The Application of the Criterion Used in this Paper to Testify La3’s Core Meaning 87
Notes 90
References 104
Appendix 112
I. Forms of Questionnaires 112
A. Questionnaire 1 112
B. Questionnaire 2 113
II. Data of Subjects 115
A. The 1st Q 115
B. The 2nd Q 117
III. The Results of the Questionnaires 121
A. Raw Data of the 1st Questionnaire on the Possible
Collocations of La3 121
B. Results of the 1st Questionnaire on the Possible Collocations of HohN4 122
C. Results of the 2nd Questionnaire on the Possible Collocations of La3 123
IV. The Spectrogram of the Author’s Accent in Tones 126

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