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研究生(外文):Te-Chung Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Research of the VSS Mobile Ticket Transaction Process and Time-Stamp Protocol─Take Travel Industry for Example
指導教授(外文):Chun-Te Chen
外文關鍵詞:VSSMobile transaction processTime-Stamp Protocol
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Mobile commerce (M-COM) is becoming increasingly important in our life. We find the e-ticket is a popular way to implement the m-com. In order to solve some authentication and transaction drawbacks; we proposed a VSS (Visual Secret Sharing) ticket with time-stamp protocol on mobile environment─take travel industry for example. The VSS encrypt tech separate the ticket into two parts; one part of the ticket sends to user after he purchased. The other part ticket will be send to user when the time-stamp reached. The time-stamp protocol can provide a secure and fast verification. Control the tickets status can solve the mobile device and the e-ticket exist problem. In our environment, we offer lightweight load for mobile device and a simple identification work for merchant. It is a secure and verification fast mobile environment.
摘要 I
目錄 III
表錄 V
圖錄 VI
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
二、文獻探討 5
2.1 Visual Secret Sharing 5
2.2現有票券交易發展 8
2.3時間戳 11
2.4現行交易機制與協定 12
2.5現有票券管理系統. 14
2.6旅遊電子票券交易欄位 16
三、研究方法 20
3.1通信協定之參與者介紹 20
3.2時間戳行動票券之詳細交易流程 21
3.2.1票券發送流程 22
3.2.2主動要求驗票流程 23
3.2.3被動要求驗票流程 24
3.2.4票券管理系統介面 25
3.2.5票券結合流程 27
3.3 系統平台模型 28
3.3.1 伺服器 28
3.3.2 使用者手機端 28
四、分析與討論 30
4.1票券實用性 30
4.2行動裝置負載 31
4.3票券安全性 33
4.4票券交遞安全性 34
4.5商家與消費者之權益分析 35
五、結論與建議 36
5.1結論 36
5.2未來發展 37
參考文獻 39

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