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研究生(外文):Shin-Cheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):The scene change detection using three-layer features structure
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ming KuoDin-Xuan Chan
外文關鍵詞:Three-layer shot detection systemRegion contour feature retrieval algorithmVideo detectionVideo shot and sceneVideo indexingGradual and Dissolve
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良好的數位視訊索引建立技術(video indexing)以完成之視訊資料庫系統對方便視訊之瀏覽(Browsing)及擷取(retrieval)是相當必要而且具關鍵性因素的,在建立視訊索引之系統中在視訊中偵測出不同的視訊鏡頭(shot)與場景(scene)來作分析,以萃取出低階特徵來建立視訊索引之系統是現今所知具相當有價值也是具挑戰性的研究;而在視訊鏡頭偵測對於監控系統或建立視訊資料庫等應用是十分重要之前置處理,在本論文最關鍵的部分是我們將三階層式的視訊鏡頭偵測系統做為核心,並使用區域輪廓套索特徵值擷取演算法來針對剛體之形變的漸溶、漸變(Gradual, Dissolve)的場景做有效的偵測。
It is an effective technique for the video browsing and retrieving to construct the video indexing of digital video database. In the video indexing system, detecting be different the shots and scene for analysis from video sequence, the efficient extraction of low-level features from the shots in the video string is very valuable and the research of challenge; it is important the preprocesses for surveillance or video indexing system at video shots detection system. In this thesis, the three-layer shot detection system will be kernel of system. At third-layer, the region contour feature be used to detect shots of gradual or dissolve.
This thesis proposal attempts to develop a three-layer shot detection system as the first stage of video indexing system, which contains three layers. a frame is regarded as a object member of a video in the first detection layer, we have already found a balance splitting center for each frame so far and can exploit it to roughly tracing the shot changes. The second layer uses four specified regions, which are segmented by the balance splitting center to yield more precise shot changes via the histogram-based colorific analysis and comparison. Then the third layer extracts the major objects from the obviously changed frames based on the region contour feature algorithm. By the similarity comparison of these curvature values of the objects, the detailed detection and the type decision of shots can be achieved. As for proposed architecture could detect obviously deformation of object on top-layer, then we can further detecting deformation of gradual on bottom-layer, According to our results of layer processed and feature of video sequence for classification, in the feature, this architecture will be applied to video surveillance or object tracking.
摘要: I
致 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖 表 目 錄 IX
第1章 1
緒 論 1
1.1 問題描述: 1
1.2 研究背景: 2
1.3 研究動機與目的: 3
第2章 4
相關文獻研究回顧 4
2.1 VIDEO SHOTS的分類探討: 4
2.2傳統偵測場景變化(SCENE CHANGE)的方法: 7
2.3直方圖偵測準則 (HISTOGRAM CRITICAL): 8
第3章 9
三層式架構視訊偵測相關研究與分析 9
3.1 三階層式視訊鏡頭偵測研究方法與進行步驟: 9
3.2 三階層式視訊鏡頭偵測系統基本示意圖: 10
3.3 三階層式視訊鏡頭偵測演算法: 10
3.3-1.第一層次偵測: 11
3.3-1-1視訊鏡頭偵測第一層運作步驟: 12
3.3-1-2 影像序列進入第二層判斷的條件為: 15
3.3-2.第二層次偵測: 15
3.3-2-1視訊鏡頭偵測第二層運作步驟: 16
3.3-2-2影像序列進入第三層判斷的條件為: 19
3.3-3.第三層次偵測: 19
3.3-4. 三層式視訊鏡頭偵測系統流程圖: 19
第4章 21
以局部特徵區域演算法針對漸進式視訊形變偵測之分析 21
4.1 偵測漸變及溶解運鏡變化演算法乃用於決定層,分四大過程(子演算法): 21
4.1-1子演算法第一步驟: 21
4.1-2子演算法第二步驟: 21
4.1-3子演算法第三步驟: 22
4.1-4子演算法第四步驟: 22
4.2 用於三階層式中末層-決定層-偵測漸變及溶解運鏡變化演算法: 23
4.2-1 特徵值取點演算法: 23
4.2-2 初步判定序列影像變化: 23
4.2-3 三階層式視訊運鏡偵測漸融場景之步驟: 24
4.2-4 三階層式視訊運鏡偵測漸融場景之演算法則: 26
4.3 輪廓套索特徵值擷取演算法介紹: 29
第5章 33
實驗結果與討論 33
5.1 三階層式視訊運鏡偵測系統之結果: 33
5.2三階層式視訊運鏡偵測漸融場景之實驗結果: 37
5.2-1物件位移式的序列影像模擬步驟: 37
5.2-2漸變式的序列影像模擬步驟: 41
5.3偵測效能評估: 43
第6章 49
結論與未來方向 49
結論未來展望論述: 49
參 考 文 獻 50
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