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研究生(外文):Ming-Chuan Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The study of all-optical waveguide devices
指導教授(外文):Yaw-Dong Wu
外文關鍵詞:nonlinear optical waveguidespatial solitonkerr-type nonlinear mediumwavelength division multiplexing
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首先,吾人討論由非線性覆層組成的三層光波導結構,當輸入適當的功率,並透過輸入波導的不同偏移量,可以發現在線性-非線性的介面會出現不同程度的震盪現象;利用空間光固子間的吸引-排斥特性,在這裡提出了作用層為非線性的全光式邏輯元件,經由適當的功率及元件長度,可以達成基本的邏輯功能(AND, OR, XOR);另外,利用覆層為非線性和波導漸細的影響,提出了一個全光式的切換器,此切換器藉由不同模態去控制其輸出位置來達成切換器的功能;最後,利用非線性微擾的作用,提出新的全光式結構,利用此簡單的結構便可以實現分波多工器的功能。在超高速與超高容量的光通訊與光資訊處理應用中,它將扮演極重要的關鍵元件。
In this thesis, it discussed the properties of nonlinear optical waveguides. Nonlinear waveguide means that the refractive indices of the optical waveguide changed with the electric field intensity. By using the modal theory, it derived the eigenvalue equation in the three-layer optical waveguide with nonlinear cladding. We could use the results to analyze optical waveguide with nonlinear cladding. It not only obtained dispersion relation curves, but also observed the electric field distribution at various thickness of guiding film. On the other hand, we propose an all-optical device, that the interaction layer or cladding is nonlinear, respectively. We analyze the all-optical photonic device by the beam propagation method.
First, the three-layer optical waveguide with nonlinear cladding will be discussed. We can obtain the difference oscillation paths on the linear-nonlinear interface. By using the spatial solitons attraction-repulsion properties, we proposed an all-optical logic device with nonlinear interaction layer. The numerical results show that the proposed photonic device could really function as AND, OR, and XOR gates by simply adjusting parameters such as the input power, the device length. In addition, by using the two-mode tapered waveguide with nonlinear cladding, an all-optical switching device has been proposed. The numerical results show that this device could really function as an all-optical switch. Finally, we proposed new all-optical waveguide structures that could function as wavelength division multiplexers (WDM). It would be a potential key component in the applications of ultra-high-speed and ultra-high-capacity optical communications and optical data processing systems.
Chinese Abstract i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Basic theory and method
2.1. Modal theory and dispersion relation 5
2.2. Beam propagation method 11
Chapter 3: Numerical Study of the localized nonlinear optical waveguide excited by a linear input waveguide
3.1. Introduction 23
3.2. Numerical method 23
3.3. Numerical Results 25
3.4. Summary 26
Chapter 4: Coupled-soliton All-optical Logic Device with Two Parallel Tapered Waveguides
4.1. Introduction 37
4.2. Numerical Method 38
4.3. Numerical Results and Discussions 39
4.4. Summary 44
Chapter 5: Nonlinear All-optical Switching Devices Containing a Two-mode Tapered Waveguide
5.1. Introduction 55
5.2. Numerical method 55
5.3. Results and Discussions 57
5.4. Summary 59
Chapter 6: All-Optical Wavelength Auto-Router Based on Spatial Solitons
6.1. Introduction 72
6.2. Analysis 74
6.3. Numerical results and discussions 75
6.4. Summary 80
Chapter 7: Conclusion
7.1. Summary 91
7.2. Suggestions for future researches 92
Reference 94
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