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研究生(外文):Ying-Dar Tseng
論文名稱(外文):System Integration And Design Of The Haptic Device with Virtual Reality Technology
指導教授(外文):Shih-Feng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Haptic robotvirtual reaction force feedbackvirtual contactvirtual reality
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系統實作是建立在PC-Based之下以VC++程式語言建構使用者溝通介面並利用三維繪圖技術(OpenGL)建構虛擬環境及虛擬物體,由數位類比轉換卡、AC馬達及鋁合金五連桿平行機構 (二平移一旋轉)與虛擬實境進行溝通互動如傳遞虛擬反作用力回饋的感知訊息以及經電腦轉換接收編碼器訊號再經由運動學分析,讓虛擬世界及真實世界的手臂產生互動。在本實作過程中,系統會因使用者移動快慢速率不同而影響整個系統的回饋速率以及電腦的即時運算,不過對於接觸虛擬物的感知還是可有效的傳達給使用者感知以及實際端與虛擬端之間的同步顯示。
Recently, the virtual reality tactile feedback technology has developed rapidly. Various application and research including software and hardware also are gradually well popularized, for example that some use sensation apparatus equipment such as Data Glove and Spatial Locator Tracker to combine the virtual reality technology to build the really environment. By the sensation apparatus equipment, users come with the virtual environment in the virtual objects interaction so that they can freely take a walk, move any object in the virtual environment and feel the physical properties of a virtual object such as the surface tissue condition, contact stiffness, rough etc. However, the majority of the haptic software and hardware are imported, and there is quite fewer for the domestic voluntarily researches and development. Therefore, we start the design of the remote control virtual arm mechanical platform to reflect the contact virtual object perception information by the actual Haptic robot transmission which gives users the tactile sensation.
In this paper, the PC-based Haptic user interface (HUI) is programmed by VC++ with the 3D graphic library OpenGL to create the virtual environment, virtual objects, and the virtual robot. A 3-dof Haptic robot interface is built to communicate with the virtual environment including the virtual reaction force feedback. Users manipulate the
Haptic robot to transform and receive the tactile sensation from the virtual robot within the virtual environment. The experimental results show that the speed of robot manipulation will affect the efficiency of the force feedback and real-time computation. Nevertheless, the system is still effective for the feeling transmission when the virtual robot contacts any virtual objects. The virtual and really robots are synchronized during the normal operation.
中文摘要 ....................................................i
英文摘要 ...................................................ii
誌謝 ...................................................iv
目錄 ....................................................v
表目錄 ..................................................vii
圖目錄 .................................................viii
第一章 緒論.................................................1
1.5 論文架構.........................................6
第二章 虛擬實境技術與觸覺回饋裝置(Haptic Device)介紹........7
2.1 前言.............................................7
2.2 虛擬實境.........................................7
2.2.1 何謂虛擬實境.................................7
2.2.2 虛擬實境特性.................................8
2.2.3 虛擬實境之種類及應用.........................9
2.3 觸覺回饋裝置(Haptic Device)...................12
2.3.1 觸覺與力覺的差異............................12
2.3.2 觸覺回饋(Haptic Feedback).................14
2.3.3 觸覺界面裝置(Haptic Interface)............15
第三章 Haptic Device機構設計與運動學分析...................24
3.1 前言............................................24
3.2 機構設計........................................27
3.3 逆轉換(Inverse Kinematics)......................30
3.4 正轉換(Forward Kinematics)......................34
3.5 賈可賓矩陣(Jacobian Matrix).....................35
第四章 系統整合...........................................39
4.1 前言.............................................39
4.2 實驗設備.........................................39
4.3 系統架構.........................................49
4.4 觸覺回饋裝置.....................................51
4.5 OpenGL (Open Graphics Library)...................54
4.6 碰撞偵測 (Collision Detection)...................55
4.6.1 邊界盒 (Bounding Box).......................56
4.6.2 邊界球 (Bounding Sphere)....................58
4.7 虛擬力回饋.......................................61
第五章 結論...............................................65
參考文獻 ...................................................68
A Ø1與Ø2之求解..........................................72
B 實際端被動角之求解....................................73
C 虛擬手臂與虛擬物之建構................................75
D 觸覺回饋平台之尺寸圖..................................80
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