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研究生(外文):Tse-Fu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Parallel Algorithms for Longest Common Subsequence Problem andAnt Colony Optimization Algorithms for Multiple-Longest Common Subsequence Problem
指導教授(外文):Hsiung-Chien Hsu
外文關鍵詞:coarse grained multicomputersparallel algorithmdynamic programmingant colony optimizationlongest common subsequence
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最長共同子字串問題(longest common subsequence、LCS)自從70年代起就受到釵h學者的研究與注意。自此釵h循序或平行演算法即常見諸於國內外重要文獻。這篇論文的目的,就是在設計並且實作一個平行演算法來解 LCS 的問題,然後在一個PC cluster的環境下實做這些演算法,來分析他們的效能,特別是找出這些演算法的絕對增益比(absolute speedup): Tsequential/Tparallel(p),即最快的循序演算法在一部個人電腦執行所需時間除上p台個人電腦執行平行演算法所需時間的比值關係。實驗的結果顯示我們所提出的LCS平行演算法卓越效率。
The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem has attracted many researchers’ attention since the ‘70s. Many sequential or parallel LCS algorithms can be found in the literature even since.
We propose new parallel algorithms for the longest common subsequence (LCS) problem in the coarse grained multicomputers (CGM) model, and some ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms for finding the longest common subsequence among multiple sequences (mLCS) in the thesis. For the LCS problem, we empirically study the performances of our and other CGM parallel algorithms in the literature on a PC cluster. To report the absolute speedup, Tsequential/Tparallel(p), the ratio of time needed by running the best sequential algorithm over the time needed by the parallel algorithm running on p processors, we also implement and test some elegant sequential algorithms for LCS. For the mLCS problem, we testify our ACO algorithms against some proposed approximation algorithms. Besides the parallel implementation of ACO is realized on a PC cluster.
Experimental results about different kinds of input problem sets, such as DNA, protein or random sequences, demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our CGM parallel algorithms for LCS and the ACO algorithms for mLCS.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Brief Reviews on LCS Algorithms
2.1 Literature survey on LCS algorithms
2.1.1 Sequential LCS algorithms Finding LCS by row by row approaches Finding LCS by diagonal approaches Finding LCS by Bit Vector algorithm
2.1.2 Parallel LCS algorithms PRAM model CGM model
2.2 Literature survey on mLCS Algorithms
2.2.1 Long Run Algorithms
2.2.2 Expansion Algorithms
2.2.3 Minimal Spanning Tree-based Greedy Algorithms
2.2.4 String by String Iterative Algorithms
2.2.5 ACO Framework
2.2.6 AS-LCS: ACO for mLCS by Hsu and Tsai
Chapter 3 Parallel Algorithms for LCS
3.1 Simple wavefront parallel algorithm
3.2 Wavefront Parameterized (WP) and Wavefront Divided (WD)
3.3 KC WP
Chapter 4 ACO Algorithms for mLCS
4.1 ACOTree for mLCS
4.2 ACOChar for mLCS
4.3 Parallel ACOChar for mLCS
Chapter 5 Experimental Results
5.1 Parallel platform
5.2 Parallel LCS Algorithms
5.3 mLCS Algorithms
Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks
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