中文部分 - 依姓名比劃為序
1. 方世榮(民89)。行銷管理學。台北市:東華。
2. 李威德(民90)。品牌權益衡量模式之建立與評估。政治大學企業管理研所碩士論文,台北市。3. 周文賢(民90)。多變量統計分析:SAS/STAT使用方法(待出版書稿)。台北市。
4. 洪順慶(民90)。行銷管理(二版)。台北市:新陸。
5. 郭建中(民89)。行銷學。台北縣:揚智文化。
6. 陳振燧、洪順慶(民88)。消費者品牌權益衡量之建構-以顧客基礎觀點之研究。中山管理評論,第七卷第七期,1999冬季號。7. 黃湘燕(民89)。品牌延伸評價研究。交通大學經營管理研所碩士論文,新竹市。8. 潘扶仁(民90)。臺灣汽車品牌形象之比較 – 品牌知名度、購買意願與品牌忠誠度關係之研究。交通大學管理科學學程碩士班碩士論文,新竹市。9. 賴士葆(民84)。生產作業管理-理論與實務(二版)。台北市:華泰。
10. 大野耐一著、日本能率協會編(民83)。豐田生產方式與現場管理(二版)。(林耀川、成玉山譯)。台北市:中華企業管理發展中心。
英文部分 - 依姓名字母排序
1. Aaker, David (1991). Managing Brand Equity. The Free Press.
2. Aaker, David (1992). The Value of Brand Equity. Journal of Business Strategy, 13.
3. Aaker, David (1996). Building Strong Brand. New York: The Free Press.
4. Berry, Norman C. (1988). Revitalizing Brands. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, Santa Barbara, 5, Iss. 3,Summer.
5. Blackston, Max (1992). Observations: Building Brand Equity by Managing The Brand’s Relationships. Journal of Advertising Research, 32 (3).
6. Cobb-Walgren, Cathy J., Cythia A. Ruble, and Naveen Donthu (1995). Brand Equity, Brand Preference, and Purchase Intent. Journal of Advertising, 24(11).
7. Cooper, Jim (1999). Building The Brand. Brandweek, New York, 40, Iss 22.
8. Dyson, Paul, Andy Farr, and Nigel S. Hollis (1996). Understanding, Measuring, and Using Brand Equity. Journal of Advertising Research, Nov/Dec.
9. Farquhar, Peter H. (1990). Managing Brand Equity. Journal of Advertising Research, August/September.
10. Fournier, Susan (1998). Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 24, Gainesvill: Mar 1998.
11. Gibson, Stanley (1988). X/Open: First Steps. Computerworld,24,Iss. 4, Framingham: Sep 19, 1988.
12. Han, C. M. (1989). Country Image: Halo or Summary Construct. Journal of Marketing Research, 26(2).
13. Interbrand (http://www.interbrand.com) .
14. Kamakura, Wagner and Gary Russell (1993). Measuring Brand Value With Scanner Data. International Journal of Research in Marketing.
15. Keller, Kevin Lane. Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, 57 (1).
16. Keller, Kevin Lane (1998). Strategic Brand Management – Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity (1st ed.).
17. Kotler Philip (2000). Marketing Management. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc..
18. Mahajan, Vijay, Vithala R. Rao, & Rajendra K. Srivastava (1994). An Approach to Assess the Importance of Brand Equity in Acquisition Decisions. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11 (June).
19. Park, Su Chan and V. Srinivasan (1994). A Survey-Based Method for Measuring and Understanding Brand Equity and Its Extendibility. Journal of Marketing Research, 31 (5).
20. Scrivastava, Rajendra and Allan D. Shocker (1991). Brand Equity: A Perspective on Its Meaning and Management. Working paper, Graduate School of Business, University of Texas as Austin., Texas, USA.
21. Simon, Carol J. and Mary W Sullivan (1993). The Measurement and Determinants of Brand Equity: A Financial Approach. Market Science, 12 (Winter).
22. Smith, Diana (1988). Building Bridges to a Brand-New Self. Prevention, 40 (September).
23. Swait, Joffre, Tulin Erdem, Jordan Louviere & Chris Dubelaar (1993). The Equalization Price: A measure of consumer-perceived brand equity. International Journal of Research in Market, 10.
24. Winters, Lewis C.(1991). Brand Equity Measures:Some Recent Advances. Marketing Research, 3 (December,70-74).
25. Yoo, Boonghee, Naveen Donthu, & Sungho Lee (2000). An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elements and Brand Equity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 (2).