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研究生(外文):PAI YI-HAO
論文名稱(外文):Optical Properties and Microstructure of Ta2O5-x Thin Films Prepared by RF Sputtering
外文關鍵詞:RF magnetron sputtering systemflexible substratessub-stoichiometrytantalum pentoxide thin filmsTEMoptical transmissionenergy band gap
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本研究使用金屬鉭靶並利用反應射頻磁控濺鍍技術鍍著Ta2O5於可撓性基材PET、玻璃與矽基板上,藉由改變氧氣流量、沉積時間及射頻功率等製程參數,對濺鍍後薄膜之光學性質與微結構進行分析。由橢圓分光儀與原子力顯微鏡(AFM)量測發現,隨著O/Ar流量比增加,薄膜的沉積速率會相對下降,而薄膜的折射率及表面粗糙度則相對的增加,整體而言表面平均粗糙度皆在1.5 nm以內。經由穿透式電子顯微鏡能量分散X光光譜儀(EDS)觀察薄膜組成,得知隨著O/Ar流量比由0.6增加至1.25時,薄膜化學計量比由1:1.40提升至1:2.41,為次化學劑量比(Sub-stoichiometry)之化合物薄膜,而薄膜的結晶性也從非晶型態轉換成奈米級微晶結構;在射頻功率方面,適當的濺鍍功率有助於薄膜結晶性與緻密性的增加,而過渡增加濺鍍功率反而會改變膜的組成,導致粗糙鍍上升與結晶性降低。
在了解沉積參數對薄膜的影響後,本研究再利用分光光譜儀針對沉積於PET基材與玻璃基材之薄膜做光學性質分析,結果得到沉積於玻璃基材與PET基材的薄膜在厚度極薄(25~30 nm)的情況下,可見光穿透率平均都約在95%左右,而在厚度約為100 nm的情況下沉積於玻璃基板的可見光穿透率(83%)遠大於PET基材光穿透率(65%),而所得到的光學能隙值,就玻璃基材而言,薄膜平均能隙值為4.25eV;就PET基材而言,薄膜平均能隙值為3.75eV。本研究結果顯示在室溫下藉由參數調整來製備出兼具良好光學性質與結晶性良好之Ta2O5薄膜之可行性相當高。

Low temperature coating technology for depositing thin films on flexible substrates is one of the most important issues in flat panel displays (FPD) research. Tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5-X) thin films belong to high-valence oxides, having low optical loss, high refractive index, and good chemical stability, and find applications in optoelectronic devices.
Tantalum pentoxide thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering under different O2/Ar flow ratio, deposition time, and RF power. Three different types of substrate including polyethylene terephthalate (PET), glass, and Si were used in this study. Effects of processing parameters on the microstructure and optical properties of the coatings were investigated. It is found from ellipsometry (at a wavelength of 632.8 nm) and atomic force microscopy that the deposition rate of the films decreases with increasing O2/Ar ratios, and vice versa for the refractive index and surface roughness. The average surface roughness of the Ta2O5-x coatings is 1.5 nm. From x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), it is obtained that the Ta:O atomic ration of the films produced with O2/Ar ratios ranging from 0.6 to 1.25 is 1:1.40 to 1:2.41, respectively. The films prepared at low O2/Ar flow ratio are amorphous, whereas the one that was prepared at high flow ratio consists of a mixture of nanocrystalline and amorphous phases. In respect to the RF power, it is found that the crystallinity and packing density of the films improve with the RF power.
Measurement of the optical transmittance of Ta2O5-x films indicates that when the film thickness is less than 25 nm, the transmission is about 95%. As the film thickness approaches about 100 nm, the optical transmission of the Ta2O5-x films on glass and PET substrate was decreases to 83% and 65%, respectively. In addition, the energy band gap of the films on the glass and PET substrates were estimated to be 4.2 ± 0.02 eV and 3.75 ± 0.02 eV, respectively.
In summary, this study demonstrates obtained that Ta2O5-x thin films with good optical properties can be made by properly control of the O/Ar flow ratio and RF power of the coating system.

總 目 錄
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機--------------------------------------------------------------------1
1-2 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------------2
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧
2-1 五氧化二鉭薄膜基本特質-----------------------------------------------5
2-1-1 鉭的性質------------------------------------------------------------5
2-1-2 五氧化二鉭的性質與結構---------------------------------------5
2-2 反應射頻磁控濺鍍原理------------------------------------------------11
2-2-1 電漿之理論-------------------------------------------------------11
2-2-2 濺鍍概述----------------------------------------------------------14
2-2-3 射頻濺鍍(RF Sputtering)---------------------------------------16
2-2-4 反應性磁控濺鍍原理與特點----------------------------------18
2-3 光學理論------------------------------------------------------------------23
2-3-1 單介面與單層膜之反射與透射-------------------------------23
2-3-2 薄膜光學性質----------------------------------------------------26
2-4 薄膜濺鍍於可撓式基板的發展---------------------------------------31
2-4-1 塑膠基材的特性與需求特點----------------------------------31
2-4-2 可撓式基板的製程技術與應用-------------------------------32
2-5 可撓式基板面臨問題與解決方案------------------------------------35
第三章 實驗方法與步驟
3-1 實驗規劃與流程圖------------------------------------------------------36
3-2 實驗材料與基材前處理------------------------------------------------39
3-3 濺鍍系統與薄膜製備---------------------------------------------------40
3-3-1 薄膜濺鍍系統簡介----------------------------------------------40
3-3-2 五氧化二鉭薄膜製備與參數設計----------------------------41
3-4 薄膜性質分析與量測---------------------------------------------------42
3-4-1 薄膜表面形貌與厚度量測-------------------------------------43
3-4-2 顯微組織與結晶性分析----------------------------------------45
3-4-3 定性與定量化學成份分析-------------------------------------48
3-4-4 表面粗糙度值量測----------------------------------------------50
3-4-5 折射率量測-------------------------------------------------------51
3-4-6 薄膜透射率量測-------------------------------------------------53
3-4-7 官能基量測-------------------------------------------------------53
第四章 結果與討論
4-1-1 薄膜沉積速率、折射率與表面形貌探討---------------------55
4-1-2 薄膜結晶性與結構探討------------------------------------------62
4-1-3 薄膜成份與化學計量分析---------------------------------------65
4-2 沉積時間對薄膜性質之影響------------------------------------------70
4-2-1 薄膜厚度對沉積速率與折射率之探討------------------------70
4-2-2 薄膜厚度對表面形貌之探討------------------------------------72
4-3 射頻功率對薄膜性質之影響------------------------------------------78
4-3-1 射頻功率對表面形貌之探討------------------------------------78
4-3-2 射頻功率對薄膜結構與結晶性之探討------------------------86
4-3-3 射頻功率對薄膜成份與化學計量分析------------------------90
4-3-4 小結---------------------------------------------------------------92
4-4 基材種類對薄膜光學性質之影響------------------------------------93
4-4-1 玻璃與PET基材性質量測---------------------------------------93
4-4-2 氧流量對不同基材上鍍膜光性分析---------------------------97
4-4-3 鍍著時間對不同基材上鍍膜光性分析----------------------104
第五章 結論
圖 目 錄
圖1-1 可撓式塑膠平面液晶顯示器之基本構造-----------------------------3
圖2-1 Ta2O5斜方晶晶格結構在(001)面的投影示意圖----------------------7
圖2-2 Ta2O5六方晶結構示意圖--------------------------------------------------7
圖2-3 Ta2O5六方晶結構可能排列推測示意圖--------------------------------8
圖2-4 鉭-氧二元相圖-------------------------------------------------------------8
圖2-5 直流放電下,典型的電壓電流關係圖-------------------------------13
圖2-6 濺鍍原理示意圖----------------------------------------------------------15
圖2-7 為射頻濺鍍系統之匹配網路示意圖---------------------------------17
圖2-8 薄膜沉積步驟(a)成核 (b)晶粒成長 (c)晶粒聚結 (d)縫道填補 (e)薄膜成長------------------------------------------------------------------21
圖2-10 在基板Ns上鍍上一層折射率為N的薄膜,厚度為d-----------25
圖2-11 為薄膜之光反射作用示意圖-----------------------------------------30
圖2-12 In-line Roll to Roll Coater簡圖----------------------------------------34
圖2-13 AR film膜層結構示意圖-----------------------------------------------34
圖3-1 射頻賤鍍系統示意圖----------------------------------------------------41
圖3-2 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡結構示意圖-------------------------------44
圖3-3 穿透式電子顯微鏡結構示意圖----------------------------------------47
圖3-4 穿透式電子顯微鏡能量分散X光光譜儀結構示意圖-------------49
圖3-5 原子力顯微鏡(AFM)掃描原理示意圖-------------------------------52
圖3-6 橢圓儀結構示意圖-------------------------------------------------------52
圖3-7 UV-VIS光譜儀結構示意圖---------------------------------------------54
圖3-8 FTIR光譜儀結構示意圖------------------------------------------------54
圖4-1 O/Ar流量比0.6~1.25之沉積速率與折射率比較圖-----------------57
圖4-2 (a)-(c)分別為氧氬流量比0.6-1.25表面形貌圖----------------------59
圖4-3 (a)-(c)分別為氧氬流量比0.6-1.25,AFM-3D影像圖---------------60
圖4-4 為薄膜表面粗糙度均方根值與成長指數比較圖-------------------61
圖4-5 (a)、(b)、(c)、分別為O/Ar流量比0.6、0.8、1.25之TEM選區繞射影像圖及(d) 3D繞射影像圖;(e)、(f)分別為O/Ar流量比1.25之平面及橫截面明視野影像圖-------------------------------63
圖4-6 為圖4-5(a)-(c)選區繞射影像之縱向強度分析圖-------------------64
圖4-7 (a)-(c)分別為氧氬流量比0.6-1.25之X光能量分散光譜圖------67
圖4-8 為O/Ta化學計量比值與氧氬流量比關係圖------------------------69
圖4-9 沉積時間40-120 min之沉積速率與折射率比較圖---------------71
圖4-10 (a)-(c)分別為沉積時間40-120 min表面形貌圖--------------------74
圖4-11 (a)-(c)分別為沉積時間40-120 min橫截面形貌圖-----------------75
圖4-12 (a)-(c)沉積時間120min,AFM3D影像圖----------------------------77
圖4-13 為薄膜表面粗糙度均方根值與成長指數比較圖-----------------77
圖4-14 (a)-(d)分別為射頻功率3.94-7.40W/cm2表面形貌圖--------------81
圖4-14 (a)-(d)分別為射頻功率3.94-7.40W/cm2橫截面影像圖----------83
圖4-16 (a)-(d)分別為射頻功率3.94-7.40W/cm2 ,AFM3D影像圖------85
圖4-17 射頻功率4.68 W/cm2;(a)、(b)分別為橫截面明視野TEM影像圖及選區繞射影像圖-------------------------------------------------87
圖4-18 射頻功率5.67 W/cm2;(a)、(b)分別為橫截面明視野TEM影像圖及選區繞射影像圖-------------------------------------------------88
圖4-19 射頻功率7.40 W/cm2;(a)、(b)分別為橫截面明視野TEM影像圖及選區繞射影像圖-------------------------------------------------89
圖4-20 (a)-(c)為射頻功率3.94-7.40 W/cm2之X光能量分散光譜圖----91
圖4-22 (a)(b)分別為玻璃與PET基材表面AFM-3D影像圖-------------95
圖4-23 (a)(b)分別為玻璃與PET基材表面接觸角量測圖-----------------95
圖4-24(a) 於玻璃基材沉積時間30min光穿透率結果--------------------99
圖4-24(b) 於玻璃基材沉積時間30min能係圖-----------------------------99
圖4-25(a) 於PET基材沉積時間30min光穿透率結果-------------------100
圖4-25(b) 於PET基材沉積時間30min能係圖---------------------------100
圖4-26(a) 於玻璃基材沉積時間60min光穿透率結果-------------------101
圖4-26(b) 於玻璃基材沉積時間60min能係圖----------------------------101
圖4-27(a) 於PET基材沉積時間60min光穿透率結果------------------102
圖4-27(b) 於PET基材沉積時間60min能係圖---------------------------102
圖4-28 於PET基材沉積時間60min消光係數圖------------------------103
圖4-29 於PET基材沉積時間60min;Fourier轉換紅外線光譜分析圖
圖4-30 於玻璃基材沉積時間40~120 min光穿透率結果---------------105
圖4-31 於PET基材沉積時間40~120 min光穿透率結果---------------105
圖4-32 於玻璃基材射頻功率3.94~7.40W/cm2光穿透率結果----------107
圖4-33 於PET基材射頻功率3.94~7.40W/cm2光穿透率結果----------107
圖4-34 (a)(b)分別為五氧化二鉭薄膜沉積於玻璃與PET基才上表面形貌圖--------------------------------------------------------------------------------108
表 目 錄
表1-1 玻璃與塑膠LCD面板性能的比較--------------------------------------4
表1-2 常見液晶平面顯示器用薄膜基材--------------------------------------4
表1-3 各種塑膠基材之變形溫度-----------------------------------------------4
表2-1 鉭與氧物理性質比較----------------------------------------------------9
表2-2 五氧化二鉭基本物理性質----------------------------------------------10
表2-3 Ta-O晶體結構與資料列表----------------------------------------------10
表2-4 五氧化二鉭在各種製程下之光學性質比較-------------------------29
表3-1 實驗參數-------------------------------------------------------------------37

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