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研究生(外文):Kuang-Yu Tai
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of VCSELs with Tunable Wavelength by Electrostatic Suspended Mirror Structure
指導教授(外文):Ray-Hua Hrong
外文關鍵詞:Vertical-cavity surface emitting laserMEMSSuspended mirrorEtched-MesaDielectric material
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光纖資料通訊(Optic Fiber Data Communication)因為網路通訊之發達已日趨重要,而光纖通訊所需要的光源(Optical Source)更是重要的一環。其中,垂直共振腔面射型雷射(Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, VCSEL)近年來發展迅速,自1999年以來,由於光纖通訊日趨其重要性地位,大流量之通訊需求,其主動元件可調波長之雷射應運而生。本論文係以微機電製程技術(MEMS)將Fabry-Perot鏡面製作成懸浮鏡面(Suspended Mirror),並且選擇適當之材料與方式做表面平坦化(Planarization),其後選擇適當之材料作為元件之犧牲層(Sacrificial Layer)以及蝕刻阻擋層(Etching Stop Layer),並加以評估其可行性,最後將其應用在VCSEL元件上。在懸浮鏡面上施予一外加偏壓,使結構產生靜電吸引力來調變共振腔長度,以達波長調變之效果。元件製作部份採兩個方向進行,大面積(Board Area, BA)製程與蝕刻平台(Etched Mesa)製程,此目的在於驗證結構建立的可行性以及特性之差異。於元件特性部分,當我們給予懸浮鏡面最大偏壓80V時,波長中心由608 nm位移至598 nm,可以獲得最大的波長調變範圍為10 nm。
Optical source is of great interest in the application of the optic fiber data communication. Recently, vertical cavity surface emitting laser is opening up new opportunities for laser application, and has been commercialized and used for the application of data communication. Since 1999, tunable lasers are recognized as a highly desirable component used to increase the bandwidth of data communication. In this report, we fabricated by the fabrication of VCSELs process and selected the applicable materials to planarization, sacrificial layer and etching stop layer materials.Finally, we fabricated the suspended mirror on optical device and designed a Fabry-Perot suspended mirror on VCSEL by MEMS process that were modulated electrostatically by applying a bias between the membrane and cavity,which will be tuned light wavelength by reducing the air gap thickness. Our devices are fabricated by Board-Area process and Etched-Mesa process that to test and verify the practicable structure and compare with different characteristics between two processes. The central wavelength shifts continuously from 608 nm to 598 nm with applied voltage at 80V. Therefore, we could gain 10 nm tuning range from 0V to 80V.
Abstract ..………………………………………………….……………vi
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………...1
1.1 前言………………….……………………………..………….1
1.2 VCSEL簡介…………………………………………………...2
1.2.1 VCSEL的主要結構…………………………….………2
1.2.2 VCSEL的工作原理………………………………..…...3
1.2.3 VCSEL的製作………………………………..…...........4
1.3 論文動機………………….……………………………..…….6
第二章 Tunable VCSEL的原理與結構評估
2.1 Tunable VCSEL的操作原理……………………………..…..8
2.2 靜電式吸附原理……………………………………………..10
2.3 表面平坦化…………………………………………………..11
2.4 犧牲層的種類與考量………………………………………..13
第三章 實驗
3.3 元件製程…………………………………………………......20
3.3.1 晶片清洗……………………………………………...20
3.3.2 大面積(Board Area, BA)製程……………..…………20
3.3.3 蝕刻平台(Etched Mesa)製程……………..………….22
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 表面平坦化……….….………………………………………25
4.1.1 黃光對準剝離…………...……………………………26
4.1.2 氧電漿乾式蝕刻…………………………...................26
4.1.3 表面拋光…………………………...............................27
4.2 保護層…………………….….………………………………28
4.3 犧牲層之建立…….………………………………………….29
4.3.1 二氧化矽犧牲層材料………………………………...29
4.3.2 聚合物犧牲層材料…………………………………...29
4.3.3 金屬鋁犧牲層材料…………………………………...30
4.4 鏡面設計…….……………………………………………….31
4.5 元件製作結果與討論…….………………………………….32
4.5.1 BA製程結果之探討………………………………......32
4.5.2 蝕刻平台製程結果之探討…………………………...34
4.6 元件L-I-V量測結果…….…………………………………...36
第五章 結論 …………………….…………………………………. 37
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