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研究生(外文):Chin-Yi Shih
論文名稱(外文):Study on Delamination of Bottom Paddles of Lead Frames for Semiconductor Packaging
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Bin Lee
外文關鍵詞:Bottom paddle.ReliabilityDelaminationEMC (Epoxy molding compound)
  • 被引用被引用:26
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  本研究主要針對銅導線架晶座底層(Bottom paddle)與膠餅(Epoxy molding compound , EMC)間所產生的脫層(Delamination)現象作研究。將實驗分為兩組,一組為只經歷黏晶粒與烘烤製程(Die attachment and epoxy curing);另一組為僅經銲線製程(Wire bonding),而後進行封裝(Molding)及封裝後烘烤(Post molding cure, PMC)等後續一連串製程;最後藉由掃描式超音波顯微鏡(C-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscope, C-SAM)及電子掃描顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM)等儀器,來輔助判斷是否會發生導線架底座與膠餅間的脫層現象。而結果顯示:
 2.可得較佳的烘烤製程參數,其溫度範圍約在160 至 190˚C間,如果在低於160或高於190˚C,將可能會發生脫層現象。

  This thesis were mainly researched to addressed the occurrence of delamination phenomenon between the interface of epoxy molding compound (EMC) and bottom paddle of the lead frame during assembly process.

The said experiment was performed into two parts:
 One was only to performed by dispensing die attached epoxy adhesive on die paddle then performed to next stage by curing epoxy using the conventional oven with/without has an N2 flow rate circulating inside during curing process.
 Secondly, the other experiment was performed by using a bare copper lead frame into the wire bonding machine to simulate if the bottom paddle will absorb some heating oxidation from the heater block with 230 deg C surface temperature during wire bonding process.

  After the two experiments are done through above procedures and conditions both will carried out to molding process to encapsulate the units and continue process until to form and singulation stage.

  To check delamination phenomenon between epoxy molding compound and bottom paddle of the lead frame it uses the C-SAM methodology (C-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscope) to check the delamination performance.

The results were as shown below:
 1. The dispensed die attached adhesive on die pad and epoxy curing process using the conventional oven has a higher occurrence delamination compared to dry running on wire bonding process.
 2. It can obtain to optimize parameters between 160 and 190˚C for epoxy cure processing.
 3. In the conventional oven whether to filled with or without N2 flow rate absolutely can affect the efficient of epoxy curing but uncertain the occurrence of delamination on the bottom paddle.

  At present, the delamination still is a major concern in terms of quality and reliability for lead frame packaging. How to avoid the cause and promoting yield rate in which to become a very important issue and need to be improve at continuously.

  This thesis demonstrated by experiment and reappeared deviation for delamination to be verified.

  Finally, to obtain the optimum parameters and research for determining the root cause and these viewpoints have a positive efficiency for process improvement to control the delamination occurrence.

1-1 前言...................................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的.........................................3
1-3 文獻回顧...............................................4
1-4 研究方法...............................................5

第二章 銅導線架脫層概述
2-1 IC封裝主要製程概述....................................7
2-2 銅導線架與膠餅之概述..................................14
2-2-1 銅導線架基本性質....................................14
2-2-2 膠餅的基本性質......................................17
2-3 介面結合力原理........................................20
2-4 掃描式超音波顯微鏡(C-SAM)檢測之原理...................23

第三章 實驗方法與步驟
3-2 實驗方法與流程........................................31
3-3 沾銀膠而後烘烤製程....................................33
3-4 模擬銲線製程(空打)....................................38
3-5 量測設備簡述..........................................41

第四章 實驗結果與討論
4-1 四面引腳封裝(QFP)模擬實驗.............................44
4-2 薄小間距封裝(TSOP)模擬實驗............................48

第五章 結論及未來研究方向
5-1 結論..................................................53
5-2 未來研究方向..........................................53

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