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研究生(外文):Cong-Han Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Microwave Sintering of AlN Ceramics
指導教授(外文):Shyan-Lung Chung
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  研究中發現當以氧化釔作為燒結助劑時,以添加5wt%助劑量於1900℃持溫30分鐘可達到最佳之收縮率18.07%、體密度3.30g/cm3及熱傳導值153.38W/m-K;然而採用氧化釔-碳酸鋰複合助劑時,5wt%Y2O3+1wt% Li2CO3可於1700℃持溫30分鐘達到體密度3.15 g/cm3與熱傳導值112.97 W/m- K,比5wt% Y2O3在1700℃持溫30分鐘之體密度2.80 g/cm3與熱傳導值80.20 W/m-K,要有更佳之燒結效果;當延長燒結時間時更可得到較佳之晶形與更高的熱傳導值。5wt%Y2O3+1wt% Li2CO3於1700℃延長燒結時間,在120分鐘之持溫時間後可得體密度3.21 g/cm3與熱傳導值156.79W/m-K;添5wt%Y2O3+1wt% Li2CO3助劑1900℃燒結時,小粒徑分佈粉體在燒結方面可得到較佳之體密度之3.33 g/cm3,但較高的氧含量卻不利於熱傳導值110.57 W/m-K。
  High thermal conductivity, good electrical insulation, low dielectric constant, and low thermal expansion coefficient make aluminum nitride a very promising ceramic material for electronic substrate applications. However, the high cost of this material lead it to popularization hardly.
  The single-mode microwave furnace was used to sinter high thermal conductivity AlN ceramics. For the combustion synthesized AlN product and the advantages of microwave sintering the fast heating and saving of energy we can get the cheaper synthesize and applications.
  First, the synthesized AlN product was milled to desired sizes by using an attritor with ZrO2 balls. The powder was mixed with additives and binder. Then, made to green bodies, and microwave sintering. Last, we studied the density, thermal conductivity, grain, and microstructure with the sintered body.
  In the study, we found that using Y2O3 as the additive for sintering, 5wt% of the amount of Y2O3 sintering in 1900℃for 30 minutes can get the best shrin- kage (18.07%), density (3.30g/cm3) and thermal conductivity (153.38W/m-K). However using the Y2O3-Li2CO3 complex additive, it can get the higher density and better thermal conductivity (ρ=3.15 g/cm3, k=112.97 W/m- K) then only using Y2O3 additive(ρ=2.80 g/cm3, k=80.20 W/m- K). As sintering for 120 minutes with the Y2O3-Li2CO3 complex additive, we can gain the density, 3.21 g/cm3 and, an especially high thermal conductivity, 156.79W/m-K. Sintering with small particles size with complex additive, we can get the high density (3.33 g/cm3), but the high concentration of oxygen caused the low thermal conductivity for sintering body.
摘要 ...................................................Ⅰ
Abstract ...............................................Ⅱ
誌謝 ...................................................Ⅲ
總目錄 .................................................Ⅳ
表目錄 .................................................Ⅸ
圖目錄 .................................................Ⅹ
第一章 緒論
1-1 氮化鋁陶瓷 .........................................1
1-2 氮化鋁基板之介簡 ...................................2
1.3 微波燒結 ..........................................3
1-4 氮化鋁之合成方法 ..................................4
1-5 SHS簡介 ............................................6
1-6 前人研究 ..........................................11
1-7 研究動機 ..........................................12
第二章 理論基礎
2-1 氮化鋁的特性 ......................................14
2-2 熱傳導機構 ........................................15
2-3 微波加熱概論 ......................................17
2-3-1 何謂微波 .........................................17
2-3-2 微波爐的組成 ....................................18
2-3-3 微波加熱原理 ....................................18
2-3-4 微波加熱與傳統加熱的區別 ........................20
2-3-5 微波加熱的特點 ..................................21
2-4 液相燒結 ..........................................22
2-5 液相燒結助劑選擇 ..................................24
2-6 測溫原理 ..........................................26
第三章 實驗裝置和藥品
3-1 粉碎研磨設備 ......................................30
3-2 燒結裝置 ..........................................30
3-3 微波測溫裝置 ......................................31
3-4 其他設備 ..........................................31
3-5 藥品和氣體 ........................................32
第四章 實驗方法
4-1 氮化鋁粉體之研磨 ..................................36
4-2 氮化鋁生胚之製作 ..................................36
4-2-1 燒結粉體之調配 ...................................36
4-2-2 生胚之成型 ......................................37
4-2-3 結合劑之去除 ....................................37
4-3 坩堝之製作 ........................................37
4-4 微波燒結 ...........................................39
4-5 粉體性質分析 .......................................40
4-5-1 粒徑分析 ........................................40
4-5-2 氮含量與氧含量分析 ..............................40
4-6 燒結體之分析 ......................................40
4-6-1 試片密度測量 ....................................40
4-6-2 理論密度之計算 ..................................41
4-6-3 線性收縮率 ......................................41
4-6-4 熱傳導性 ........................................42
4-7 晶相及微結構分析 ..................................43
4-7-1 XRD分析 ..........................................43
4-7-2 SEM分析 ..........................................43
第五章 結果與討論
5-1 燒結用AlN粉體性質...................................44
5-2 溫度變化對氮化鋁微波燒結之影響 .....................44
5-2-1 線收縮率與體密度 .................................45
5-2-2 熱傳導值分析 ....................................46
5-2-3 晶相組成分析 ....................................47
5-2-4 微結構分析 .......................................49
5-3 碳酸鋰助劑對氮化鋁微波燒結之影響 ...................50
5-3-1 線收縮率與體密度 ................................51
5-3-2 熱傳導值分析 ....................................52
5-3-3 晶相組成分析 ....................................52
5-3-4 微結構分析........................................52
5-4 添加碳酸鋰助劑長時間燒結之影響 ....................53
5-5 不同性質氮化鋁粉體對燒結之影響 ....................55
5-6 體密度與熱傳導值間之關係 ..........................57
第六章 結論與建議
6-1 結論 ..............................................78
6-2 建議 ..............................................79
參考文獻 ...............................................80
誌謝 ...................................................84
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