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研究生(外文):Wen-Chang Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Enzymatic Resolution of (α)-Phenylethylamine Using Candida antarctica Lipase-B with Organic Solvent
指導教授(外文):Shau-Wei Tsai
外文關鍵詞:(α)-phenylethylaminekinetic resolutionimineracemization
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  本研究動機在於開發酵素動態動力分割製程,自外消旋胺獲得其高純度鏡像異構醯胺。在研究方向上分成兩大部分,其一為以(S)-(α)-苯基乙胺及苯乙酮為反應基質,合成(S)-亞胺,並探討有機鹼觸媒、反應物濃度、有機溶劑種類及反應溫度等操作變因對消旋反應之影響。初步實驗結果顯示並未獲得外消旋亞胺。另一部分則以外消旋(α)-苯基乙胺為反應基質,進行酯類的篩選以及探討溫度、反應物濃度和有機溶劑對酵素選擇性之影響。實驗發現在100℃以下之正癸烷中,以甲氧基乙酸乙酯與外消旋(α)-苯基乙胺進行酵素動力分割反應,可獲得較佳的鏡像比值(E = 21.1);以5 mM外消旋 (α)-苯基乙胺與10 mM甲氧基乙酸乙酯進行酵素動力分割,發現當溫度在70~80℃時,酵素有最佳之選擇性(E > 100)。
  This research is aimed to develop an enzymatic dynamic kinetic resolution process, in which racemic (α)-arylamine is the substrate and a highly stereo-pure amide is obtained by employing an enzymatic amination coupled with in situ racemization of the remaining (S)-amine. The main works include racemization of (S)-(α)-phenylethylamine and enzymatic kinetic resolution of (R,S)-(α)-phenylethylamine. For the former, we synthesized and purified the (S)-imine synthesized from (S)-(α)-phenylethylamine and acetophone. Then, effects of the operation parameters such as organic bases as catalysts, reactant concentration, solvents and temperature were studied. Unfortunately, no 1, 3-proton shift reaction for the (S)-imine occurred. For the latter, the kinetic resolution of racemic (α)-phenylethylamine were investigated, in which esters, temperature, amine and ester concentrations were varied. The results indicate that with racemic (α)-phenylethylamine and ethyl methoxyacetate as substrates, high lipase enantioselectivity ( E > 100) was obtained at the temperature range of 70~80℃ in decane.
總 目 錄

內 文 目 錄
第一章 緒論及文獻回顧.........................1
1.1 前言......................................1
1.2 對掌性異異構..............................1
1.3 動態動力分割..............................2
1.4 單一鏡像異構胺之製造途徑..................4
1.4.1 非鏡像異構物結晶法......................4
1.4.2 非對稱合成鏡像異構胺....................5 亞胺製備..............................5 亞胺的選擇性加氫反應..................6
1.4.3 利用脂肪分解酵素進行光學胺之分割反應....7
1.5 單一鏡像異構胺的消旋......................9
1.5.1 鏡像異構胺之消旋........................9
1.5.2 經由亞胺進行鏡像異構胺之消旋............9 亞胺異構化............................11 亞胺與一級胺反應......................11
1.6 Candida Antarctic lipase-B (CALB)簡介...13
1.6.1 脂肪分解酵素............................13
1.6.2 CALB來源及特性..........................14
1.6.3 CALB的三級結構及性質....................14
1.6.4 CALB之熱穩定性..........................15
1.6.5 溶劑對CALB的影響........................16
1.7 研究動機..................................18

第二章 實驗...................................20
2.1 實驗藥品暨設備............................20
2.1.1 實驗藥品................................20
2.1.2 實驗設備................................21
2.2 分析方法..................................22
2.2.1 1-phenyl-N-(1-phenylethylidene)ethanamine與苯乙酮之分析條件.............................22
2.2.2 (R,S)-(α)-苯基乙胺之分析條件…..........25
2.3 實驗方法..................................26
2.3.1 製備亞胺1-phenyl-N-(1-phenylethylidene)ethanamine.....................................26 製備方法一............................26 製備方法二............................26
2.3.2 製備內標準物亞胺(R,S)-N-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-1-phenyl-ethanamine........27
2.3.3 合成異丁醇鉀............................27
2.3.4 (S)-亞胺之消旋..........................28 低溫下(S)-亞胺之消旋測試..............28 高溫下(S)-亞胺之消旋測試..............28
2.3.5 酵素之光學分割..........................28 溫度對酵素分割反應之影響..............28 胺濃度對酵素反應速率之影響............29 甲氧基乙酸乙酯濃度對酵素反應速率之影響29 不同酯類對酵素分割之選擇性影響........30 加入叔戊醇對酵素分割之影響............30 自發性轉胺化反應之影響................31

第三章 結果與討論.............................32
3-1 亞胺(1-phenyl-N-(1-phenylethylidene)ethanamine)之合成與純化.......................32
3-2 鹼觸媒進行亞胺消旋反應....................32
3-3 酯類篩選..................................38
3-4 高溫下酵素進行轉胺化反應之探討............40
3-5 溫度變化對酵素選擇性及反應速率之影響......44
3-6 酯類濃度變化對反應速率和選擇性的影響......46
3-7 胺濃度變化對反應速率和選擇性的影響........47
3-8 溶劑對酵素反應之影響......................48

第四章 結論暨未來展望.........................51
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