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研究生(外文):Yung-Hao Wang
論文名稱(外文):Formation and Electronic Properties of AgInYb Quasicrystals
指導教授(外文):Shui-Tien Lin
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  我們以等原子個數比例的Ag、In取代Cd元素製作出新的P-Type (六度空間為簡單立方結構) AgInYb準晶體。電阻量測顯示AgInYb準晶的溫度電阻係數 在Ag42.5In42.5Yb15和Ag42.25In42.25Yb15.5為負;但Ag42In42Yb16準晶樣品正負皆有出現。而且我們發現在低溫時電阻會急速下降,其中一個溫度電阻係數為正的樣品甚至到達0 Ω,似乎有超導相變的產生。經由SQUID測量磁化量後,計算其在溫度1.8 K的超導容積率約為3.8 % ~ 2.36 10-2 %,其量皆很小。所以我們認為此超導現象是由In或In合金雜質的超導態所造成的。再經由磁阻量測可看出溫度電阻係數為負的AgInYb準晶, 當溫度為4.2 K和外加磁場6 T時,其 的值落在Rapp整理許多非晶金屬和金屬態準晶體的經驗曲線 ( vs. )上,而且磁阻數據可由量子干涉理論擬合的很好。
  We replace Cd elements with equal numbers of Ag and In to form a new ternary P-Type (the structure with simple cubic in six-dimension space) AgInYb quasicrystals. Resistivity measurements reveal the temperature coefficient of resistance, , is positive for (AgIn)100-xYbx quasicrystals with x=15, and x=15.5, but it can either be positive or negative for samples with (AgIn)84Yb16. At low temperature (T < 4 K), the resistivity for all the studied samples drops rapidly; in one of the samples, its resistivity even goes down to zero. This indicates the superconducting behavior of Ag-In-Yb quasicrystals. However, the value of volumetric proportion of superconductors (VPS) in studied samples estimated from the magnetization at 1.8 K measured by SQUID ranges from 3.8 % to 2.36 10-2 %. Small values of VPS suggest the superconductivity observed in Ag-In-Yb quasicrystals is possibly due to the impurity of In and/or In-based alloys. Magnetoresistance measurements on the samples with a negative value of exhibit the values of at 4.2 K and 6 T following on the empirical line obtained by plotting vs. for many amorphous metals and metallic quasicrystals. Moreover, these magnetoresistance data can be fitted well with the theories of quantum interference effects.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
致謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 序論 1
第二章 實驗儀器與樣品配製 4
2-1 實驗配製 4
2-2 樣品配製 5
2-3 樣品記錄 7
第三章 理論 8
3-1 六維指數 8
3-2 量子干涉效應 12
第四章 結果與討論 18
4-1 X-ray的量測 18
4-2 電阻的量測 22
4-3 磁化率的量測 25
4-4 樣品老化對於電阻比的影響 29
4-5 磁組的量測 33
第五章 結論 40
參考資料 41
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