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研究生(外文):Tsao-Tun Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Motion Detection Based on Skew Ray Tracing Method
指導教授(外文):Psang-Dain Lin
外文關鍵詞:motion detectionray tracing
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  The technology of motion detection has been extensively studied lately. But there are still some problems regarding image processing. The noise of the image processing, so-called aberrations, will decrease the recognition of motion detection for moving object. Most of the existing techniques for solving this problem rely on getting continuous image in a vary short time. For example, take 24 images in one second, so that the difference of background images formed by aberrations can be almost ignored. But for high speed moving camera, we must take more images in one second, even more than 100 images, in order to eliminate the difference of background. This paper proposes a methodology of solving aberration problems by ray tracing technique. This method can avoid the influence of the aberration by getting the virtual image in object side. It can minimum the noise and increase the recognition of detection system.
1.1 前言---------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 齊次座標轉換--------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 針孔照相機原理----------------------------------------------------4
1.4 相機參數--------------------------------------------------------------8
1.5 移動目標的探測----------------------------------------------------13
2.1 幾何光學基本原理-------------------------------------------------29
2.2 幾何光學的折反射-------------------------------------------------31
2.3 平坦邊界歪斜光線追蹤分析------------------------------------34
2.4 球面邊界歪斜光線追蹤分析------------------------------------35
2.5 平坦邊界靈敏度分析----------------------------------------------37
2.6 球面邊界靈敏度分析----------------------------------------------40
2.7 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------43
3.1 邊界座標系------------------------------------------------------------51
3.2 像點座標與照相機內部參數關係------------------------------55
3.3 參數校正---------------------------------------------------------------56
4.1 逆向光線追蹤--------------------------------------------------------64
4.2 像點追蹤物點--------------------------------------------------------65
5.1 鏡片的選擇------------------------------------------------------------70
5.2 鏡頭的設計------------------------------------------------------------71
5.3 參數校正---------------------------------------------------------------72
5.4 移動物的偵測--------------------------------------------------------73
5.5 逆向光線追蹤模擬--------------------------------------------------74
5.6 逆向光線追蹤實驗--------------------------------------------------75
5.7 動態相機的移動物偵測-------------------------------------------76
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