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研究生(外文):Nai-Chun Ann
論文名稱(外文):Geometrical Feature Recognition and Reconstruction of 3D Models
指導教授(外文):Ming-June Tsai
外文關鍵詞:surface recognitionsurface reconstructionpath planningcurve fittingimage encoding
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  This paper uses the image process and computational geometry techniques to recognize the geometrical features of a mold surface and reconstruct its 3D model. The geometric reverse engineering processes include path planning for depth measurement system, point cloud segmentation, surface recognition and reconstruction. By employing the image encoding skill, the point cloud is transformed into a range image format. The point cloud in each individual surface and the corresponding edges are obtained by using boundary search, image segmentation, loop tracing and loop segmentation. The surface is recognized by curve fitting of two sectional depth data through the major axes of the surface loop. And then the surface can be recognized according to the recognized curves. The surface reconstruction is sorted as plane, surface of revolution, freeform surface, and wall surface. The wall surface is only a segment of a boundary loop in the range image. Its existence must be examined by the gap of the two neighbor surfaces. Consequently, the wall surface reconstruction is base on the geometric reasoning from the intersection conditions of the two neighbor surfaces.
第一章 序論.....................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的..............................1
1.2 文獻回顧....................................2
1.3 論文綱要....................................4
第二章 量測系統.................................5
2.1 點雷射深度量測系統..........................5
2.2 深度量測之路徑規劃..........................8
2.2.1 連續線段之量測............................8
2.2.2 圓弧之量測...............................10
2.2.3 圓周之量測...............................12
2.2.4 封閉曲線之量測...........................12
2.2.5 凸多邊形區域之量測.......................15
2.2.6 圓形區域之量測...........................20
2.2.7 封閉迴路區域之量測.......................21
第三章 影像編碼與區域分割......................23
3.1 點資料定位與融合...........................23
3.2 影像編碼...................................26
3.3 影像邊界搜尋...............................27
3.4 影像區域分割與迴路追跡.....................30
3.4.1 區域成長法...............................31
3.4.2 區域截痕計算.............................32
3.4.3 區域迴路追跡.............................32
3.5 影像迴路分割...............................33
3.6 影像資料結構...............................41
第四章 線擬合與辨識............................42
4.1 曲線擬合...................................42
4.1.1 直線擬合.................................43
4.1.2 圓弧擬合.................................43
4.1.3 二次曲線擬合.............................44
4.1.4 橢圓與雙曲線擬合.........................46
4.1.5 自由曲線擬合.............................50 B-spline 曲線數學模型..................50 B-spline 曲線擬合......................52
4.2 曲線資料結構...............................57
4.2.1 直線資料結構.............................57
4.2.2 圓弧資料結構.............................59
4.2.3 二次曲線資料結構.........................60
4.2.4 B-spline 曲線資料結構....................60
4.3 截痕曲線之辨識.............................61
4.4 曲線副法線向量之計算.......................62
4.4.1 曲線點群之處理...........................62
4.4.2 空間曲線之副法線向量計算.................64
4.5 焊道之應用.................................65
4.5.1 焊道點資料二維處理.......................66
4.5.2 焊道副法線向量之計算.....................70
4.5.3 焊槍方向之調整...........................72
第五章 曲面辨識與重建..........................74
5.1 曲面辨識...................................75
5.2 曲面資料結構...............................77
5.2.1 平面資料結構.............................77
5.2.2 旋轉面資料結構...........................78
5.3 平面重建...................................79
5.4 旋轉面重建.................................87
5.5 垂直壁面重建...............................91
第六章 結論與建議..............................93
6.1 研究成果...................................93
6.2 討論與建議.................................94
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