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研究生(外文):Hui-Chin Chang
外文關鍵詞:HedonismConspicuousPrestigeConsuming motiveLuxury goodsStorage image
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  精品─也就是奢侈品,是具有相當的魅力與迷人之處的,而精品的擁有,在奢侈民主化(democratization of luxury)的時代裡,對許多人而言,不再是個遙不可及的夢想。所有最頂尖的設計、創意、工藝、美學、時尚、古典、雋永、璀璨、香雰、極致及科技,都能夠透過「藝術商業化」的模式呈現在消費者的面前,而最經典的代表莫過於「精品」的產業。
“Luxury goods” are always so charming and attractive. For most people, it is no more just a dream to own luxury goods in the era of“democratization of luxury”. All the leading design, creation, craftship, aesthetics, fashion, eternity, brilliance, fragrance, exquisiteness and technology can be displayed to the consumers through the process of commercialization, and the most typical classic must be the industry of“luxury goods”.

The main methodologies of this research have included factor analysis, cluster analysis and canonical correlation analysis, and the researched population is the members of International Rotary Club in Taipei district. The primary goal of this research is to examine the consumer behavior of the imported luxury furnishing which is one item of luxury goods. Based on the literatures of five consuming motives for the prestige-seeking values through luxury consumption-Veblen effect, Snob effect, Bandwagon effect, Hedonic effect and Perfectionism effect, this research has simplified the respondents’ 15 consuming motive variables into 4 factors of 13 consuming motive variables. These four factors include: Factor 1- “Leading Brand & Luxury are Prestigious &Conspicuous”, Factor 2- “Home Hedonism, Unique Taste”, Factor 3- “Relentless Pursuit for Perfection”, Factor 4- “Self-Image Enhance by Brand Selection”. Cumulative variance explained by factor 1 and 2 is 46.862%, close to 50%. According to these four factors, the respondents can be classified to 3 consumer typologies: Home Trendsetter, Home Hedonist and Veblenist. The largest typology is “Veblenist”which is mainly seeking for“conspicuous”, and the typology of “Home Hedonist”comes in second. However, the proportion of these 3 typologies is very even.

In the result of “store image”analysis, respondents thought that the most important four store image attributes of “imported luxury furnishing stores”include: store’s reputation and reliability, professional knowledge of store employees, store construction and window display.

The correlation of store image and consuming motives is resulted positive. That is, the store image of one store is much better to the respondents. The purchasing motives of the respondents to the store’s merchandises are also much stronger. Especially, there is a very strong and positive correlation between the below 6 store image dimensions and the respondents’ consuming motives: 1.Merchandise 2.Service 3. Clientele 4.Physical Equipment 5.Store Atmosphere 6.Institutional factor.





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