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研究生(外文):Bo-Kai HSU
論文名稱(外文):ProDup: a software to compute structure internal duplications in protein sequences
指導教授(外文):Jorng-Tzong HorngHsien-Da Huang
外文關鍵詞:internal duplicationsecondary structure
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了解蛋白質的重複序列對於分析蛋白質的空間,功能,結構,以及其彼此間的相互作用是有助益的。在文獻上指出,許多較長的蛋白質序列可能是由上一代含有許多重覆序列的蛋白質演化而來,同時也發現許多蛋白質中的重覆序列和其功能與結構有關。本研究試著開發一套蛋白質序列的分析工具稱作(ProDup),可以配合一些額外的資訊,像是二級結構來分析蛋白質序列中的重覆序列。根據這工具的分析我們發現許多有趣的結果。並且拿來和其他找尋蛋白質重覆序列的工具做比較。同時我們也利用這個工具來分析Pfam資料庫中的 repeats families。ProDup可以在蛋白質重覆序列的研究上提供一個不同的觀點。
Protein internal duplications are regular arrays of spatial and functional groups. It is useful for structural packing or for protein-protein interactions. Many large proteins have evolved by internal duplications and many protein internal duplications correspond to functional and structural units. In this study, we develop a system that can find protein internal duplications with user constraints called ProDup. We obtain several interesting results from the finder. We also compare our results with those found by other tools. Furthermore, based on Pfam repeats families, we provide the statistics of the data found by ProDup. ProDup provides an alternative viewpoint of protein internal duplications.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Goal 3
Chapter 2 Related Works 4
2.1 PAM (Percent/Point Accepted Mutation) 4
2.3 Databases 5
2.4 TRIPS 8
2.5 Radar 9
2.6 REP 10
2.7 PSIPRED 11
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods 12
3.1 Data Sets 12
3.2 Develop Environment 12
3.3 Main Ideals 12
3.4 Methods 13
Chapter 4 Results 31
4.1 Web Interface 31
4.2 Case Study 32
Chapter 5 Discussions and Conclusions 38
References 41
Appendix 43
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24.Adebiyi, E.F., T. Jiang, and M. Kaufmann, An efficient algorithm for finding short approximate non-tandem repeats. Bioinformatics, 2001. 17 Suppl 1: p. S5-S12.
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