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研究生(外文):Chung-Yuan Kuang
論文名稱(外文):HBT large signal model and RF power amplifier design and package
指導教授(外文):Yi-Jen Chan
外文關鍵詞:packagepower amplifiermodelHBT
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In this thesis, the HBT device VBIC model established first of all used different measurement methods to extract DC and AC parameters. And then establish temperature model parameters and high frequency noise model to complete device model. and the model used load pull system to verify microwave power、intermodulation、adjacent channel power rate、different environment temperature power character.
Two types power amplifier for 802.11a is designed and compensate PA for linearity and temperature. The PA used different active bias circuit individually to improve linearity and restrain power gain variation when environment temperature changed. The power amplifiers consider package assembly effect. So the circuit design include ESD prevent component.
The package model establish used HFSS simulator and lumped element components in the end.
§1-1 研究動機
§1-2 論文綱要
§2-2 VBIC模型建立
§2-2-1 VBIC模型介紹
§2-2-2 直流參數分析
§2-2-4 Gummel plot量測及萃取
§2-2-4-1 順向Gummel plot量測及萃取
§2-2-4-2 逆向Gummel plot量測及萃取
§2-2-5 射極電流特性與電流增益β量測與直流參數萃取
§2-2-6 接面電容量測及萃取
§2-2-10 VBIC大信號參數及其物理意義
§2-3 VBIC大信號模型驗證
§2-3-1-1 5.2GHz微波功率特性驗證
§2-3-1-2 微波功率特性分析
§2-3-4 不同環境溫度下功率特性驗證分析
§2-3-5 高頻雜訊模型建立

第三章 溫度補償微波功率放大器設計
§3-3-1-1 功率級小信號及大信號模擬
§3-3-1-2 驅動級小信號及大信號模擬
§3-3-1-3 級間匹配
§3-3-1-5 兩級放大器小信號及大信號模擬
§3-3-4 ESD電路設計與封裝模擬

第四章 線性補償功率放大器設計
§4-2-2-1 交叉調變線性度模擬
第五章 電路封裝量測及模型建立
§5-1 QFN封裝簡介
§5-2 PCB de-embedding方法及量測結果
§5-2-1 PCB de-embedding方法介紹
§5-2-2 5.8GHz線性微波放大器封裝量測結果
§5-2-3 5.8GHz溫度補償微波放大器封裝量測結果
§5-3 封裝模型建立及驗證
§5-4 結果討論
第六章 結論
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