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研究生(外文):Hung-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Determinates of Operation Efficiency and Profit for the Container Liners in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Wei-Ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:Capacity of UtilizationCost FunctionContainer Liners
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國際海運業從1970年代開始,貨櫃船舶逐漸取代傳統之散裝貨船,歷經1980年代的蓬勃發展,至1990年貨櫃運輸競爭更加激烈,國際貨櫃航商間的合作,以航線聯營(Joint Venture)與合併(Merge)等方式,降低營運成本,以便增加國際間的競爭優勢。在實務上,航商間的競爭主要集中在兩個方面:一是滿足顧客的需求;二是維持成本的競爭優勢。在滿足顧客需求方面,國籍貨櫃航商在面對競爭激烈的國際市場,以貨物及時運送(Just-in-Time)的方式,送達顧客手上。貨主選擇航商考慮因素包括,船舶效率、裝載能力、服務可靠性、航速等方面,其中船舶效率將是影響貨主選擇上的關鍵因素;在維持成本競爭優勢方面,國籍貨櫃航商較高之容量使用率(Capacity Utilization),將是維持成本競爭優勢重要因素。在航運造船技術也不斷推陳出新下,船舶大型化已成為海上貨櫃運輸的趨勢。在供給遠超過需求的情形下,市場呈現超額容量的壓力,航商勢必要增加它的實際產出,或者減少投入船舶艙位容量,來提升國籍貨櫃航商的容量使用率(Capacity Utilization)。在經營效率的觀點上,減少投入船舶艙位容量是否真能使國籍貨櫃船公司營運效率達到長期最適則須進一部探討。
From 1970,the international sea transportation business has replaced the traditional bulk goods ships for container ships. Following the rising and flourishing period in 1980s, the container liners compete more and more intensely in the 1990s. From then on, the international container liners cooperates with each other, cutting down their cost of operation and increasing the capability of international competition through the ways of joint venture and merge. In practice, the competition between different container liners mainly relies in two aspects—one is the fulfillment of the requirement of clients, the other is the maintaining of the advantageous position through controlled capital spending. In order to satisfy the demand of clients, the domestic container ship corps adopts the way of “just-in-time” shipment when dealing with the intensely competing international market. When choosing the shipment corps, the owner of goods takes the following facts in concerns--the efficiency of the ship, the capability of shipment, the credibility of service as well as the speed of the ship. Among them, the efficiency of the ship is the most fundamental facts concerned by the owners of cargo. In the aspect of maintaining advantage of cutting budget, the higher efficiency in capacity utilization is a critical fact concerned by domestic container ship industry. As the technology of shipbuilding improves, the large-scale ship model has become the main trend in the container transportation business. In the situation when demand is unable to meet the supply, there is the pressure of capability above quota in the market, asking the business to increase their practical outputs or decreasing the capability of shipping space in order to improve the capacity utilization of domestic container ship industry. From the points of view considering operation efficiency, whether or not the measure to decrease the capability of shipping space can reach the goal of maintaining the long-term advantage of the shipment business is still need further discussion.
The result of research reveals the fact that in the short-term capacity utilization, one should concern whether the corps can take sufficient orders or not to keep the most profitable outlets. In the long-term capacity utilization, one should consider whether or not the corps increase or decrease the capability of shipping space to obtain the most profitable economic scale. The research fact reveals that Wan-Hai shipping corps occupies the advantage in long or short-term capacity utilization and efficiency of shipping space utilization superior than those of other three counterparts. Based on the S-C-P theory of industry structure affects the market performance by conducting market actions, this research has formulated some key factors affecting the profit margin. Those factors are as follows—the short-term efficiency ratio of operation, the economic increasing rates and scale are in direct proportion with the profit gaining of shipping industry, the long-term efficiency values of operation, exchange rate are in inverse proportion as well as the profit gaining and the price level, price of fuel are in direct ratio with profit gaining.
目 錄
目 錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究對象與資料的取得 2
1.4 研究限制 3
1.5 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 定期航運產業分析 5
2.1.1定期產業經營特性 5
2.1.2產業發展概況 6
2.2 國籍貨櫃航商經營效率之相關文獻 9
2.2.1經營績效的意義與評估方式 9
2.2.2 關於貨櫃航商經營績率之相關文獻 13
2.2.3 容量使用率之相關文獻探討 18
2.3 影響國籍貨櫃航商獲利相關因素之文獻探討 20
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1 成本函數 22
3.1.1成本函數模型之設定 22
3.1.2 Translog成本函數 24
3.1.3 Translog成本函數其他限制條件 24
3.1.4 長、短期最適產量之求取 25
3.2 Panel Data模型之架構 28
3.2.1 Panel Data模型 28
第四章 實證分析結果 36
4.1 經營效率之探討 36
4.2 資料來源與部份資料之預測 39
4.2.1 資料來源 39
4.2.2 部份資料之預測 42
4.3 容量使用率驗證之結果 45
4.4 以長、短期產能使用率實證分析 52
4.5 獲利相關影響因素之探討 55
4.5.1影響獲利相關因素之架構 55
4.5.2 效率值調整 58
4.5.3關於獲利指標之選取 58
4.5.4影響獲利相關因素之實證結果 59
第五章 結論與建議 61
5.1結論 61
5.1.1關於國籍貨櫃航商經營效率 61
5.1.2關於國籍貨櫃航商獲利之相關因素 64
5.2後續研究與建議 67
參考文獻 68
中文文獻 68
英文文獻 69
附表一 71
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