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外文關鍵詞:from mundane dust to spiritual lighta mind of contemplatationfrom dust to lightpurificationsound of emptinesssilence and initial meditationlight of freedomheart of Zen
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雖然「一念覺」跳脫二元對立的狀態,是中觀之道,但卻需藉由對立面來實踐,所以「一線煙一線光」的課題下有「淨客塵」、「磬聲入心」、「一默初定」的子題,這蘊藏著一條從外而內的脈絡,是一道道的意識減法,從「力 / 磨」之身體焠煉至「聲 / 默」之心靈觀照。我以二元對質的方式不斷進行內在的自我剖析,然後此二元對立的相對面還原至原初的整體性,是歸於「一」,歸於覺照之心。
The potentiality of the heart is explored in this creative writing, “from mundane dust to spiritual light”. It is about the transformation of spiritual momentum. The “dust” symbolizes the untruthful consciousness and sub-consciousness. The “light” symbolizes one’s brilliant self-nature. Life is a process of purification when one has the clear and pure consciousness. To be clearly meditative or not determines if one can arrive in the other shore of brightness from this dusty shore. “The mind of contemplatation” is like a stone of purification, a transparent state, a light of spirituality and a pure Chi, which breaks through the ignorant darkness of consciousness and arrives in the state of freely permanent light.
So“The mind of contemplatation” is to put the concept of “from mundane dust to spiritual light”. Through this concept, and the art of model creation, to seek for the possibility to arrive in the other shore in spirituality. I use a poetic and tranquil quality of creative art to retrospect and clear up the bottom of my inner smoky consciousness as well as clear up the misty frog of my heart and find the key to spiritual freedom.
Although “a mind of contemplation” is to jump out of duality and is the way of middle, it needs to be practiced through dualities. So under“from mundane dust to spiritual light”, there are subtitles as “the purification of dust”, “the sound of emptiness into the heart”, “the silence of initial mediation”. This buries this direction from outwardly to inwardly, which is a gradual elimination of our consciousness, from physical modification of “power and rub” to spiritually contemplation of “sound and silence”. I use the method of duality to constantly practice inner self analysis. Then this duality will be returned to the original wholeness and becomes “one”, a heart of clearness.
Last, I return to the spiritual country by “ initial meditation in silence” to open a window to my heart- a free state of spiritual light, where it has the big frame of unlimited light and vitality. “The light of freedom” is like the movement of water and the freedom of wind. This field of light is never changed and moved self-nature, the heart of nature, which is also the heart of Zen.
致謝 Ⅳ
中文摘要 Ⅴ
英文摘要 Ⅵ
目次 Ⅷ
圖次 Ⅹ
前言 1
詩意與冷觀 2
一念覺 5
淨客塵 10
峙塵 12
逆勢之力 12
靜默之磨 13
磬聲入心 32
雨聲滴答 36
失意細胞詩意化 37
閱讀「心」新聞 43
透明音 54
風聲颯颯 56
嘆息瓶 56
剪風 57
直刻風 58
一默初定 63
獨語殼 67
悠遊光 77
默黑之觀 77
生命之流,滔滔如光 80
結語 94
參考書目 96
外國人名中英對照表 98
中外名家話語錄 99
附錄:作品全圖 101
參 考 書 目
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3.塔拉.班奈特-高曼(Bennett-Goleman,Tara) 《煉心術》 陳正芬譯 台北市:大塊文化 2002
4.泰莎.達雷(Dalley,Tessa) 《藝術治療的理論與實務》 陳鳴譯 台北市:遠流 民84
5.Faulkner,Ray 《Art today : an introduction to the fine and functional arts》 New York 1963
6.Golden,Thelma 《Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century》 New York 2001
7.赫曼.赫塞(Hesse ,Hermann) 《流浪是生命的出口》 莊鈺芳譯 台北市:藍瓶子 2000
8.Lucie-Smith,Edward 《Art today》 Oxford 1989
9.克蕾兒‧馬克思(Marcus,Clare Copper) 《家屋,自我的一面鏡子》 徐詩思譯 台北市:張老師 2000
10.多瑪斯.牟敦(Merton,Thomas) 《獨處中的沉思》 孟祥森譯 台北市:方智 2003。
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