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研究生(外文):Yong-xiang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Approach to Intuitional Preference on Pricing for Buyers of Organizational Procurement
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-foo Lin
外文關鍵詞:PersonalityRisk AttitudeFramingIntuitional PreferenceOrganizational Procurement
  • 被引用被引用:8
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The rational judgment on pricing negotiation for a procurement process is able to bring a better profit for an organization. For improving the performance of purchasing personnel, it is very important to understand the intuitional preference of a purchasing person while he/her faces different pricing strategies from sellers. Based on literature reviews, four kinds of the intuitional preference of a purchasing person are proposed in this study. They are intuitional preference for certainty effect, highest probability, target price, and multiply concession strategy. A model illustrating the influence among demography of a buyer, framing, market structure, relationship between buyer and seller and intuitional preference is proposed and is also validated via path analysis. Eight different contingencies are designed in the experiment for this study. Subjects of this experiment are from five different high technology companies in Taiwan. The findings of this study reveal market structure, personality and risk attitude are highly related to the intuitional preference to influence the performance of purchasing personnel. The results of this study might be useful for both side of organizational procurement for pricing strategy on the seller side and the skill training of decision choice for the buyer side.
第一章 緒 論 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 組織市場交易 4
第二節 議價談判及定位 9
第三節 決策行為 13
第四節 性格特質 20
第五節 風險態度 23
第三章 研究模式 26
第四章 研究設計與方法 31
第一節 實驗設計 31
第二節 實驗問卷設計 33
第三節 統計分析方法 38
第四節 研究限制 39
第五章 資料分析與研究結果 40
第一節 實驗樣本分析 40
第二節 交易情境對採購報價知覺偏好及決策績效之影響 42
第三節 採購報價知覺偏好及決策績效之影響因素路徑分析 47
第四節 考慮情境影響之組織採購報價知覺偏好及決策績效路徑分析 57
第六章 結論及建議 62
參考文獻 64
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