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研究生(外文):Yu Ting Chou
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Particle Size of Napier Grass on Rumen, Blood, Milk Characteristics, and Behavior of Holstein Cow
指導教授(外文):Liang Chou Hsia
外文關鍵詞:Napier grassParticle sizeRumenMilkBlood characteristicsBehaviorHolstein cow
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The purpose of this experiment was to study effect of the different particle size Napier Grass on the dairy cow by rumen characteristics, milk yield and milk protein percentage. Three ruminally cannulated Holstein cows were used in this experiment (two is a lactation cow, other one is a dry cow). Four particle size treatment is involved in the experiment. Treatment 1: 2 centimeter, treatment 2:4 centimeter, treatment 3:6 centimeter, treatment 4:12 centimeter. Every treatment was conducted for three days. Behavior observation was conducted 24 hours at the 1st and 3rd day of each treatment. Observation item, are eating (E), drinking (D), standing (S), lying (L), moving (M), urination (U), defecation (De), eructation (Er), lick salt (LK), milking (MK), standing rumination (SR), left lying rumination (LR), right lying rumination (RR). The ratio of concentrate to forage(C:F) is 40:60. Each cow have individual pen. Feed was provided three times per day (06:00,12:00,18:00). Feed and water were provided ad libitum and record everyday. Milking was twice a day(0530, 1730). Milk yield, pedometer, conductivity and body weight were recorded by computer system (S.A.E. afikim system). Take the 50ml milk sample analyses component and SCC. During the trail drive blood sample of tail root in the morning (0550) to proceed biochemical analyses. Sampling to be taken at three-hour intervals. The following item of ruminal liquid were measured: temperature, pH, NH4+, NO3-, ORP, VFA component etc. The result of dry matter intake of cow was similar in all diet treatment. There is a tendering that the cow in 2 centimeter treatment has higher feed intake (p>0.05). Water intake was reduced by increasing the particle size (p<0.01). The results of 24 hours behavior observation shown there was a tendering to spend longer time to eating when the particle size increasing. Total rumination time were increased with reducing the particle size (p<0.01). Dry cow spend more stand up time when compare with the lactation cow (p<0.001). Lactation cow spend the more defecation and urination time then the dry cow (p<0.001). The dairy cow activity were mainly in the daytime, include eating, drinking, stand up, move, lick etc. The cows were take a rest, include lying and rumination, in night. Rumen pH a drop with decreasing the particle size (p<0.001). Lactation cow has lower rumen pH then dry cow, but rumen temperature were high then the dry cow. The longer particle size induce arise acetate production. The shorter particle size causes higher propionate production. The shorter particle size causes higher blood glucose and reduce BUN. The shorter particle size causes higher lactose production and lower fat in milk, but there is a tendering that milk protein increasing with decreasing of particle size. Milk yield were increasing with decreasing particle size. The milk quality, conductivity and S.C.C, reduced with decreasing particle size. The above result shown that the shorter particle size of Napier grass, about 2 centimeter the better milk quality and quantity of milk yield and milk protein percentage.
目 錄
(一)In vivo動物試驗………………………………..…………..22
(二)In vitro簡單實驗室試管試驗…………………..…………..25
(三)In vitro酵素試驗………………………………..…………..26
(四)In vitro gas醱酵試驗…………………………..……………27
(五)精密In vitro實驗室試驗(人工瘤胃)……..………….…30
(六)In situ評估法…………………...……………...……………32
表2-1. 利用化學分析比較各種蛋白質來源與乳蛋白中限制胺基酸及必需胺基酸指數..………………………….….………………...…...102
表2-2. 比較牛乳蛋白質、菌體蛋白與各種蛋白質來源中離胺酸及甲硫胺酸含量……………………………………….…………….……103
表2-3. 利用化學分析表示牛乳蛋白與各種蛋白質來源之關係………..104
表3-1. 試驗套管牛之基本資料…………………………………..………115
表3-2. 試驗期間飼養管理流程…………………………………….…….121
表4-1. 不同狼尾草粒徑對牛隻攝食量之影響…………………………..136
表4-2. 不同泌乳階段牛隻攝食量之變化………………………………..137
表4-3. 不同狼尾草粒徑對牛隻飲水量之影響…………………………..138
表4-4. 不同狼尾草粒徑對牛隻行為24小時統計之影響………………141
表4-5. 不同狼尾草粒徑處理組對乳牛12小時行為統計之影響……….142
表4-6. 不同時段對牛隻行為12小時統計之影響……………………….143
表4-7. 不同狼尾草粒徑處理組對乳牛每6小時行為統計之影響.….….144
表4-8. 不同時段對乳牛每6小時行為統計之影響……………………..145
表4-9. 不同狼尾草粒徑長短處理組對乳牛每3小時行為統計之影響...147
圖2-1. 高產牛發生代謝障礙的危險來源…………………………..……...41
圖2-2. 瘤胃過酸症pH值變化之影響流程圖…………………………...…46
圖2-3. 各種可能影響蹄葉炎發生之流程圖………………………….……56
圖2-4. 可能引發第四胃異位影響之流程…………………………..……...59
圖2-5. 各項可能影響酮症發生之流程圖……………………………..…...62
圖3-1. 屏東科技大學畜牧場種植之台畜二號狼尾草…………………...116
圖3-2. 切草機將狼尾草切成四種不同粒徑大小之處理……………...…117
圖3-3. 四種不同粒徑之狼尾草處理……………………………………...117
圖3-4. 每一試驗第一及第三天行為觀察人員24小時連續記錄牛隻各項行為……………………………………………………………...118
圖3-5 .試驗期間瘤胃開窗牛之個別欄………………………...………….120
圖3-6. 試驗期間利用尾根採血進行血液生化分析…………..………….123
圖3-7. 試驗牛於左後腿帶上該計步器代表其識別碼並記錄活動步數...124
圖3-8. 六個獨立擠乳站記錄牛隻個別資料並傳送至電腦管理系統儲存……..124
圖3-9. 乳量計中導電度感應器…………………………………………...125
圖3-11.S.A.E.-AFI farm電腦管理系統儲存每頭牛之各項記錄………...126
圖3-20.氣相分析儀配套之操作軟體(CE Trace 2000 Chrom-Card, Italy)………132
圖4-1. 不同時段對牛隻3小時行為統計之影響…………………...….…149
圖4-2. 不同時段對牛隻1小時行為統計之變化………………….….….154
圖4-3. 攝食行為與總反芻行為對瘤胃pH值之影響……………..……..168
圖4-4. 不同狼尾草粒徑處理組對瘤胃pH值之影響……………...….….169
圖4-5. 不同採樣時段瘤胃內揮發性脂肪酸之變化………………..…….176
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