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研究生(外文):Ying-Ta Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Application of Constructed Wetland in Watershed Water Quality Improvement-A case study of Mu-Tan Reservoir
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chien Kuo
外文關鍵詞:WatershedPoint-source pollutionNon-point source pollutionConstructed WetlandBiofilterTreatment TrainDetention Pond
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東源村為主,在非點源污染方面,則針對牡丹水庫兩大集水區(牡丹溪及汝仍溪)內,選擇2處於降雨期間調查水質濃度及流量與污染量,以瞭解各土地利用型態之單位污染負荷量及非點源污染量,在經過一年半的調查,水庫全年承受總氮86,853 kg/yr。其中點源23.7 kg/yr(佔0.03%),非點源83,829.3 kg/yr(佔99.97%)。水庫全年承受總磷1,806.3 kg/yr。其中
點源10.2 kg/yr(佔0.56%),非點源佔1,796.1 kg/yr(99.44%)。
根據污染源之污染量大小、污染控制、成本效益與執行之難易,擬定各污染源污染控制計劃。在點源污染部分,本研究分別規劃一段式、二段式人工濕地作為點源污染削減之處理方式,在設計一段式人工濕地方面,以龍頸排水之實驗結果之BOD5負荷量( )與去除量( )之關係為設計依據,並做一迴歸方程式(y=0.4827x+0.1675,R=0.9197),本文並舉一實例,以牡丹村為例,Q=180 CMD生活污水,進流BOD5濃度=100mg/L,處理之目標為BOD5濃度=20mg/L,若把上述欲達成目標去除率代入此方程式中可求得一段式人工面積為1.1ha。在設計二段式人工濕地方面,第一段生物濾床以千禧公園生物濾床之實驗處理結果為設計依據,污染物去除模式亦參照洞澤經驗模式進行複迴歸分析,可得經驗式:
BOD5模式 R2=0.96
BOD5模式 =0.687 R2=0.86
生物濾床若欲達到上述之目標去除率,則需接觸濾材總表面積為2089 m2,第二段人工濕地以千禧公園之實驗結果之人工濕地BOD5負荷量( )與去除量( )之關係為設計依據,做一迴歸方程式為(y=0.7191x-37.138,R2=0.97;n=9),若欲達到目標去除率,則需二段式人工濕地面積為204.6 m2。
在非點源污染部分,本研究將規劃滯留池和濕地等多重處理系統,處理非點源之污染物,欲規劃滯留池所需之入流量須根據暴雨資料推求。由於本研究無實測資料,將採用水土保持技術規範,所推估出降雨強度公式、集流時間,並利用所估算出來的結果,再運用合理化公式求出所需之體積,如以汝仍溪為例,蓄水體積估算為201,693m3,並參考前人以SWMM模式下針對滯留池所作之去除摸式,以汝仍溪集水區而言,年輸出量SS、TN、TP分別為7427.2 (kg/yr)、1298 (kg/yr)、20.9 (kg/yr),如採用此一模式,則其預估削減去除量則為3342.2 (kg/yr)、726.9 (kg/yr)、7.1 (kg/yr),去除率分別是:45%、56%、34%。
Objective of this study is to reduce the point and non-point sources pollution to improve the eutrophication of Mu-Tan Reservoir through planning of constructed wetlands in the watershed. Investigation of the point-source pollutants was conducted in the Mu-Tan Village and Dong-Yan Village within the watershed of Mu-Tan Reservoir. Non-point source pollutants were conducted in Mu-Tan River and Ru-Ren River, the two major rivers that bring pollutants into the Reservoir. Two sites were chosen to investigate the flowrate and pollution loading of non-point source in order to estimate the unit loading factor and pollution loading regarding to various land use patterns. For more than 18 months’ investigation, it was found that the reservoir received a Total Nitrogen (TN) of 86,853 kg/yr, among which the point-source pollutants contributed 23.7 kg/yr (0.03%) and non-point source contributed 83,829.3 kg/yr (99.97%). The Total Phosphorus (TP) input was found to reach 1,806.3 kg/yr, with contributions from point- and non-point sources pollutants were 10.2kg/yr (0.56%) and 1796.1 kg/yr
(99.44%), respectively.
A pollution control plan was proposed according to the pollutant loading, cost-effectiveness analysis, and engineering practice. In the aspect of point-source pollutants, both the one-stage and two-stage constructed wetlands were proposed for pollution control. In the one-stage proposal, an empirical formula derived from a previous study (Long-Ging Creek) of this group basing on BOD5 loading ( ) and removal ( ) was used, and calculation was made using this regression equation :y=0.4827x + 0.1675, R=0.9197. An example was demonstrated using this formula to design a constructed wetland treating a flowrate of 180 CMD domestic wastewater from Mu-Tan Village. With a BOD5 influent concentration of 100 mg/L, it is calculated that an area of 1.1 ha of constructed wetland is required to reduce the BOD5 concentration to less than 20 mg/L. In the design of a two-stage constructed wetland, the first stage biofilter was designed using an empirical formula derived from another previous study (Millennium Park of Pingtung City) of this group:
BOD5 modeling R2=0.96
When the BOD5 loading of the media was considered, another empirical equation was used:
BOD5 modeling =0.687 R2=0.86
In order to reach the same degree of removal efficiency, a total media area of 2089 m2 will be required in the first stage of biofilter. As to the second stage of constructed wetland, based on the same study (Millennium Park of Pingtung City) of this group from BOD5 loading ( ) and removal ( ) and the derived regression equation :y=0.4827x + 0.1675, R=0.9197, it is calculated that an area of 204.6 m2 of constructed wetland is required.
In the pollution control plan of non-point source, we proposed a treatment train with combination of detention pond and constructed wetland. Due to the lack of long-term precipitation data, we adopted the codes from soil and water conservation to estimate the rainfall intensity and time of concentration. These results were then applied in the rational formula to determine the volume required for the detention pond and the constructed wetland. Results showed that, in the case of Ru-Ren River watershed, a total retention volume of 201,693m3 is required. Based on the SWMM model from the literature, in the case of Ru-Ren River Watershed, the output quantities of SS, TN, and TP are calculated to be 7427.2 kg/yr, 726.9 kg/yr, and 20.9 kg/yr, respectively. Based on the same model, the amounts removed for SS, TN, and TP are 3342.2 kg/yr, 726.9 kg/yr, and 7.1 kg/yr, respectively. These correspond to the removal efficiencies for SS, TN, and TP to be 45%, 56%, and 34%, respectively.
中文摘要 ...…..….……I
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………………....……IV
誌謝 ………………………………………………………………………VII
目錄 ……………………………………………………………………….VIII
表目錄 XII
圖目錄 XVI
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 台灣集水區之現況 3
2.2 水庫集水區非點源污染相關研究 7
2.2.1 暴雨初期沖刷相關研究 8
2.2.2 林地非點源污染相關研究 9
2.2.3 非點源單位污染負荷相關研究 10
2.3 非點源污染控制方法 12
2.3.1 最佳管理作業(BMP)對傳統污染物之去除效率 14
2.4 濕地概述 15
2.4.1 濕地的定義 15
2.4.2 濕地的功能 16
2.4.3 濕地的分類 19
2.5 人工濕地概述 21
2.5.1 人工濕地之沿革 21
2.5.2 人工濕地之型態 23
2.5.3 人工濕地處理污水之機制 26
2.5.4 人工濕地水生植物之根區效應 29
2.5.5 人工濕地目前在各類型廢水之應用 30
2.5.6 人工濕地之設計建造 33
2.5.7 人工濕地在實地操作需考量因素 34
2.5.8 人工濕地在實際操作案例之介紹 35
2.5.9 人工濕地預期效益評析 37
第三章 研究樣區介紹與污染負荷調查 40
3.1 研究流程 40
3.2 研究樣區介紹 42
3.2.1 地理位置 42
3.2.2 氣侯條件 42
3.2.3 土地利用 46
3.2.4 人口分佈 46
3.3 點源污染負荷調查 49
3.3.1 點源污染現場調查 49
3.3.2 調查地點 49
3.3.3 調查方法 53
3.4 非點源污染負荷調查 55
3.4.1 非點源污染現場調查 55
3.4.2 調查地點 56
3.4.3 調查方法 56
第四章 結果與討論 65
4.1 點源污染調查結果與推估 65
4.1.1 點源污染調查結果 65
4.1.2 流達污染量推估 66
4.1.3 點源污染負荷量之推估 68
4.2 非點源污染負荷調查結果與推估 70
4.2.1 降雨事件介紹 70
4.2.2 降雨事件之結果與討論 85
4.2.3 單位污染負荷推估 86
4.2.4 單位污染負荷推估結果 86
4.2.5 迴歸方式推算 90
4.2.6 年污染輸出量之估算 95
4.3 牡丹水庫污染來源分析 96
第五章 人工濕地之規劃設計 99
5.1 點源污染的削減策略 99
5.1.1 削減點源污染建議方案 108
5.1.2 評估一段式或二段式人工濕地削減點污染源之
5.1.3 目標區內設置人工濕地用地之說明……………….…..103
5.1.4 目標區之水質資料建立………………………………...103
5.1.5 目標區家庭污水基本水質之推估………………….…..104
5.2 人工濕地設計實例……………………………………………..104
5.2.1 以放流水標準設計一段式人工濕地……………….…..104
5.2.2 以放流水標準設計二段式人工濕地…………………...105
5.3 非點源污染方面…………………………………………..……108
5.3.1 規劃原則…………………………………………….…..108
5.3.2 多重處理系列概念…………………………..……….…109
5.3.3 多重處理之規劃設計……………………..………….…109
5.3.4 多重處理設計準則………………………………….…..111
5.3.5 集水區逕流量計算………………………………….…..113
5.3.6 實際案例之演算…………………………………….…..117
5.4 最佳管理作業成本估算………………………………………118
5.4.1 多重處理初期建照成本之規劃…………………….…..118
5.5 預估削減去除量………………………………………………120
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………….121
6.1 結論…………………………………………………….…121
6.2 建議…………………………………………………….…123
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