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研究生(外文):Kwun-lun Huang
論文名稱(外文):The study of gene expression induced by manganese of Deinococcus radiodurans
指導教授(外文):Jong-kang Liu
外文關鍵詞:two-dimensional electrophoresisproteomicsDeinococcus radiodurans
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耐輻射奇異球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans)是一株對輻射及抗紫外光具有高度抗性的細菌。由於二價錳離子(Mn2+)可誘導此菌產生Mn-CD效應,因此本研究是在不同溫度下以Mn2+誘導出各種不同生長期的耐輻射奇異球菌,再利用雙向膠體電泳(Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)來分析比對本菌基因表現出蛋白質的種類與數量之不同。結果顯示,錳離子確實會影響本菌整體蛋白的表現,隨著Mn-CD效應時間的增加,蛋白質表現的相似度也愈低,顯示出錳離子對基因的表現確實有所影響。確定有明顯被誘導出現的蛋白質共14個,其中5個與蛋白質和DNA的合成、分解有關,其餘還有ATP-binding cassette(ABC)transporter、superoxide dismutase[Mn]以及功能尚不明確的5個hypothetical proteins。此外,亦發現培養溫度會造成耐輻射奇異球菌的形態與生理的改變,過高溫度(37℃)會造成細胞生長障礙。而錳離子亦可以提高本菌在高溫環境下的生存能力。
Deinococcus radiodurans is a highly UV and radio resistant bacterium. The addition of Mn2+ could induce an Mn-CD effect in this bacterium. In this study, we used two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to compare and analyze the expressed-proteins under various growth conditions, such as temperature and the presence of Mn2+ or not. The results showed that Mn2+ could affect the similarity proteins expression. As the time of Mn-CD effect elapsed longer, the similarity of the proteins from different growth phages became lower. This indicated that Mn2+ indeed could induce or repress the gene expression. From the 2-D gel analysis, there were fourteen proteins had been induced or overexpressed. Five of them were the proteins with the functions for the synthesis and decomposition of proteins and DNA, others were ATP-binding cassette(ABC)transporter、superoxide dismutase[Mn], and the rest five were the hypothetical proteins with unclear function. In addition, this study also found that the cultivation temperatures caused conformational and physiological modification of the cell. The addition of Mn2+ could enhance the viability of the bacterium at higher temperature.
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