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研究生(外文):Cheng-ping Shih
論文名稱(外文):Supply Chain Management: Practices, Concerns, and Performance Issues- An Emperical Study
指導教授(外文):Tsuang Kuo
外文關鍵詞:performancepracticessupply chain managementconcerns
  • 被引用被引用:20
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With the development of globalized and liberalized economy, the work allocate becomes more precise and the product life cycle becomes shorter. For many firms, in a changing era and intense global competition environment, effective supply chain management can help organizations to achieve competitive advantage in facing future challenge.
This study was according to the Tan’s (2002) research on the supply chain management (SCM) with some measures modified from the viewpoint of actuality. 206 samples were collected. The objective of this study was to derive a set of SCM practices and to identify the major concerns in implementing a successful SCM program. This study also relates the practices and concerns to firm’s performance by means of correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
The major findings are: (1) identified 25 items of practices and 11 items of concerns that are critical for the successful SCM. (2) supply chain integrated, supply management, and strategy planning are significant correlation with performance. (3) different position has significant perception difference in performance; customer service quality has the most significant perception difference in each demographic variables.
謝 詞 --------------------------------------------------------- 一
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------- 二
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------- 三
目 錄 --------------------------------------------------------- 四
表 次 --------------------------------------------------------- 六
圖 次 --------------------------------------------------------- 七

第一章�Z緒論 --------------------------------------------------- 1
�Z第一節�Z研究背景 --------------------------------------------- 1
�Z第二節�Z研究動機 --------------------------------------------- 2
�Z第三節�Z研究目的 --------------------------------------------- 3
�Z第四節�Z研究對象 --------------------------------------------- 3
�Z第五節�Z研究流程 --------------------------------------------- 3
�Z第六節�Z論文架構 --------------------------------------------- 5
第二章�Z文獻探討 ----------------------------------------------- 7
�Z第一節�Z供應鏈 ----------------------------------------------- 7
�Z第二節�Z供應鏈管理-------------------------------------------- 10
第三節 供應鏈管理實務---------------------------------------- 13
第四節 供應鏈管理成功關鍵因素-------------------------------- 24
第五節 績效衡量---------------------------------------------- 30

第三章�Z研究方法 ----------------------------------------------- 36
�Z第一節�Z研究架構 --------------------------------------------- 36
�Z第二節�Z量表設計 --------------------------------------------- 42
�Z第三節�Z量表測試 --------------------------------------------- 45
�Z第四節�Z問卷調查 --------------------------------------------- 45
�Z第五節�Z資料建立 --------------------------------------------- 46
�Z第六節�Z統計分析---------------------------------------------- 48

第四章�Z資料分析與討論 ----------------------------------------- 50
�Z第一節�Z信度分析 --------------------------------------------- 50
�Z第二節�Z相關分析 --------------------------------------------- 50
第三節�Z敘述統計 --------------------------------------------- 55
�Z第四節�Z因素分析 --------------------------------------------- 57
�Z第五節�Z路徑分析---------------------------------------------- 69
第六節 控制變數對績效表現的影響------------------------------ 71

第五章�Z結論與建議 --------------------------------------------- 77
�Z第一節�Z研究結論 --------------------------------------------- 77
�Z第二節�Z研究限制 --------------------------------------------- 79
第三節 後續研究建議 ----------------------------------------- 79
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------ 80

附錄一 Tan(1998a)研究問卷 ----------------------------------- 92
附錄二 Tan(2002)研究問卷------------------------------------- 94
附錄三 本研究問卷---------------------------------------------- 96

作者簡歷 ----------------------------------------------------- 100
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