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研究生(外文):Yi-pei Li
論文名稱(外文):A study of auto-parts industry''s internationalization, knowledge management and organizational innovation
指導教授(外文):Hsien-tang TsaiChang-Chiang Chin
外文關鍵詞:Organizational InnovationAuto-Parts IndustryMulti-National CompanyKnowledge ManagementValue Chain
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Due to the trend of globalization, Auto-parts industry in Taiwan is facing the challenge of market liberalized and global car companies’ tactical regroup that cause the structural readjustment.
In order to maintain market competitive capacity, Auto-parts companies in Taiwan head into internationalization gradually and set up overseas subsidiaries in different investing types, creating so-called multi-national enterprises. The overseas subsidiaries will not only present their different tactical missions they should undertake that are different from their headquarter’s during expanding market share, but also play different roles in monolithic value chain. Under internationalized operation, how to keep track of transcendental international knowledge-management tactics and generate innovative motivity continuously will be a great challenge to reputed traditional industry- Auto-parts in the future.
Through questionnaire-inquire method, this research reports explore the connection of the knowledge management and the ability of organization innovation in Auto-parts industry. Adding the view of internationalized tactics to search the above influence of otherness in order to find out the most optimum international knowledge-management operation mode.
After this research is studied and verified, the main points of it as follows:
1. The analysis of otherness: This research points out that the level of internationalization to the Auto-parts firms does not cause any notable difference in knowledge management and organization innovation.
2. Influential analysis: In the part of affection of knowledge management to organization innovation, this research notes that other variable of knowledge management to management innovation and technology innovation exists positive connection aside from knowledge management tactics. The “learning culture” is the most forecasting factor to management innovation and technology innovation. Besides, both “knowledge-supporting information system” and “knowledge-transfer advancement” get marked forecasting to the management innovation of Auto-parts industry. “Multinational-integration-knowledge innovation” has notable forecasting to technology management. Only value-chain-activity causes influence in variable to the part of knowledge management and organization innovation in internationalized tactics.
The research to Auto-parts industry remarks that learning culture, knowledge-supporting information system, knowledge-transfer advancement and multinational-integration-knowledge innovation enable knowledge management to create positive affection in organization innovation. Thus, as my suggestion, enterprises have to get the effort in cultivating learning culture, establishing knowledge-supporting information system, advancing knowledge transfer and using the method of integration to create knowledge.
目 錄
論文提要 iv
摘 要 v
Abstract vi
誌謝詞 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第四節 研究範圍 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 企業國際化 5
第二節 知識管理 13
第三節 組織創新 31
第四節 知識管理和組織創新的關係 34
第五節 汽車零件業 38
第三章 研究設計 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第二節 研究假設 46
第三節 問卷設計與計分方式 46
第四節 因素分析與信度分析 48
第五節 相關統計分析方法 55
第四章 汽車零件業之實證資料分析 57
第一節 研究變項之描述性統計分析 57
第二節 國際化在知識管理與組織創新上的差異分析 63
第三節 國際化、知識管理與組織創新之相關分析 71
第四節 知識管理對組織創新之廻歸分析 78
第五節 研究發現 80
第五章 結論與建議 83
第一節 結論 83
第二節 管理意涵與貢獻 86
第三節 研究建議 88
參考文獻 91
一、中文部份 91
二、英文部份 93
三、網站部份 98
附錄一 問卷 99
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