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研究生(外文):Sen-Fang Chang
論文名稱(外文):D-optimal designs for weighted polynomial regression - a functional-algebraic approach
指導教授(外文):Fu-Chuen Chang
外文關鍵詞:weighted polynomial regression.recursive algorithmTaylor seriesrational functionapproximate D-optimal designmatriximplicit function theorem
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This paper is concerned with the problem of computing theapproximate D-optimal design for polynomial regression with weight function w(x)>0 on the design interval I=[m_0-a,m_0+a]. It is shown that if w''(x)/w(x) is a rational function on I and a is close to zero, then the problem of constructing D-optimal designs can be transformed into a differential equation problem leading us to a certain matrix including a finite number of auxiliary unknown constants, which can be approximated by a Taylor expansion. We provide a recursive algorithm to compute Taylor expansion of these constants. Moreover, the D-optimal
interior support points are the zeros of a polynomial which has coefficients that can be computed from a linear system.
1. Introduction...........................................1
2. The differential equation..............................2
3. Taylor expansion.......................................5
4. Examples...............................................7
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