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研究生(外文):Shin-kuan Chou
論文名稱(外文):On the Pilot Arrangement for Channel Estimation in Modified MT-CDMA System
指導教授(外文):Chih-peng Li
外文關鍵詞:pilotchannel estimation
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The fourth generation cellular mobile communication system in the future needs to provide high data rate transmissions. Multi-Tone CDMA (MT-CDMA) system combines the advantages of CDMA and OFDM, and it is one of the promising choices for the fourth cellular mobile communication system. In order to raise the performance, we amend MT-CDMA named Modified MT-CDMA. We use different pilot arrangement in different channel to enhance the channel estimation of system.
The receiver architecture includes a baseband signal detection and a channel estimation. We use a pilot symbol to estimation the channel. In this thesis, we make a study of pilot arrangement on different channel estimation performance of system. We use Least Square estimation(LS)、linear interpolation、spline interpolation、FFT/IFFT interpolation and spline interpolation combine FFT/IFFT algorithm to estimate the system performance.
第一章 導論..................................................................................................................1
第二章OFDM 簡介......................................................................................................3
2.2. DFT OFDM架構………………………………………………………..6
2.2 OFDM系統架構..............................................................................................7
2.3 OFDM的特性..................................................................................................9
2.3.1 防護區間………………………………………………………………9
2.3.2 OFDM正交性……………………………………………………...…11
2.3.3 OFDM優缺點………………………………………………………...12
2.4 OFDM系統參數設定..................................................................................13
第三章 通道估測技術................................................................................................15
3.1.1共用領航通道(Common Pilot Channel,CPICH)...............................17
3.1.2上傳通道估測器(Uplink Channel Estimator).......................................19
3.1.3下傳通道估測器(Downlink Channel Estimator)..................................24 3.2估測理論........................................................................................................28
3.2.2最小變異數方法(Minimum Variance Criterion).................................29
3.3.1 WCDMA系統通道估測......................................................................31 簡單平均法(Simple Average).......................................................31 線性內插法(Linear Interpolation)…………………………........33 適應性濾波器中的Wiener Filter法...........................................34 Weighted Multi-Slot Averaging (WMSA)..................................35
3.3.2 IEEE 802.11a OFDM系統通道估測………………………………..36 頻率領域之通道估測…………………………………………..38 時間領域之通道估測…………………………………………..39
第四章 改良式多調分碼多重接取系統之通道估測...............................................44
4.3.1 最小平方法(Least Square,LS) .................................................50
4.3.2 ㄧ階線性內插法...............................................................................53 4.3.3 Spline內插法.....................................................................................54
4.3.4 ㄧ階離散型傅立葉轉換............................................................55
第五章 模擬結果........................................................................................................59
5.1 多重路徑衰減通道模型………………………………………………….59
5.2 模擬結果.....................................................................................................60
第六章 結論................................................................................................................86
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