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研究生(外文):Meng-Fen Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of visual and auditory Signals in FMCS on System Performance
指導教授(外文):Sheue-Ling Hwang
外文關鍵詞:warning displaycontrol devicesupervisor
  • 被引用被引用:6
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即時監控緊急防危警示系統(Facilities Management Control System 簡稱FMCS)對於半導體業生產安全扮演不可忽視的角色,稍有差池便會造成嚴重損失甚至不可彌補的傷害。即時監控緊急防危警示系統(FMCS)係一套結合生產系統、電子資料庫和環境監控,以電腦視、聽覺顯示為安全監控的警示系統,專用於提供監控者狀況偵測、狀況顯示、狀況確認並評估及對緊急事件的管理與支援。


本研究之目的即在探討系統警報呈現與監控人員之反應,將現場因素及人因工程納入介面設計考量,針對現行系統警報訊號之視、聽覺顯示及操控方式提出改善,此外,基於考量使用者操作便利,加強安全監控,本研究採直接操弄原則,另增設熱鍵(hot key)操控,使每一個操控選項皆能在第一時間被監控者操控及反應,以達增進系統功能與提高監控員績效之目的。
Facilities Management Control System (FMCS)is the most important system for the semiconductor industrial safety, because any unexpected accident may result in the deadly damage. Facilities Management Control System(FMCS) is a system that includes production system, electronic database and environment monitor. The FMCS is monitored by the video display, which assists supervisor on the situation detection, checking and evaluation.
Visual and auditory channels are the major medium for information transmission and communication. The auditory warning display is suitable for most monitoring tasks, especially for the heavy loading and complex working environment. Brief verbal display is helpful for the warning communication and human responding. Too long time operation, visual or auditory fatigue often causes information lost and mistakes in the VDT working station. Therefore, the designs of the human-system interface will affect judgment and response time.
The purpose of this paper is to study the warning display and supervisor’s response. Additionally, this paper also includes the principle of human factor design and environment factor in order to improve the effects of visual and auditory displays, control method of exist system. By the way, the paper use the principle of direct manipulation to setup a hotkey device to make every item to be controlled immediately. It will enhance personal performance and increase the function of this system.
  The first step of this paper is to evaluate the visual and auditory warning displays of the current system. After evaluation, two stages of the experiment were designed to find out the optimal video display and control method. The independent variables include auditory warning display, control method and item arrangement. The dependent variables include reaction time and number of error. The results indicated that new design of auditory warning display was effective on the primary monitoring performance. Visual plus audio warning is the best way for high mental workload and complex condition. Applying the principle of direct manipulation to setup a hotkey and wireless control panel as the control device can improve supervisor’s detection ability, response speed and accuracy to a warning signal. According to the experimental results and supervisor’s demand, some design suggestions of human interface and future research directions are proposed. It is expected this paper can be applied to design of warning signal display for other similar monitory systems.
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