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論文名稱(外文):Human Resource Management Problems in Changing Environment: A Case Study of IC Equipment Engineering Departments.
外文關鍵詞:equipment engineerworking environmentencourage
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1. 詳述個案公司有關設備工程師管理之現狀。
2. 分析個案公司設備工程師面臨之問題,作為改善方案之參考基礎。
3. 個案分結果,提出本研究對個案之建議,其能作為改善其設備工程師招募與留才之問題。
4. 說明本研究的限制、結論以及對學術與實務的貢獻,最後提出後續相關進一步的研究方向。
In today’s high tech world, we face a competed working environment. In semiconductor industry, the duty of semiconductor equipment engineers is to keep semiconductor production machines working properly and consistently. The article is investigating about how to motivate semiconductor engineers in challenge working environment, and what is the strategy for semiconductor companies to encourage their employees in today’s rapid changing world.
Due to the education level rise up, the demanding of today’s employees also increase. How to increase the diversity of the job content, provide different challenges to each semiconductor engineers, and create great visions for engineers with their current position, it’s the most crucial issue to the equipment managers & HR department of current semiconductor companies.
1. The current situation of management way of equipment engineers for Case Study Company.
2. Analysis the problem which the engineers meeting in case study company, as the basement of improvement proposal.
3. Due to the former analysis result, provide the proposal for the case study Company. To improvement the situations that keep engineers stay in their position and recruit new hires
4. The limitation, conclusion and realistic contribution of this research, and the direction for further study
第一章. 緒論
1.1.研究背景與動機 ..........................................1
1.2.研究範圍與目 .............................................4
1.3.論文架構 .................................................5

第二章. 文獻探討
2.1.影響高科技產業離職率因素 ................................................7
2.2.職位評價 .................................................10
2.3.辭職員工類型 .............................................10
2.4.員工三次離職高潮期 .......................................11
2.5.組織生命週期與人力資源管理關聯 .......................................11
2.6.企業活動委外 .............................................12
2.7.本章小結 ..........................................................................16

第三章. 個案背景敘述
3.1. 設備工作職掌定義 ............................................................19
3.2. 設備工作生態 ..................................................................21
3.3.設備工作情境轉變 ........................................ 30

第四章. 個案分析與應用
4.1. 內、外部環境因素 .........................................33
4.2 訪談 ...............................................................................34
4.3 工程師工作困難點分析 .......................................................36

第五章. 研究建議方案
5.1心理需求 .........................................................................39
5.2內部現行設備工作未來規劃 .................................................43
5.3主管給予之激勵 ................................................................47

第六章. 研究結論與未來發展方向

6.1高學歷政策 ................................................50
6.2相關產業是否面臨人力資源不足的問題 .......................51
6.3配套措施 ..................................................51
參考文獻 ....................................................................52
中文部分 .................................................................................52
英文部分 .................................................................................53

第一章. 緒論
表 1.1. 全球專業晶圓代工銷售排名 .............................2
圖 1.1. 半導體產業與光電產業就業員工成長趨勢 .................3
圖 1.2. 本研究流程圖 ..........................................5
第二章. 文獻探討
表2.1. 工作滿意相關理論 ......................................9
圖 2.1. 競爭優勢與委外風險......................................................14
第三章. 個案背景敘述
表 3.1 現行設備工程師工作職掌 ................................................20
第四章. 個案分析與應用
圖 4.1. 設備工程師工作困難點分析 ............................................38
第五章. 研究建議方案
圖 5.1. 設備工作分析與人力計劃 ...............................................41
圖 5.2. 設備工程師工作分析與改善 ............................................44
表5.1工程師未來職務考量建議 .................................45
表5.2助理工程師未來職務考量建議 .............................46
表5.3助理工程師正面及負面影響分析 ...........................46

附錄 A. 設備間接人員職等定義與條件 ........................55
附錄 B. 設備工程師工作訪談結果整理 ........................57
附錄 C. 設備工程師工作分析與問題反映問卷 ..................59
附錄 D. 設備工程師工作分析與問題反映問卷結果資料分析(1) ...61
附錄 E. 設備工程師工作分析與問題反映問卷結果資料分析(2) ...64
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