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研究生(外文):Pan long-te
論文名稱(外文):Study on Silver Nanoparticle-S-layer Composites
外文關鍵詞:S-layer fractionDeinococcus radiodurans
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本研究藉由化學的沉澱法將銀放置於2D的生物模板上以形成銀薄膜。而我們所使用的生物模板是Deinococcus radiodurans的SLFF (S-layer fraction film),是Deinococcus radiodurans與外界接觸的最外兩層生物膜,其具有特殊的物理和化學性質。利用SLF (S-layer fraction)表面上的化學還原力還原奈米銀顆粒,促使奈米銀顆粒聚集並還原於SLF上,形成2D結構的奈米銀膜。我們藉由UV/VIS spectrometry來檢查在SLF上奈米銀顆粒形成的過程。且利用TEM來展現出在SLF上分散的奈米銀顆粒其外觀型態,並發現可以利用反應時間的長短控制其平均粒徑大小。同時,我們藉由fluorescent microscope、confocal microscope以及 Photoluminescence來觀察奈米銀膜本身的多樣性的發光性質。
Here we report a method which uses chemical deposition of silver nanoparticles on the biological template. These templates we use in all experiments are films inclusive of SLFF (S-layer fraction film) extracted from Deinococcus radiodurans RT3. The S-layer fraction film of Deinococcus radiodurans RT3 contacts directly to its environment and has unique physical and chemical properties. Taking advantage of the chemical property of S-layer fraction film surface, we can reduce the silver ions to nanoparticles, then attach the nanoparticles on the biological templates and form a silver film. We use UV/VIS spectrometer to monitor the formation of silver nanoparticles. Besides, we also use transmission electron microscopy to observe the distribution of nanoparticles size of different reaction time. Meanwhile, we use fluorescent microscope、confocal microscope and photoluminescence to observe varieties and emissive property of the silver nano-films.
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