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研究生(外文):Pak-Kwong Shieh
論文名稱(外文):Tera-Hertz Response of Si Nanoparticles
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chung Chi
外文關鍵詞:THzthin filmnano particles
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我們用鈦:藍寶石鎖模雷射(Mode-locked Ti:Sapphire Laser),波長為800nm,經啾頻脈衝放大(Chirped Pulse Amplification)後,脈衝寬度為130fs的雷射脈衝,激發一個二階非線性晶體(ZnTe),並利用電光取樣(Electro-Optic Sampling)得到THz脈衝強度與時間分布,得到約2.5THz的電磁輻射。
我們在THz經過的路徑上,罩上一壓克力盒,灌入氮氣將相對溼度降到15%以下,可明顯減少水氣造成的吸收(在1.1THz、1.4THz、1.7THz和2.2THz等波段的吸收),分別通過矽粒子尺寸為7nm、20nm和30nm所聚成的團塊所堆積的薄膜樣品,團塊大小約為1~2μm,先利用多重反射的薄膜公式來計算薄膜介電常數,再利用等效介質理論(effective-medium theory)求得粉末真實的介電常數,比較粒子尺寸對介電常數的影響,我們發現基板(Si)的摻雜特性對我們量測在低頻(~0.6THz)會有影響,矽奈米粒子的堆積會影響其表面氧化的程度,也會使介電常數發生變化,由實驗數據可看出在粒子尺寸從30nm到20nm,在介電常數虛數部分有增大的變化。
In the thesis, we used a Mode-locked Ti:Sapphire Laser and a ZnTe crystal to generate Tera-Hertz radiation. By purged with nitrogen in a Teflon box, the absorption of water vapor can be reduce (in 1.1THz、1.4THz、1.7THz and 2.2THz). We have measure the transmission THz time domain spectroscopy of silicon nano-particles size of 7nm、20nm and 30nm.The effective medium theory and the calculation of thin film be used to estimate the sample. The doped of wafers for the samples will affect the accuracy of data. The oxidation of sample could influence the dielectric constant and absorption. From the data, we found the absorption of 20nm and 7nm particles size samples is larger than 30nm particles size sample.
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