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研究生(外文):Chun-Liang Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Applications of Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond Films for High Energy Radiation Dose Measurements
外文關鍵詞:CVD diamondradiation doseTLD
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近年來,醫學界應用高能輻射進行診斷與醫療,劑量標準定義為空氣克馬及水中的吸收劑量,由於水在人體中占70%,因此可把水等效於人體。醫學界於水吸收劑量量測時,要利用經鈷-60標準場進行校正的腔型游離腔,再將游離腔置於假體中量測高能輻射場的電荷量,利用AAPM 21或AAPM 51號議定書之運算,即可得到人體中之劑量。
對於以化學氣相沉積法(Chemical Vapour Deposition)產生的CVD鑽石薄膜(CVD Diamond films),其熱發光的輝光曲線及其動力學的特性,已有多位研究人員發表其研究成果,並以電腦程式擬合熱發光曲線,利用電腦程式的運算可明確的分辨游離輻射及干擾的各種光源。但是在實際的應用上必須將得到的輝光曲線存入電腦中,將資料的格式轉換後再利用擬合程式進行分析,才能計讀出輻射劑量。因此,本論文研究的主軸在使用CVD鑽石薄膜作為高能輻射的劑量量測工具,並找出與現行的熱發光劑量計計讀模式相似的量測方法,利用各單位現在的設備即可進行相關的研究。由於CVD鑽石薄膜以碳原子為主,其原子序數為6與水的平均原子序數7.4相近,故可視為一等效組織材料,在吸收劑量的量測上非常方便。實驗結果證實與游離腔量測的絕對劑量或劑量曲線的差異約在±10%左右,顯示CVD鑽石薄膜量測高能輻射劑量的實用性。
Recently, high energy radiation has been used for medical diagnosis and treatment, and the standard dosimetry is defined as air kerma and absorbed dose to water. Because human’s body contains 70% water, so it can be assumed that body is water equivalent. To measure the absorbed dose to water in medical radiation oncology, an ion chamber calibrated with colbat-60 irradiation is used together with a phantom to measure the electric charge after being exposed to high energy radiation, and then according to AAPM No.21 or No.51,the human’s body dose can be calculated.
Many research workers have investigated the glow curve and dynamic of CVD diamond film fabricated with chemical vapour deposition methods(CVD method), and they have also used computer code for glow curve fitting and identification of the light source interference from radiation. In practice, the glow curve must be analyzed by computer, in order to obtain the dose. This work is to study CVD diamond as a tool for radiation dosimetry, and to find the reading modular similar to TLD which can then be used in laboratories. The main component of CVD diamond film is carbon, its atomic number is 6 which is close the mean atomic number of 7.4 for water, it can be used as a tissue equivalent material, and is convenient to measure absorbed dose to water. Results of experiment show that the difference between absolute dose measured and dose profile obtained is about ±10%. The CVD diamond is a practical material for high-energy radiation measurements.
摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
謝誌 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 氣相沉積鑽石晶片介紹 3
第三章 輻射劑量標準 10
第四章 量測設備及方法 32
第五章 結果與討論 38
第六章 結論 59
參考文獻 63
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